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Everything posted by Maurdiib

  1. So it was stupid for Blizzard to patch Starcraft: Broodwar before people were making money off of it at tournaments? Right, because, how could anyone possibly know whether something is too strong or too weak if they don't play at the "pro" level? I also think we need more fluff instead of substance from Bioware at this time. I'd better see every color lightsaber under the visible spectrum with it's black variant to boot, before anyone even hints at fixing PvP. Edit: On the contrary, sir, it would be stupid for Bioware to have ranked anything before fixing the enormous gaps regarding PvP. All that would happen is more "competitive" players tired of HUGE balance issues would unsub and not come back. Why do you think ranked WZs weren't included in 1.2? My whole Guild is gone; 50 "competitive" players gone for good because the PvP dev team hasn't really done a noteworthy thing. Boy I just love sitting on the Fleet for hours trying to get a daily together for a flashpoint. I love how the population has steadily declined since December. PLEASE JUST IGNORE ALL THE POSTS AND DATA REGARDING TREMENDOUS CLASS IMBALANCES. THAT IS ALL.
  2. I still find it painstakingly frustrating that there are still innumerable players who still think there's nothing wrong with PvP and that there aren't class imbalances.
  3. Maurdiib

    PVP is Broken

    More specifically I feel the ability for the DPS classes to sustain better than Tanks in regards to healing is what hinders PvP. Those who take advantage of these OP classes tell us to use interrupts. Well Force Kick only comes around every 3 seconds, and every 3 seconds an Operative can heal 1/4 of their health.
  4. I think you bring up a very valid point. The new warzone is definitely closer to what you want I feel. For me it's refreshingly new, but I've only gotten once out of like 15 queues.
  5. Maurdiib

    PVP is Broken

    I've taken my time to carefully watch what goes on in Warzones. I've posted various, very lengthy threads regarding fundamental issues with the PvP aspect of the game. I want to reiterate some key points. PvP is obviously flawed, and it's definitely in the favor of the Imperial classes at this time (largely so; and it has been since before launch). The different classes mirroring the Republic's have much more useful, more thought out skill trees. All the classes on the Imperial faction are either more tanky, more efficient at damage output, or a combination of the two. -The Powertech is still flat out broken. -Sorc lightning far out-shines telekinesis. -Huttball is designed in favor of the imperial ranged dps classes, i.e. sniper and merc. The Powertech can both jump to and pull opponents. Lastly, I've been saying for a while now that the Bolster system is inherently flawed. In a nutshell, it gives ranged DPS classes around the same survivability as melee tank classes at/near the same character level. This is a problem because tanks and dpsers have around the same health, armor, etc, but drastically different damage output capabilities. I truly think anyone who doesn't agree or even see some of these imbalances in the slightest are either inexperienced with computer gaming in general or flat out refuse to have their face-roll classes tampered with, in the off chance they will no longer get to farm kills with great ease.
  6. Maurdiib


