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Posts posted by mrdert

  1. Now I'm not saying replace your hybrid sin with a dpser. I'm suggesting running a two assassin team. Hybrid is good because it has massive utility and can put out respectable damage numbers. They can also get higher protection numbers than a dps thru gaurd swapping. Dps is good because it can respond faster to callouts and has IMHO better escape and burst than its hybrid cousin.
  2. Quite fun to play, when played right (not many do this) can be quite effective with good burst. Only place is in regs not in ranked.


    I don't agree with your last statement. I believe with the right team deception can be ALMOST as effective as PTs as far as burst damage goes. Deception/ infiltration can taunt and ,IMHO, better defensive cool downs. Unfortunately, the current general consensus supports your stance and not many, if any, guilds are willing to give deception infiltration a fair chance. Hopefully with redesign of the skill trees for the new expansion, deception may get a second look from ranked teams.


    Until then ill continue to wreck up regs and be content.

  3. boo hoo


    everyone had to gear up you do too


    people like to forget we are all playing the SAME GAME



    My current valor level is 100. Before 1.6 my gear was BiS war hero. Since 1.6 I've acquired three armorings, both relics and BiS half of my gear. My original post was not about my gear. It's about bad players not having the combined brain power of a garden vegetable.

  4. OP, I do completely understand where you are coming from, I've been in a bunch of bad matches. But you only did two pug matches, how can you base your entire opinion of pugs on just two experiences? I've had my ideals of premades shattered before when I've been put in matches with certain premades, and I've had my faith in premades restored when in matches with other premades. Same with pugs. TBH, it's not their group status that makes them good or bad, it's the players themselves. You've gotten lucky with having a guild with good players in it to run premades with. Unfortunately, I've had the bad luck of being with more bad premades than good, and have had the fortune of being in good pugs. I've had damn good premades and rotten pugs. It's a balance, and not something that can be accurately judged on just two experiences. And certainly not something for anyone, for or against premades, to get so bent out of shape that they have to come on here and be insulting with their presentation.





    The title of this thread was chosen to poke fun at all the previous threads regarding who's ruining war zones.

    the content was just an recount of my PVP experience this morning. The thread title should have read "Bad players are ruining PVP."


    I have also conceded that you're just as likely to have a bad premade team as a pug team. However, as you pointed out, both of my experiences that morning were with pug groups. The true point of this post was to rant about, as well as highlight some of the problems found in warzones which have increased over that last few months.

    Perhaps a better investment of my time would have been to work on a basic strategy guide for the forums, but it was Sunday morning and I had just finished taking my glaucoma medication. At the time I felt this would be more amusing to write about.

  5. Don't worry OP you will get better, trust me when i say that pug groups can win and you don't need to be on a premade to win. you just have to learn to play together with your team with out rage quiting when you inspect them. When you get enough practice you will learn to:


    1. communicate with your teammate via chat box.

    2. learn to guard / call out incoming enemy players attacking the node.

    3. focus fire the healer / label the healer.

    When you practice the above you will no longer have to rely on a premade group to help you / tell you what to do via voice, with more practice you will be able to make those decisions on your own.


    You will get better, just takes practice, i hope this helps you :)


    Yet another shining example of someone opening their mouth just enough to put a foot in it. Had you actually read, you would have seen that:


    1. I did communicate with my team in ops chat.

    2. I did call out as well as guard the node.


    Next time, before typing away without really knowing/understanding what's being said, place both hands firmly on your shoulders and push down as hard as you can. This action may release your head from your backside allowing you to not only get oxygen flow back to your brain, but to constructively provide input to a thread.

  6. i think he was used to being babysitted by his team, thinking hes the best. then ques alone, gets facestomped and now needs to express his frustrations here. also, with significantly less hacks around, you will probably lose. thats a very horrible thing ! some kids just cannot deal with it.



    I think unless you're in your late 30s you're the one who is the kid. I also think your skills, like many other responders to this thread, in reading comprehension could use some work. Have your mom or dad reread every post I've made In This thread. Maybe they can even explain to you what the bigger words mean. Possibly then they can help you form an intelligent response, as the one you've already posted showcases your ignorance magnificently.


    As for some of the other responses in this thread, I can only presume one of three things: 1. English is not your first language. 2. You were taught to read and write by using hooked on phonics. 3. You're the type of players I was describing in my original post.

  7. I thouroughly enjoy any kill made while having less than 1k HP left. Nothing more satisfying than killing someone who knows with one more swing and they're sending me to the respawn. In one particular match I managed to kill both a marauder and powertech while having less than 1k HP. It gave such a thrill, I just stood there /loling while the rest of the team destroyed me.
  8. First before the match did you explain and ask for plans, assign guarding cap, etc...... ? Cause in ever PuG i did that. If you did not, it was your fault.

    Got ya. From now on before every war zone I will inform the team that if someone callers for help, some of us should respond.


    Second, as they had said. always check on the guarding, asking status, making sure he is not Afk, or being attacked.

    I was the guarding. I was not AFK and I was being attacked. I made very clear in ops: "3-4 GRASS"


    Third, Important to tell them the situation is controlled - for example only 2 enemy left and 4 of you - so they wont running to you while leaving the other area opening for a fast attack.

    In the two scenarios I've described the situation was most definitely not under control. Again I reported incoming and did the best i could to stall until help arrived.


    Last, make clear that you or s.o is the commander so others can focus and listen to 1 person. Communicate with your stealth teammate not to break cc, etc...


    Honestly, have you really tried that approach in pug war zones? I have and from my experience pugs are going to do whatever they want regardless of what is said in ops chat. In most cases harsh words will be thrown around along with the ever popular "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!"


