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Everything posted by Fdzzaigl

  1. I rage quit 1 match in the past 2 months. Because I spent the first 5 minutes of that particular huttball match in various stages of being stunned, rooted, snared, knocked into random places and whatever. And I don't mean the regular stuff, I mean the stuff where 2 Juggs are simply waiting for you specifically while your team is no where to be seen (as people quit after the first minute and kept quitting afterwards, so there were effectively 2 active players or so on our team) using repeated intimidating roar, force choke, knockback, whatever to piss the hell out of you while a couple of sorcs rooted you. They could've won that match 6-0 easily but kept artificially stretching it out just to piss the few active people off in some form of stunlocking competition. After a bad evening and a headache I had had enough. And I definitely don't feel sorry for it.
  2. It is very likely that someone on their team left and a new player joined just as the match ended, therefore he got all 0's. This has happened a lot to me (everyone who was in the match at some point is displayed). As for 7 people: I've also seen it happen. In my case, it was because someone had teamed up with a group and a person had left that group as the queue went.
  3. Did you miss the term "averaging"? There are plenty E-peen threads around where you can find such numbers for any class out there.
  4. 5 months ago I tried getting people to fight next to the door panel on Voidstar. "Remember guys, fight near the yellow door panel!" "Profess your undying love for the yellow door panel!" And of course, convince them that reports are a good thing. Now I just shut up mostly.
  5. I get 400k+ regularly, I get 600k+ like 1-2 times in a week, I've gotten 700k+ a handful of times (playing PuG's). I almost always top the charts, I almost always outdo other DPS vanguards / PT's present, so no, it ain't me. Vanguards do a lot of damage, yes, too much even, but then I am of the opinion that the general TTK is simply way too low across the board. At least half the games I play end with the top damage being no more than 300k, a significant percentage of games end with the top damage being around 200k. In many games, the total amount of damage done by my team doesn't even come close to 700k. So averaging 700k? No way, unless you play ranked with solely healbot teams vs healbot teams. Yeah, such crap they've got on them /rollseyes This keybind crap, on the other hand, is just people being full of it. Rotation =/= difficulty. I have a Vanguard, Gunslinger and Marauder, I switch between them regularly without trouble memorising not just the 25 or so buttons I constantly use on my VG, but also all the other rotations between those classes, without any trouble. Do not presume that vanguards are some sort of inferior human being not capable of memorizing a rotation. Many people here are veteran MMO players, they've memorized different rotations in a multitude of games, it takes a couple of hours, no more. The difficulty is in using the tools and options you're given to the best effect. The difference between a good player and a bad is in not using that tool just as another "oh ****" button, but planning ahead, using it to capture objectives, peel from healers, counter certain abilities etc. If you think I should be nerfed because I'm too retarded to press more buttons, then for the love of god, GIVE me more buttons, I'm dying to have more tools to my disposal than just harpoon, taunts and damage, really, I am.
  6. It is automatically assigned man. I do not always give directions if I'm the ops leader, because it isn't always an advantageous thing to do. If I say something, there is the very big chance that they won't listen, but apart from that there is also the chance that they'll do just that and stop thinking for themselves. I've had so many occasions when I called things like: 'Enemy moving right from underneath middle", where EVERYONE suddenly starts moving off their point and to that location. The same with "2 stealthers move to right to try a ninja, rest keeps pushing left", where again, EVERYONE moves right. Speaking up often accomplishes less than actually shutting up in many pugs. On the other hand, I do keep feeding people information, whether I'm the ops leader or not.
  7. 400k Damage happens sporadically, 700k damage means a healbot fight. 90% of the games are either over too quickly or too one-sided for any class to put out that amount of damage, regardless of skill and gear. Therefore any statements like the OP's are void. Tank Jugg aoe slow is a much better peel than harpoon, even Intimidating Roar is a much better peel. Our survivability on par with yours? Please, make a list of defensive cooldowns you have and the ones we have. And before we start that discussion again: defensive cooldowns are buttons you press that provide a self-buff, giving you damage reduction or increased defence (= conventional logic). Then make a list of escape abilities as well, while you're at it.