    Just because they don't burst AS much as they used to a month ago doesn't mean they are no longer broken. Powertechs are still a 100% faceroll class and make winning the Voidstar virtually impossible if playing as Rep. I know entire guilds of (the top on their servers) incredibly strong PvPers who unsubbed and left the game for good simply because of the incredible imbalance regarding the Powertech.A whole team of level 50's geared out to the nines couldn't take on one Powertech with a shred of skill a month ago. I'm sure it's still the same. In pre-50 WZ's it sill is. Forget all this talk about Marauders, Powertechs are still the most OP class in the game.
  7. Hi there I'm a Jedi Guardian and I was wondering when will I be given a real lightsaber instead of this plastic one I wave around. Also, will I ever actually be able to tank? Yuh know....given some CC, more than ONE cleanse (that's on a 90 second cool down if you invested a skill point in it)... I wish I could get into these discussions of class imbalances and FOTM etc etc....but as it is, the Jedi Guardian is not a real class. I've been playing my Guardian since launch and with all these game updates the feel get's more dull and less threatening. My level 21 Shadow is more useful in WZ's. "Want to play a Jedi Guardian? Sure, here's 30 lackluster abilities essential to prolonging survival that you must have hot-keyed. Make sure you spend all your time acquiring the best possible gear for each few levels or so because, well, despite being a tank class you're still going to be less tanky than the DPS classes in WZ's, and your damage output is so bad PvEing on your lonesome takes 4x as long. Also, have fun trying to hold aggro in Flashpoints, because well, we've giving you two taunts." The story line is amazing though.
  8. Could I please get some input on this matter?
  9. Hi there, I just received some mail titled "Legacy Item Reward" but I cannot open it due to the following error message: "Message could not be sent - reason unknown." Is this a well known issue?
  10. It probably has more to do with the meticulous attention to details in order to come off as intellectual. Either way, I'm a fan boy (of starwars) and I approve of your post.
  11. Again the same can be said about anyone who would want something hanging on their wall in the first place...why would anyone who has the slightest interest in hunting memorabilia be interested in trophies obtained by another hunter?
  12. Then what is the point of hunting trophies?
  13. Hey everyone, how are you all doing? I'd like to address an incredibly huge frustration I am having with the Gift Items at this moment. I've been playing on my Jedi Shadow alt, and decided to buy a bunch of companion gifts for Qyzen Fess with my main and mail them over. My issue is this: Qyzen Fess, being a hunter, naturally should like hunting trophies as gifts -along with weapons,etc. For some reason, hunting trophies yield 0 affection....NONE. This is 100% complete, full-throttle nonsense. I fail to see any logical reason why this is so... Normally I wouldn't be so bothered by this, however, I made a logical, rational speculation (albeit a speculation, nonetheless having sound logic behind it) figuring a HUNTER would welcome HUNTING trophies as gifts and bought enough to fill Jabba's Sail Barge. I'm not asking for a refund, I'm not gonna unsubscribe. Obviously I'm going to figure out something to do with this collection of trophies even Mandalore would be proud of. All I'm saying is, what the heck... If there is some sort of reasoning behind this I'm overlooking because it's so soberingly obvious, please enlighten me. Edit: I mean for Yoda's sake, I can get even SOME affection gains by giving random crap to Kira that doesn't relate in any way to any interest she has...but I get NOTHING from giving Qyzen something he should like very much.
  14. The player I was supposed to be defending the western turret with went up on the cliff, went into stealth, and crafted the whole game. When I got pissed after I got ambushed by three Imps and died, he told me to quit QQing and L2p. I don't understand why no in-game moderator exists to oversee things like this. People who exploit other players or systems in the game should be perma-banned.
  15. "Don't act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren't on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the pants they sent you!"
  16. Maurdiib

    Risk vs Reward

    I don't really agree with those ideas. Personally, I'd like to see the following in the very near future: -World PvP and WZ stat tracking; kills, deaths, etc, etc., but separate pages for the World and WZ pvp. -Scale down the 220k defence turrets and guards at the entrances to every faction location. What's the point of having open world PvP if you can't attack enemy towns/cities unless your level 50 and with level 40-50 friends? -Last but not least, and also the most obvious: rewards for killing enemies on the worlds you encounter them. I shouldn't even have to be mentioning this.... "Oh yeah we are gonna have a great WPvP experience available to all! On the off chance you find someone questing in the wilderness, you can kill them!"
  17. 1-2 attacks huh? And you tell him to learn class mechanics before he....*sigh*.
  18. Obviously no one here has played a Jedi Guardian yet...
  19. I actually hate to admit this, but now that I'm getting closer to 50, and finding myself playing WZs more, the game is starting to feel unplayable.
  20. "I was not elected to watch my pants suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!"
  21. Bioware regarding the obvious broken PvP due to obviously OP Empire classes: "Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal. Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you? Uh, uh... negative, negative. We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Large leak, very dangerous."
  22. Good to know. I think I'll start going to group talks to help my recovery.
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