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Everything posted by Katharis

  1. Well I never been to Ilum But I've been to Tatooine Say the wampas are insane there And you know they will infect you They don't respect you Always gonna chase you That's just what they do
  2. These Czerka Airlift Insoles make me feel like I'm walking on air!
  3. My Gunslinger wanted me to ask, so, well, I asked.
  4. PVP in space, either using our character's ships or 'snub' fighters. Team space missions. Also, PVE servers.
  5. OP - your pain, I feel it. All my characters jump off the balcony in House Organa instead of walking back down all those confounded stairs. What, Alderaan is too cheap to afford elevators? I bet they don't even have indoor plumbing! Stupid Alderaanians. Alderaanites? Alderaanicans?
  6. 2. Good and bad. The first PC game I bought, back in 1994, was Dungeon Hack. Whee. The games from that era that I remember most fondly: the X-wing/TIE Fighter games, and Privateer. I started playing online with the MechWarrior series (II and IV). In 2005 I played my first MMO-style game: Guild Wars. From there I went on to City of Heroes, which was my #1 game until last year (I hates me some Incarnate stuff, along with other recent developments). Along the way Ive played: Everquest II, Lord of the Rings Online, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Age of Conan, Rift, and DC Universe Online. The only game to which I am presently subscribed is Star Wars The Old Republic. I have had mass quantities of fun playing so far, but various and sundry small 'burr under the saddle' type things are beginning to take their toll. Most anticipated MMO: The Secret World.
  7. If we could have a space in our names, problem solved! Unfortunately... And most of the MMOs with which I am familiar DO allow first and last names: Guild Wars (where I believe it was actually a requirement), LOTRO, City of Heroes, Champions Online, Star Trek Online. The only other one I know of that doesn't is Age of Conan. I played Rift, but I can't remember how it was there... ah, looking at my screenshots, evidently not. Anyway, I don't understand why Bioware chose to do naming like this in a Star Wars game - how many Star Wars characters don't have first and last names? - but I guess we're stuck with it. Like it or lump it, as they saying goes. I will never like it, so... Unleash the Lumps of Boo! We ride!
  8. About that... Denova? Star Trek has a planet called Deneva. Maybe a little too close?
  9. You mean like... Luke Binks Han Binks Leia Binks Obi-Wan Binks Boba Binks (rather like that one) Mace Binks Wedge Binks Jar Jar <The Binks Legacy> Oops, forget that last one. Can't do a name like 'Jar Jar'. That crazy Gungan, always gotta be the rebel.
  10. The choice I do not have is the choice to give my non-related alts different last names. Luke Skywalker Han Solo Leia Organa Boba Fett Lando Calrissian Wedge Antilles Obi-Wan Kenobi Bib Fortuna Mace Windu
  11. I know this will likely not be well-received, but in the original Guild Wars, once a character had reached a Town/Outpost, that character could go back to that Town/Outpost by opening the world map and clicking the map icon for that Town/Outpost. Poof! Head 'em Off at the Pass I: Yes, we can use Quick Travel. But why does it need a cooldown? What purpose does that cooldown actually serve? Head 'em Off at the Pass II: Yes, we have a taxi system. While I do think the taxi system here is better than the one in LOTRO (some of those pony rides just go ever on and on... and on and on... and on and on...) still, some of ours here feel like they take considerably more than, you know, 12 parsecs. Head 'em Off at the Pass III: Yes, some of the landscapes in this game are awe-inspiring and beautiful, but once you've seen them a few dozen times, some of the awe begins to wear off... Anyway, that's what I'd like to see in more MMOs (not just this one): Less unnecessary travel time. NB4: Go back to GW! PS: Who else just jumps down to the main floor in House Organa?
  12. Yes, it does say all characters can benefit. It also says "...when you're playing any member of that family you earn experience points for your Legacy tree."
  13. "In terms of game systems we're releasing the full Legacy system. It's a system that really benefits players who like to play alts - instead of having characters who have no relation to each other you can create a family, and when you're playing any member of that family you earn experience points for your Legacy tree." So disappointing. I am all about playing alts, but this does not 'benefit' me at all. Quite the opposite, as I *DO NOT WANT* my alts to be members of a 'family'. I want them to be altogether different and individual characters. With different names. Damn it. Boo, Bioware. Boo.
  14. Po-tae-to, po-tah-to, to-mae-to, to-mah-to, let's call the whole thing off! What I don't understand is the hate for the term. It's just another way of saying avatar, character, whatever. I like it. It sounds better (to my ear) than 'char', which I would read as, you know, CHAR. As in, to burn something. But no biggie. Let's have ice cream! I like vanilla with slices of banana and chocolate syrup.
  15. They serve the same purpose/fulfill the same function/quack like a duck. A ZOMBIE duck, that is.
  16. Your pain, I feel it. Here's hoping update 1.2 will be titled 'Sands of the Sand People'.
  17. Consular/Sage 39 Smuggler/Gunslinger 30 Imperial Agent/Operative 18 Trooper/Vanguard 14 Sith Warrior 10 Sith Inquisitor 4 Jedi Knight 3 Bounty Hunter 1
  18. It threw me for a second as well, but it's actually not a boo boo. He's referring to what he stated in the previous sentence - the 'extreme speculation' part, which is what doesn't help rational informed discussion.
  19. You can try soaking, you can try scrubbing, but only the Dark Side has the power to remove... RING AROUND THE COLLAR!
  20. Denova? Sounds too much like Deneva. Let's hope it won't have flying neural fried eggs.
  21. This happened to me yesterday while playing my Gunslinger. I wasn't quite that close, but the datacrons were just over the next rise from where the balloon went POOF. I sent in a ticket. Whee. Worked fine a few weeks ago for my Consular.
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