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Everything posted by JohnnyPanzer

  1. Get of your own stinking horse, I'm level 24 and I haven't even gotten halfway through Taris. And don't even try to make it sound like the people asking for this o-p-t-i-o-n are elitists trying to impress everyone. You're the one branding anyone who'd like the option as MMO greenhorns, it's pretty clear who the attention you-know-what is in this case. I'm sure the XP gain is very smooth if you take PvP, space combat, heroics and flashpoints out of the equation, but if you don't, then at least I tend to outlevel the main content severely. And if you think I'm doing any of that to impress people, then go put your head in a bucket of water and inhale deeply. I do whatever I think is fun, whenever I want to do it and I would love to have the o-p-t-i-o-n to do it without ruining the experience of the main storyline.
  2. I would also want such a function. I'm not interested in hitting 50 as fast as possible, I'm interested in doing whatever I think is fun and to follow the story and not skip content. With all the side quests, warzones, space combat and general exploring I tend to outlevel my ereas with more than 5 levels. It makes combat boring and it stresses me out. Being able to turn off XP gain would allow me to explore the content in the pace and difficulty it was designed for. As for the nay-sayer puffing his powerleveling chest here in the thread: get over it. You play the way you want to, but if you think that "no one" would use this function, you are sadly misstaken, there are plenty of people who are interested in the storyline and don't want to rush through it. The OP has explained his point several times by now and your continuing replies to the matter just goes to show that you are desperatly seeking attention for the fact that you are a powergamer. Fine. We get it. You powerlevel. Attention given, now move along...
  3. A quick tip: if you are so poorly researched that you don't even know what level mounts come at and how much it costs, then you're NOT the sort of person that should turn off tutorials. Besides, I'm flabbergasted by how you can consider it a high ammount. Credits are plentyfull in this game and comes flowing into one's pockets without any sort of effort involved.
  4. Use the galaxy map in your cockpit. Space missions are placed in regions as a small icon portraying a space ship. If you hover your mouse over a region it will tell you if there are any available space missions in it.
  5. I can't say I'm against it, but I wouldn't use it. No need to make queing even more boring...
  6. During beta there was a lot of talk about how the bubbles were just temporarily removed, and I'm very sad to see that the game launched without this vital tool for communication. For roleplayers it's a given, since it's the only way to create a sense of directional speach, but even for my non-rp characters I consider this to be a huge problem. The chat window is placed in the stupidest place possible, and since it's not possible to rearrange the whole UI, moving the chat window is realy not an option. This means that any and all conversation directed towards me is displayed in a small section of the upper most left corner, the very place that multiple test confirmes is the least visited part of the screen. Untill they add bubbles, people might as well text whatever they have to say to me to a phone belonging to someone I have never met. That method would still provide them with a better chance of getting my attention...
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