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Posts posted by mrdert

  1. I don't think anybody in his right mind at Bioware will consider buffing "invisibility" specs. This is one, if not the most potentially annoying specs to fight against in PvP. If left too powerful for too long, people will simply hate this class because of how they felt they had no chance to fight back. This is why Concealment ate all those nerfs.


    Invisiblity grants you the ability to pick who you want to fight and who not. And this thing alone cannot be balanced. It's impossible. There is no way how to make it seem fair. It's either the deception assassin / concealment ops will always win on who they open, or they will always loose. There is no middle ground, there is little room to make this fight seem fair for both sides.


    So they had to choose. I think sacrificing these both specs, deception and concealment is for the greater good for the entire community.


    Yeah you may hate it, you may make tons of threads, claim that i have no damn clue about assassins, but frankly, do you really guys thing that players of other classes would be happier with deception buffed? I think not. As a Sniper I am all for buffing my ranged DPS cousins, mercs, as currently they are just free kills for everyone. But in no way i will support Deception and Concealment become stronger.


    I understand if we had a class that could reliably hard counter invisibility, one that could hunt them down. But currently the Pyro +2 passive stealth detection is quite lacking frankly, and stealth scan is a joke only useful against bad players. You on the other hand got nice and shiny tools like increased stealth skill CD do ensure that you remain undetected and also can go into invis with force shroud grating you 100% safety from DoTs removing your cloak. I understand if that thing only worked against force dots, but hell, you even get to remove the tech dots. Operatives would kill for the ability to remove both types.


    So, no thank you, i think everyone that is not an assassin is happy now that Deception stays at the bottom of DPS.


    PS: And i am speaking only about PvP. I don't care about PvE balancing of classes at all.


    Imagine that. Some easy mode AP/P PT not wanting any lacking classes buffed.


    The fact of the matter, for me anyways, I have reached the endgame. I was full WH before 1.3 and reached valor 100 shortly after server transfers. I was so excited for ranked to come out only to find my own guild dosent want me in ranked because of my deception spec. If I've reached endgame and am not wanted because of my AC, then there's no reason for me to keep subscribing.

  2. 1. How do you think your Assassin spec is perceived by other classes?


    In it's current form, deception is viewed as a joke spec. It simply does not have enough burst/sustained DPS to be viable. People would rather take a tank/ madness assassin into endgame content because they can do my job better.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    Deception is one of the most fun playstyles and one of the trickier AC to make perform well. It can shine under the right circumstances but, in endgame content, those circumstances are few and far between.

    I personally would like to see something done of the damage/force re gen side of the deception builds. it's fine to be a glass cannon but not when the cannon isn't big enough or can't be fired long enough to be effective.

  3. All I read in the statement he made was: Sorry no one wants you in ranked warzones folks. No one wants you in high level operations either. However, you're within our grace window and maybe you should reroll a different class.



    I'm sorry sir, but a tank class I out damaging me. There's no way that should be right.

  4. The problem with Deception DPS is Force starvation. Boost Force regen or lower the cost of abilities, and DPS will go up without raising burst in PVP. They can start by removing the 10s ICD on Saber Conduit.


    This, this, and this. Our force regen needs a buff. Nothing OP, just a tweak.

  5. As a deception assassin, isn't that what I'm for? My dps isn't off the charts like PT or jugg/ marauder, or even tanksin. Even with 19k hit points I'm still squishy due to light armor. My stealth is my greatest attribute.


    As far as countering, I'd have two members drop AOE stuns. Chances are I'm already by that door with you. I'm just using embrace darkness so you don't notice me till it's too late. if you catch me in a stun, I only have two choices; wait it out or break it which will reveal me and make me dead.

  6. In addition to the no fire death, I've been having my stuns do nothing to players. It's mostly sorcs I notice this with. They have no resolve, I hit them with low slash or electrocute, and nothing. No parry/miss/resist/dodge message. No resolve built from my stun either. NOTHING. What the hell is going on?
  7. I play deception. I may be the only one on my server to do so. I've come to accept that my damage isn't up there with anyone else's but, when I look at the kills, I typically have sent more people to the respawn room than the guy who did 400k.
  8. Quoted for truth. I haven't seen any hacks since 1.2 and I've been very pleased with that. What hacks are you seeing?