  8. It's good that you want to learn how to play those characters OP, but you need a challenge to achieve that. Future flashpoints have a lot more things that can go wrong than Hammer Station, therefore getting the tactics nailed down there will help you much more than if BioWare would just make it easier. It is very much possible to run HS at lvl 15-16, below the actual recommended level. If you're having that much trouble, just wait 1-2 levels and you can roll through it with ease, but then you won't have that added experience of course.
  9. Just normalise all stats in 50 WZ's like they did in pre-50 and hand out gear that is of equal rating and quality to the PvE progression gear, taking the same tiered "hand in old items" approach they're already using. People from PvE can get into PvP and people from PvP can get into PvE that way (people are already using PvP gear in PvE since launch). You can then get rid of expertise. The more I play MMO's, the less I care about having better stats than the next guy.
  10. Ok, your names were taken on the new server, but would you rather play on your dead old one? As you were told, you could continue to do so. You can not seriously expect the people who took those names on the new server before you even arrived to change them. Names being taken is an annoying matter, but also an unavoidable one with server transfers.
  11. This game just totally lacks counters. I played a mage for over 5 years in WoW PvP, that game had huge burst (like TOR) and a lot of stuns, but at least you could do something about it: 1) Blink: get out of roots / snares on a short cooldown, confuse your enemy by teleporting short distances and out of range of focus 2) Ice Block: makes you invulnerable but unable to act and removes all negative effects, on a medium cooldown. Perfect to get rid of focus on you as well. 3) Cold Snap: long cooldown, resets nr. 2 4) Mirror Image: creates clones and makes your enemy lose their target 5) Invisibility for a short while 6) Trinket = CC break in TOR Now that class was one of the escape artists, but each class had at least a number of ways to counter focus and get out of stuns. This make PvP a game of bluff poker, as you try to save your own CC breaks for the right time and have to know what each class has at its disposal. In TOR, only Marauders and Assassins (possibly tank Juggernauts) have effective counters to focus, as for stuns, there is the CC break and well... that's it. Maybe you can also count the tactics VG who can break snares / roots for a decent amount of time, but you'll almost never see these around. Couple that with insane damage numbers put out and you get the gibfest that is TOR PvP. The average player in TOR just looks at his stuns as if "Press if don't know what to do next" is written on them, instead of a tactical tool. And they can't even be blamed. Some time ago, I fought a Pyro Powertech on my Assault VG. I know this dude, I know I'm usually better than him because he doesn't know how to peel or LoS or anything. Still he won a 1vs1. Why? Because I waited neatly for my resolve bar to fill up before using the CC break, while he facerolled his stuns and nuked away: because it only takes 3 seconds for over half your health to disappear anyway, you're better off facerolling him back and hoping for crits, otherwise you're buried in a health deficit. And believe me, this isn't only the case when facing DPS PT's.
  12. The lore doesn't make sense in the slightest, I agree. That said, I do like huttball, it's a warzone that gives you way more options than the other ones. Even if your team is undergeared, superior strategy can win Huttball, which is much harder in other warzones. I also detest huttball sometimes, because of the masses of brainless ****tards who don't know what to do and usually try to tell YOU their fail strategies instead: "I go stand at the goal line, please pass to me!", while both teams are effectively destroying each other and your team now basically has an empty spot. Nor do these idiots stand anywhere near a viable pass position, they just stand stealthed at the other side all match long and expect you to slog it through the pit even if you are facing a team that knows what it is doing.
  13. Exactly. I like TOR, I really do, otherwise I wouldn't have played it for this long, but they need to come out with a vision, something for the future that doesn't just add another link to the chain of grinding (aka: new flashpoint / raid, warzone). They need to try some new ideas. Personally, persistent PvP would get my interest back (if it actually works -_-).
  14. I feel the same way, the whole daily routine thing is starting to get seriously old. The game needs ways for people to unwind, it needs some sort of persistent PvP. Look at what Rift is doing: their content is under the same constant pressure (even though they're faster in churning out PvE content) and they are adding a new form of persistent PvP. I don't know how GW2 will be doing after 7 months, but right now, it does have that advantage that you can pretty much choose to go in whatever direction and have fun.
