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Everything posted by Corinthar

  1. Sorry for the delayed response, I'm working here! Did the server just suddenly drop off in pop? What I'm saying is, if you have multiple 50's on the same server, either you ignored the population problem as you were enjoying the story (and if so, then why moan about it now if the problem was ALWAYS there, hence re-roll would have been a valid option IMHO) or it's just died off as competing MMO's have arrived. If it's option 1, then you can't really moan about things now when you knew the population on your chosen server was poor. If option 2, then I can see where your frustration is coming from and sympathise. I guess I have a lot more patience than it would seem is average, as I only going annoyed after rolling a Jedi Knigth 5 times to 20, following my mates around various servers as they kept jumping gaming communities. Irritating *******es!
  2. List then, in bullet point format if you will, WHY you think the game is 'going down the drain'. I'd be willing to bet my favourite blaster that most of your list are things you 'expect' to have in a MMO, but not things which BioWare DEFINITIVELY SAID would be in. People simply do not have the staying power, the patience or the maturity to simply wait and see how things turn out than they used to in the first days of World of Warcraft and EverQuest. We've become impatient, selfish and ignorant of others. It sickens me.
  3. Why would you not re-roll, for the sake of the guild and the community you have built? What you have done with your time in-game so far has been enjoyable, so why not start over? Nothing in these games amounts to anything when you eventually quit the game, so ignore your current gear, credits, crafting skill levels and re-roll now, before more of your guild quit. Makes perfect sense to me. Can anyone explain why this isn't a logical solution? Gaming is fun, you'll have fun when you re-roll as you did when you started the game the first time. Just ignore the things in your bank, they are ultimately worthless anyway...
  4. What I don't understand is why people didn't re-roll when it was obvious that, for whatever reason, their server was under populated BEFORE they invested a lot of time in building their Legacies etc. I've got mid 30 to 40 level characters on several servers (for many reasons) and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. As an aside, the whole point of the Legacy system is that while you could feasibly max out your Legacy LEVEL using one character, to unlock all the different race/class/legacy class options you NEED to have multiple characters. Before you point out "Legacies are PER SERVER you idiot!" I think this is the main failing of the Legacy system. If they made it so your Legacy was ACCOUNT wide, then people wouldn't be complaining as much, as re-rolling on another server would actually continue your hard work, rather than start with an entire clean slate. Back on topic : If you are complaining bitterly that your server is underpopulated then it is within your power to put things right: RE-ROLL! Go to the opposite faction, experience things from the other side, choose a different Class/AC combo than you have before (it's impossible to have one of everything on a single server). Enjoy the game you've been enjoying so far again, and stop letting something which you have control of limit your ability to carry on. /thread
  5. I thought this patch was about the Legacy system primarily and not a targeted class balance patch? Besides, warzones is about one team v's one team. Complaining about 1v1 shows that you aren't a team player. There is no I in whoopass!
  6. In the last month we have had the 'INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!' programme, which at the time I thought was al little strange when you consider that the playerbase would seem to be larger than any new MMO which I have played in recent years. Now BioWare have brought down the servers during peak time for European countries in order to deploy an emergency patch to ensure that those participating in the upcoming weekend trials have a smooth experience. Do you think that Electronic Arts are putting pressure on BioWare to increase subscriber numbers in advance of their annual financial reports? This isn't a 'whiner' thread. I'm hoping to provoke a discussion based on the recent evidence that EA are doing just that. So, with that said, /DISCUSS
  7. I think they've noticed some kind of exploit, be it in PvP or PvE, and they need to patch it fast, either that or they are putting something awesome in, but I doubt that as they have brought the servers down at peak time for half the planet and this will lead to negative press. Ah, so BioWare choose to backhand the already paying customers in favour of the tight bums who couldn't be bothered to pay to play? Very, very strange idea.
  8. Perhaps because in this game THERE ARE NO DUNGEONS! /thread
  9. The only Warzone which would be good with pre-made teams is 'HUTBALL'. Imagine a server-wide Hutball league? Would be awesome! The rest, they should be kept to randoms with one 4 person group per side. No WoW-esque steamroller teams in SWTOR please!
  10. To be quite frank, since this effects EVERYONE equally, as someone has said before, then it is NOT an issue. It is only an issue for the twitch, PvP centric players who want this game to feel the same as World of Warcraft to them. The fact of the matter is, this is NOT a re-skinned WoW. It has a completely different game engine, and hence will feel different. If you don't like the 0.5 second delay, and cannot adapt, then simply play something else. I do not want this game to be brought down to the level which the minority demands and I'm sure I am not alone. It's the same with the people who complain about the lack of mods or UI customisation. It's the same for everyone, it's fair, there are no crutches. You simply have to learn to play the game as the developer would like the game to be played. Deal with it. MERRY CHRISTMAS ONE AND ALL!
  11. Fair play, it's pretty cool that the CE adds some nice items. I couldn't stretch to the cost of the CE, but I'd be chuffed if I HAD been able to. Being able to play in that armour would be great! Shame that it doesn't 'adapt' depending on the character's highest armour proficiency, but as one other contributor mentioned, it is likely that these are not supposed to replace normal armour, rather they are for cosmetic purposes only and not to be relied on as 'combat' armour.
