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Posts posted by mrdert

  1. The point is, putting a pvp mission terminal In the den is way easier than making a new zone in the fleet. No one on my server had a problem traveling to tattooine for the world event. Why would traveling there for pvp be any different? If everyone did their cuing in the den, then you wouldn't be away from other people and you'd have the open world pvp that every PVPer wants.


    This idea will get slammed on though. People would rather complain about what's missing rather than taking advantage of what's there.

  2. I never thought of it as giving them free medals...


    My stance has always been the other team signed up for a war zone match. Until I'm stopped from fighting I'm going to war with someone. If I have to come to your one turret to do it, then so be it.

    I'm far from the best and don't always make it Out alive, but dangit we're gonna fight.

  3. I can't speak about tank sins, but from a deception assassin standpoint I suggest you stun and run to your group. As others have said, your best bet is to watch the force bar closely. Once I'm out of force and have used my embrace darkness, you're free to do whatever you want. The only problem with that is in 1v1 you'll be long dead before I run out of force.
  4. I don't think most of you get the point about resolve complaints. I get the huttball, i know im going to be stunned. i pop my defense buff. with a 3 second stun and 4 poeple whacking away, you're lucky if you make it past that. if you do then resolve works fine, but more often than not, there is no making it thru the first barrage, so you pop your breaker only to be stunned again and finished off.

    I don't personally believe the resolve system is broken; I think it sucks.



    while we're on the subject what's up with poeple without full resolve just shaking off my electrocute, or low slash? not I stun them and they pop their breaker, more like i stun them and they keep on a walking past like nothing happened.

  5. Being that there is very little open world pvp, and most fights in war zones are not 1v1; how can it be determined that any single class is over powered?


    There's this trooper on my server. Very hard to kill when running with his premade. In war zones, it's like hitting him with a toilet paper roll. I caught the Same trooper alone in tattooine and sliced thru him like butter. In light of this, I have to conclude its not him that's over powered. It's his group properly casting taunts, debuffs, and healing. That's what keeps him melting my face in war zones.




  6. Last night I was in a void star with a guild premade. We were the attackers. Three of us were killed while planting a bomb. When we respawned, we were at the shielded bridge (behind the unopened doors) we could not get back to the correct side, however, we could plant bombs from behind the door. Eventually our whole 8 man team was killed and spawned in the same place. We spent the rest of the match planting bombs from behind the door, while the republic stood On the other side defusing them. It's the first time anything like that has ever happened to me.
  7. Red= dead. Not many are going to stop and check level before starting the fight . Yesterday I mistakingly attacked a level 23. I would have stopped, but one chain shock, and they were dead.


    I'm sure there are some out there who take pleasure in killing the helpless. However this is not the case for all of us.

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