  15. I'm sure your dead team mates will find that a perfectly reasonable explanation.
  16. I always use taunt. I switch to Ion Cell and guard when in Huttball (not viable for healers in other warzones, because of 1.5s cast, otherwise I'd do it). Managed 300k+ damage and 100k prot in several huttball matches, my usual protection is around 30k in most matches, which is sometimes more than the pure tanks do -_- But yeah, people need to understand that taunts are off the GCD, therefore you can spam them to your heart's content.
  17. Dude, he backpedaled for 3s to position himself for a leap, he never backpedaled in combat. It's better to use backpedal when you have time before a charge anyway, because you don't need to switch your camera around for such a minor adjustment then. Btw, those are some nice tank stats you've got going there! What did you augment for exactly if I may ask?
  18. I won't make claims as to whether they are OP are not. What they are however, without a shadow of a doubt, is possibly the most obnoxiously irritating class I've ever faced in PvP in any game. Things would be fine if there were only 1-2 in each battleground. But there aren't, they're possibly the most played class out there together with Juggs (who are nearly as annoying). In each warzone with 4-5 Sith Warriors (and that's a lot of warzones nowadays), I pull my hair out of my *********** head out of frustration. Fights tend to go like this: I see a stream of dudes in spiky armor leaping through the air, I am rooted and snared (50% for 12s tyvm) and all of them start executing ravage, most commonly while one of them is force choking you. Even if you pop your CC break, it's too late because you can't get out of their range before you are dead. Then you get back in, and it's just a big followup of: intimidating roar, force choke, snare, root, intimidating roar, force choke and so forth. To make matters worse, you can't even frakking kill the damn marauders when you manage to peel them off your team and focus them yourselves, as they have 2 "get out of jail free" cards (stealth + UR). Not only that, but any time you try to be a ******** and go cap a point that has none of them on it, you get a whole stream of them racing at you with their speed boost and the above mentioned leaping pain train is back to hit you in the balls. Note: the above is a gross oversimplification, but it is reality.
  19. I've been playing my vanguard from day 1 of early access. I've played the tank spec, the tactics spec and the assault spec extensively in PvP. I've taken my vanguard tank through all the content in PvE. *FOTM gangsta*? I don't think so bro. To the guy with the 330k at level 10. It is rare, you yourself make it out to be something rare and OP in your post. At level 10, you are not using any of the talents that make the assault spec hated, therefore you can't tell anything about the spec through level 10 pvp. At the most, you can tell something about the bolster system's effect on some of the abilities you spam. TTK is too low imo, Powertech / Vanguard burst focus is too high, together with all of the other burst. It needs additional counters added to the classes that lack them atm. A straight out nerf to the balls however? Not without buffing other aspects of the class (defense / sustained).
  20. So what? You spam flame burst, rocket punch when you can, and whatever the imp equivalent of explosive round is (which you never ever use at 50, except for stopping caps). It doesn't tell **** about the class, because you're surfing on abilities that get buffed by the bolster system. Not on skill, not on actual talents or specs. Also, before you go ahead and boast: screenshot please?
  21. 1) Resolve works (most of the time, it has bugs) 2) Resolve is not enough of a counter to stunlocks, as resolve doesn't break stuns, it only prevents new ones from applying. 3) The constant stunlocking makes PvP annoying as hell against teams that know how to stunlock and focus. Which in turn makes people complain.
  22. You're not even using like 90% of the skills you're using at 50 at lvl 10, nor do you have any of the talents. So whatever.
  23. Rakata and even Campaign will still get destroyed by BM / WH (recruit is arguable, there is a big difference in expertise, but also in stats, someone would have to do the math). On a PvP server you can easily experience this by going to the Ilum / Black Hole daily area in PvP gear vs PvE gear and ganking / getting ganked.
  24. Vanguard tanks have a 20% accuracy debuff for 18s, called smoke grenade. However, even using that it doesn't particularly seem to stop a lot of attacks, it does seem to be effective against saber wielders or gunslingers / snipers, but not against tech / force users. I'd say: keep your accuracy at a decent level if you're using mostly white damage. The numbers on your char screen don't seem to work like they do in PvE though: I've only got like 92% ranged accuracy any more, and I don't remember the last time I missed a white damage attack against a non-tank class.
  25. That's a perfectly viable strategy. If you can't take the damage, don't facetank them while they have it on them and LoS them, or activate your defensive cooldowns and try to take the pain.
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