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Everything posted by Darth_Precursor

  1. Please listen to Maniac, devs. Please. Please.
  2. Are you *********** kidding me? First of all, nobody cares about your pathetic opinion. Do you really have the audacity to say something like that? PvE space missions already exist in-game! 2.4 Arenas hardly did anything to revitalize the game and fix PvP, and you are asking for more PvE content? The 2.4 "PvP Patch" came with a new operation for christ sake. PvE'ers are an infectious disease that suck the life and soul out of mmo's. Blowing through content as fast as possible, constantly requiring "new content" to make your characters all nice and shiny so you can be the first to clear pre-scripted instances fighting against enemies when YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT THEY WILL DO. The Devs need to take a friggen step back, disregard PvE for a bit, and acquire PvP. WE WANT OPEN WORLD. WE WANT LEADER BOARDS. WE WANT RATING RESET. WE WANT TO KEEP 8v8 RWZ, WE WANT RWZ dailies, WE WANT SEPARATE QUEUES FOR RWZ AND REGULAR WZ's. It doesn't seem like they even ever see or care what the PvP community is asking for. And when they do try to appease us (i.e an outdated, TERRIBLY IMPLEMENTED Arena-system) it is complete and utter crap! Maybe instead of making new space-stuff, the Devs should FOCUS ON WHAT HAS BEEN BROKEN FOR MONTHS! /rantfromanangrypvper
  3. No. Those are called warzones. Just.... no
  4. I actually have a Razer Naga mouse, so the weird keys you see like page up/down or +/- are really numbers 1-12 or SHIFT+ 1-12 on my mouse.
  5. Those "tards" with *17 button mouses ARE better than people who click and keyboard turn. Keybinding is much faster and more fluid, FACT. There is no argument that clicking is more effective or better. All you're doing is effectively gimping your team and adding more weight for your teammates to carry. I know, I clicked once too. Never again. Unbind your keyboard-turning binds as well and learn to mouse-turn. It takes a week or so, but it is WAY better. Here's an example of my keybinds that I spent lots of time perfecting, and I think they're organized pretty well. http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/ad115/J7XD/Screenshot_2013-09-05_14_40_53_561566_zps5ecf0593.jpg
  6. Maybe it sucks cause you're bad at it? Learn to play? Perception problems? qq
  7. I thought they patched Anchorhead months ago? I used to go in all the time and couldn't when I tried after the patch. There is still a way in??
  8. Yes, operative healers do need to be toned down a bit, but not nerfed into the ground. This means changed have to come from the Medicine tree, so that it wont affect the dps specs which need buffs anyway. My suggestions: 1. Make Exfiltrate cost 30 energy. (up fro 25) Every time you use it in succession, the energy cost is reduced by X%, OR the distance is reduced by X%. But, even if you are slowed or stunned, you roll the full distance. This would encourage it to be used as an escape mechanic (as it should be) and only to be used 1 or 2 times. 2. Increase rate limits for HoT's to grant Tactical Advantage.
  9. Don't tab target in PvP. Focus target, and acquire target of focus target.
  10. Yes, bolster has some issues. Use full PvP gear except have a matrix cube, and you could use 72 PvE MH/OH or 69/72 set bonus armorings for BiS.
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