    All of these things i have been doing in every PUG wz. If you so comfortable with your premade, then don't join in PUG wz cause it's not for Hard core player, it's for casual.


    What I want is to feel that I have close to the same opportunity to win with a PUG as with a premade team. It's one thing to fight a close match and lose it's something completely different to lose due to the situations listed in my previous post



    5 char

  9. So to summarize, a player used to steamrolling PvP pug groups with his guildies has to pug himself for once and realizes life is hard. Let's all light a candle to mourn his great misfortune.


    Don't remember anywhere in my original post, or any subsequent post, saying that I'm strictly a premade PVPer. I've pugged many of war zones over the past year. Pug PVP was not always as bad as it has been in recent months.



    The gear gap argument should also become moot relatively soon considering a full set of war hero gear can now be acquired in 3-10 days depending on time put in. the bump from WH to EWH is only a few stat points and in no way a game breaking gap.



    The title of this thread was chosen to poke fun at all the previous threads regarding who's ruining war zones.

    the content was just an recount of my PVP experience this morning. Truth is the thread title should have read "Bad players are ruining PVP."

    Bear in mind I in no way think I am the best player or "elite" status. However, i do know what the objectives are in each type of war zone and every action i take in that war zone is trying to accomplish those objectives. Very rarely will you find me fighting 40 way from the node, or ignoring a call to mid because me and 4 others are way too busy face rolling a commando that cant get away.

  10. You need to solo queue more PUG games and get in some practise. In both matches you made the same pretty big initial mistake by doing what you'd normally do in a guild premade. If you solo queue then you need to adjust your play to what the rest of your team is doing.


    So according to you, I should have run around deathmatching everything? I've been playing this game since beta and had no idea it was a mistake to cap a node and call for help when attacked. I also had no clue I shouldn't get set up for passes and actually try to win a huttball.

    The plan I use in premades is the same plan in pugs because it wins games, or at least gives a good fight, when more than 1-2 poeple are using common sense and are trying to objectively win a game.

    You also speak of plugging holes the rest of the team is leaving. I am one player and can not fill 6 holes left when most of the team chhoses to 6v2 or 3 at a node when the other 5 or 6 are attacking my node.


    I'm willing to bet you're the type of person to blame guns for killing people, and by that logic you also blame pencils for misspelling words or blame cars for causing traffic jams.

  11. Players are ruining warzones...

    Pugs are ruining warzones...

    Smashes are ruining warzones

    Sentinels are ruining warzones

    Powertechs are ruining warzones

    Premades are ruining warzones


    So i tell you what we do, we nerf operatives :)
















    I like the way you think.

  12. This morning I'm the only one online in my guild. Also, no one in my friends list has come online yet. Never the less I grab my daily and cue up for some warzones.


    First match 4 players under 15k health. I know it's not their fault to be fresh 50's but I would rather not play with a team full of them, so I quit before the match started.


    Second match- civil war. I load in and the lowest geared player is 16.5k. I can live with this so i buff and pop my stims and get ready for battle. we rush out the gate and I head solo to grass. Normally my stratagy is to just interrupt grass capping until we have snow. After that I usually run back to mid and assist to either cap or keep mid uncapped by the enemy. In this case almost 30 seconds had passed and my team still had not capped snow. I shift tactics and kill the player trying to cap grass and then cap it my self. At the same moment my team has captured mid. I pre type grass in my ops chat so if II'm jumped all i have to do is enter the number of attackers and go to work.

    Sure enough 3 came grass. I announced in ops chat that I had three attackers and went about stalling untill help arrived. No help ever arrived and after almost two minutes the attackers kiled me and took grass. As i respawn and and am flying in, I'm being scolded for no call to grass. While I'm typing that the team should scroll up and they would see my call, I pass over the mid turret. it was there I see 6 teamates fighing 2 attackers. I now realize assistance was never given because they were too busy killing the one or two trickling into mid to be bothered. Pointing this out to the team was met with harsh words. We of course could never get our momentum going again and lost the match.


    Third match- Huttball


    Load in and find all players geared with acceptable HP and expertiese levels. The match starts and we get the ball first. I use an area taunt, give my gaurd to the carrier and stealth ahead to set up for a pass. While passing the first tire trap I see everyone with the exception of me and the ball carrier attacking a healer tank duo which is, for lack of a better description, making them look stupid. The rest of the enemy team however are focused heavily on the ball carrier and me. Naturally we were overwhelmed and lost the ball. The enemy team seemed to make it to our goal line unopposed. They were scoring just as the respawn gate dropped. from that point on my team never left the shelf. Like so many other uncoordinated, unexperienced teams, they seemed to believe that fighting right in the goal area was a good idea. Unfortunately, the enemy team had juggernauts and didn't mind my team hanging out up there at all . The match was over in less than 5 minutes 6-0.


    After these two dismal failures I've been unable to bring my self to que again until guild or firends log on.


    TL;DR Pug players do not care about objectives. They do not care about focusing targets. I'm not quite sure they care about anything other than damage or medals. They certainly do not care about winning. They do not bother to learn mechanics of classes they dont play. Instead they rather call hacking when they're failing to kill a tank while letting his healer freecast in the background. They either do not recognize or do not care about stuns or mezzes as they have broken everyone I've applied this morning. I am observing this trend more and more in warzones lately, and is becoming quite annoying.


    I realize there are players out there who focus and accomplish objectives rather than treat every board as team deathmatch, but they are becoming increasingly few and far between. PVP is becoming more and more unplayable unless you can form a premade.



  13. If you're just solo queuing or premading In regs, roll deception. The burst is insane. However if you're looking to enter the rated ring, 23/1/17 is your best bet. Still respectable damage and crazy survivability/utility.
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