  12. Nah, you got me wrong. Only part of the reason for the multiple server solution were down to the queues. I've got mates who live in the states (West Coast) and playing on an East Coast server with them is a happy compromise. We both have some virtual miles to cover to the servers, but our latency is about the same on an East Coast server. If I want to play on one of the busy servers, I logon remotely from home and by the time I get in I generally only have a short queue time left
  13. Guys, this is getting a bit silly now. I've got characters on 3 or 4 different servers due to the queues. I don't really mind either, as I can guarantee that one of my characters can be played at any given time as I've made toons on a combo of PvP, PvE, EU and US (East) servers. Sure, it means I wont get to 'cap' any time soon, but this game isn't about the rush to 50 and Ilum for me, its about the experience, the crafting and the STORY. So many of you are raging because you can't log on to one server to your 'main'. Ask your guild to roll an alternate guild on a light pop server. If your main guild is Republic, roll an Empire guild or vice versa. You'll still have fun, you'll still be able to play with your friends. It's a no brianer. A lot of the rhetoric spouted by some are direct copy and pastes of threads in WoW's forums. This isn't WoW. Don't expect it to be, be flexible and above all HAVE PATIENCE!. The game only went live yesterday....
  14. Currently there is a level playing field. Everyone has the same UI. Everyone has the same information shown to them. As soon as mods and add-ons and to a lesser extent UI customisation is allowed EVEYTHING changes: Joe Casual, who has no want or desire to change things, finds himself at a disadvantage in PvP over Peter Pr0, as he doesn't want or feel he needs the crazy mod/ui/add-ons to play his game Peter Pr0, who has a combat log parser, notices that Andy Average is doing 10% less damage than he is, and so boots him from the Operation group on the grounds that "He is the same class as I am, he should be able to put the same damage output out there as I can". Andy Average has some UI customisation, but CAB with the complexity of mods and add-ons Zoe Zealot has an add-on which evaluates potential guild/groupmates based on a combination of their item level and stat scores. She will not allow anyone with less than score X join her guild or group, telling Andy Average that he's not good enough and laughing at Joe Casual. See where I'm going with this? For a MMO to remain playable and fair the game has to remain as it is, so we're all on a level playing field. Sure, it's not as slick as "the other games out there" but this is SWTOR. It should stand on it's own and the devs need to be brave enough to stand fast to their vision, IMHO.
  15. Sounds like most of what are on peoples wish lists are direct ports of what World of Warcraft currently has. Seriously guys, can you not live without time savers (Dungeon AKA Loot, Finders) or gaming crutches (Add-ons)?
  16. I agree with the OP. Now the game is out, please look in to the immersion and RP-enabling aspects. Not much more to add, the OP covered it all well. Different /sit animations etc are simple bread and butter changes, as well as the others mentioned. I love this game, but it can be improved
  17. I believe that the current server caps are artificial, and have been put in place to balance out the EGA population before the game goes live. By effectively forcing people to move servers or queue when they get the 'IT'S OVER 9000!' error and dc'd back to the queue, they are being quite smart, if a little brutal. I expect that come release all the queues will either disappear or be substantially reduced overnight. It may not be nice, and some may react angrily when they realise that their EGA progress has been hampered by the ridiculous queues, but from a server/load management perspective it's quite inspired and exceptionally ballsy.
  18. I think this answers your question mate. It's the official stance on server queues. Re-roll somewhere else. Not easy for everyone, but if the three community leaders pick a separate server each and then orhanise a mass re-roll it would work. Cloning a server is easy, making a clone of the database entries for all the characters and their associated entries is very complex.
  19. I think this answers your question mate. It's the official stance on server queues. Re-roll somewhere else.
  20. I posted this on one of the other threads which various people are making about TOFN. Official BioWare stance would seem to be "If your server is full, re-roll elsewhere for gaming pleasure". Not ideal, but it's the logical thing to do. The earlier it is done, the less pain you will have in the long run.
  21. I think this answers your question mate. It's the official stance on server queues. Re-roll somewhere else.
  22. I have to ask, why are you cancelling so close to the actual launch? If it's because you have not yet got your EGA access, please stick with the game! It's worth the wait if the beta test was anything to go by. If you're not happy with the game from what you've seen since the NDA dropped, then fair one (but you should have cancelled earlier IMHO). Call them and ask for a refund. Origin.com are not doing anything wrong, the actual retail codes are being sent between 16th and 19th of December. Due to this, you can't cancel today as your retail code is queued for delivery or already with you. Either way, hope it gets sorted for you
  23. I wasn't trying anything. Just hoping that cool heads will prevail and all the complaining will be organised in one thread
  24. Guys, I know those of you who cannot play yet and who 'expected' to get in on day one of EGA are frustrated, but please refrain from calling this a 'Bad Launch' or 'Failed Launch'. Launch isn't 'till 20th December. It's demotivating for those who want to play, but didn't not pre-order to read all these negative comments! Some of you may be 'professional' complainers (make of that what you will), but either way its counter productive to make many threads about the same subject. Think of others and try to keep the complaints into a single thread, it's bloating the General Discussion forum to the point that its unusable for 'general' discussion!
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