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Everything posted by Nicain

  1. So the only fixes are your ideas. How many games have you developed? As far as the expertise STAT I could give or take it, it doesn't really impact me because either I'm going to beat you or you're going to beat me, the expertise stat just quickens it in either direction. As far as the GEAR being made trivial is a huge issue and the only reason they're doing it is to appease your kind of people. If they removed the expertise stat, but kept the difficulty to obtain the same would you change your mind? I doubt it, you'd still want it 'equalized'. You'll keep QQing about YOUR experience until they make both changes. PVP Specific stat's, I'm indifferent, but T1 pvp gear should be the same difficulty to get as the T1 PVE set, in its own way. And they should mirror each other up the ladder. That's how you fix it, not this "Cap this here, and cap that here, and make this easier and remove that" method you're trying to impose. Learn to play or go back to Hello Kitty Treasure Island.
  2. +1 to this, it's perfect but the PVE community will deny it until they're blue in the face.
  3. Since when is 'true' pvp carbon copy guy 1 against carbon copy guy 2. Hell even in street fighter game there are pros and cons to every character. So you want this game to have less depth than street fighter? You guys are seriously mentally challenged if you can't farm yourself a BP. Seriously I bet half these changes are from people on PVE servers who really shouldn't have a say about what happens on PVP servers.
  4. I afk in WZ's because I like open world PVP and after I finish my Ilum daily if I want to farm up some COMMs and Valor I'll afk in a WZ since I hate them and with the new patch BW is trying to funnel people into them so they forget how broken Ilum can be. I will continue to farm and go afk. Enjoy and blame BW.
  5. I think the people who want to get something for nothing need to get over themselves.
  6. Why you mad bro? Just because you might have obligations doesn't mean the game should be changed just to make it easier for YOU. Its up to you to manage your RL and game time, sorry other people have more time to play, you're the one crying and attacking anyone who has more time to gear up more than you. Looks like you want something he has, and you don't want to put the time into it. The solution, change it for everyone? wait....what?
  7. This is the new Star Wars, GURPS version. I want my next character to be half vampire, half dragon, and half elf please. Don't tell me I can't I WANT IT AND MY MOMMY SAID TO GIVE IT TO ME!
  8. /facepalm Yes so the VENDOR is exclusive, the the ITEMS on the vendor are not. Makes sense.
  9. What I don't like about this change is that, if you level to 50 with a Sith Warrior, you can then play a Sith BH? Well, I just played a GD Sith to 50, I don't want to play another Sith. So if I want to make a Marauder Rattataki, I need to level a Assassin to 50 with a Rattataki first? Seems like there's some redundancy there. While I like playing new classes, I try to use a different race each time I make a character. I mean how many Sith's can a person play? Just saying, if you think about it from that perspective it's a waste.
  10. This is a valid point, but it's situational. Assume he beat Obi-won, he probably would have went back to his master and created a red crystal saber and kept it from there. Mace has the only purple because the lore was that he was in tune with the dark side as much as you could be as a jedi so the mixed blue and red gave him purple. When Anakin defeated Duko, he didn't keep his red lightsaber, he discard it after he used it. Any Jedi who worked with the counsel would probably never use a red crystal. I think the random, exotic crystals should be allowed by both sides, but Reds should be exclusive to dark force users, and Green / Blue should be light side users. The Yellows, Orange, Purple, white, teal, whatever's can be shared across both sides and neutral factions. That would make sense. What BW did with removing the restrictions was pretty much saying "We're tried of listening to these guys, just unlock the crystals and be done with it." This game is a Star Wars based game, so for better or worse it's tied to that lore. Most people who play it, are playing it for the STAR WARS LORE. If this was Indiana Jones Online, the people would expect it to adhere to that lore. Its really simple thinking folks...
  11. Yeah this is the single most retarded change they made. I have a Pub alt and got a saber from one of the planetary comm vendors, and when I turned it on, it was Red. I was slightly disappointed, its a small thing but my Pub is a good guy to be the yin to my Siths yang. There's more impact at having certain colors be for certain force levels. It was a good idea, but of course the QQers couldn't even leave that alone. The fact even simple things like this need to be explained, and certain people don't get it, shows me why humanity at large is struggling.
  12. I agree with this 100%. The fact they are trivializing the game is messed up. Color crystals outside the normal red, blue, green should be hard to get. Even if the STATS are the same, the color should be something special to be honest. This was such a small thing, and they blew it yet again. I think everyone should have ACCESS to the colors, i.e. purple crystals should be accessible by pubs, I don't see why they weren't, but the ACESSS should be difficult depending on the rarity of the color stone. Hell half the fun of force unleashed was getting the color stones. Just sad, white stones should be the rarest. But like the OP said, everyone's going to be super now, which by proxy makes everything lame.
  13. Nicain

    Final blow to pvp.

    Said like someone who can't get gear. Your jealousy is unbecoming. That said, the new rules make it easy for me to get my 3 kills, 4 medals and afk so I can do other stuff. I don't care about winning warzones, so don't be mad at the afk'ers be mad at BW for making knee jerk changes because this easy game is 'to hard for most people' Gear is something most players want and work toward, just because you can't get it, don't ruin it for the rest of us who want that aspect. Go play modern warfare for socialized, even pvp. Grow up.
  14. You do know there is a PVE aspect of the game right?
  15. Whats funnier is that they point out it took no skill to get, yet in the same breath they are QQing that it be adjusted so THEY can be battlemasters too. It's amazing they can't see how they talk out of both sides of their mouth. Its even more stunning that BW can't see it. I mean is there some sort of nut-less monkey making these calls on BW's end? All I hear is "WAAAAAA I dont want to put the time in to make BM and gear up, make it easy for me so these guys who did stop beating on me, and when I still can't win in BM gear, I'll QQ even more for class nerfs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  16. Balance isn't making all things equal, it's IF all things are equal there is balance. The gear curve is in addition to that. It's another level of the game, but you don't want to get your gear you want it given to you. To many retarded console players are trying to get into MMO's, and when they get rolled because they don't understand how it works they want all these changes. Sad really.
  17. Your logic falls a part where you insist one sides needs to adjust to the other. The game was fine before the casuals complained they were behind. How about instead of messing the game up for hardcores OR softcores, we create hardcore and softcore severs. On the hardcore servers we leave them the way they were, and on the softcore servers we make everything nice and easy to get. I don't want to play with your kind of people anyway. People on PVE servers should have no PVP say, really. And anyone on a pvp server that wants loot trivialized is a PVE'er in disguise.
  18. I just get my three kills and afk till we lose. WZ's are awful and this change is awful.
  19. I hate WZs and have since launch, I prefer Ilum pvp to WZ's and thats my choice. The new change forces me to play WZs now, so I just get my three kills and afk for the rest of the match. I don't care about the wz daily or the valor. I use to log in, do the ilum daily quick then go raid. Now I afk in WZ's to get my kills since Ilum is empty. If you like WZ's thats fine, I dont knock you, I just don't. I use to be able to get my ilum weekly done in an hour and a half on tuesday. Now its a WZ grind since that zone is empty. So to everyone pissed off they have afk'ers in their WZ group, thanks BW. I'd rather be anywhere else, but I was dumb enough to buy the six month sub plan. Live and learn.
  20. You and I are a dying breed of players. Everyone wants to play DCUO, but when they get DCUO they quit after three months and don't understand why. We build characters, gear is part of character building!
  21. So it's ok for gear progression in PVE, so you can use the gear to not die to MOBs, but gear progression in PVP shouldn't exists because you don't want to die to players. Oh, ok I understand completely now.....
  22. Its an analog, if you don't understand it then I'm wasting my time talking to you. I'd wager 90% of the people who read that understand it. Your issue is that you're so fixed in your position you don't understand logic that refutes it. It's very simple.
  23. This is what I'm doing now. I don't do the WZ dailies because I hate the WZs, and they ruined open world PVP even more on Ilum as now there is NO ONE THERE. So since I have to do WZ's to get my ilum kills, as I don't drive in circles for arms, it's go get my 3 kills, afk. Rinse repeat. That being said, my house will be cleaner now and I'll get more little things I've been meaning to do done. Anyone pissed off at me afking in a WZ, take it up with BW, I don't care.
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