    After reading further I see you're talking about a CC immunity 'hack' which I've always attributed as a bugged resolve bar. Bioware should make a visual distinction with the resolve bar if the person is immune (turn it red or blue or green or something) so that it stands out and we could tell the people who were cheating from bugs with the game.


    You're absolutely right. I'm not sure if it's a hack, exploit, cheat, or a bugged resolve bar. All I'm certain of is they didn't show to have any resolve built up and my stun did nothing to them.

  9. Only one I've seen some of lately is an anti-cc hack. Granted, some characters have abilities that make them immune for a short time, but even reslove doesn't immune you to slowing effects. There are some players that I have basically spammed affliction on for 25-30 seconds and force slow when it was up(if spec'd affliction has a force slow effect) and nadda. Shock also had no effect on these players. It's an mmo full of bugs, and these things happen til fixed, but it is annoying.


    I've experienced this too recently. To my knowledge saves, shadows, and gunslingers have no stun immunity, but I've had all three walk right thru my low slash and electrocute like I didn't even do anything. This not a case of them breaking it or me hitting them with full resolve. I also know the attacks landed because I saw the damage flytext coming off of them.

  10. Pugs would be battling against pugs ofc unless fighting other premades is too challenging for you. It should be 2 separate ques one for solo que and one for premades.


    This topic isn't about me and my ability to fight other premades. This topic is unnecessary QQing on something that was covered when 1.2 was released with out ranked activated.

  11. Funny how you folks will cry about everything. It was said almost 4 months ago, when it was postponed, ranked would be only 8v8. There's already numerous threads crying about how premades are ruining PVP; What on earth would it be like when you got the lowest rank possible cause your pug team has the combined skill of a paper weight?
  12. I guess you guys really don't see what the gear gap is does. Your queues are dropping off in mid pop servers because of a lack of fresh blood. Why? Because new PvPers are so far behind the established players it isn't competitive or fun. They play a few matches, get stomped super hard, and don't return.


    That's why sometimes...


    I play nekkeds!

  13. For me, the answer is pretty simple. I joined a PVP server because I want to kill, and be killed by, other players. I will try to melt your face in war zones. I will ride out to Voss and gank the lowbies. I will encourage them to seek help from their guild/ fellow pubs; and if they don't show, I'll kill them till I'm board.


    You can call be a griefer; You can call me a ganker. You can even say I can't kill people my own level, but you aren't saying it on Vulkar Highway. Bottom line is you signed up for a pvp server. You should have expected that at some time there might be some actuall PVP.

  14. Sadly the design of the zone isn't that good either imo. It is a very open place with few buildings and alcoves, you can see enemies coming from a mile away.


    If a lot of people went there, it would probably still be a zerg, with the biggest group winning.


    Your enemies are doing it wrong.

  15. I've often found myself conflicted regarding the CC in this game. From a single target DPS stand point, I rely heavily on mezz and stuns during 1v1 combat. They help to keep my opponent from damaging me, and also helps to control force regen.


    However, in warzones, one 4 second stun is enough for two people to DPS a target down. All too often I've been faced with the following scenario: I'm at full life and stunned. Luckily, I pop my defense buff before hand to try and ride it out. I'm being focused by two DPS, and my health bar is fading fast. I now have one of four options. I can do nothing and take my death like a man. I can pop my breaker and try to force cloak out of the area. I can pop my breaker and try to fight it out. Lastly I can pray to the gaming gods that a healer or tank see I'm being focused and come to help out.


    More often than not, I try to break and force cloak out. I'd say that method works 65% of the time. The other 35% of the time, I'm immediately stunned again and finished off.


    I fully understand that resolve is working as designed, however, the design is flawed and needs to be reevaluated. I don't personally know what the fix should be, but sincerely hope the Devs come up with something soon.



    Just to clarify; I don't think that I shouldn't be killed in a 2v1 situation. I'm saying I should at least be able to fight back. Generally speaking, I fine the people who have no concerns with the resolve system are the same ones who can't kill you when you're moving or fighting back.

  16. I've often found myself conflicted regarding the CC in this game. From a single target DPS stand point, I rely heavily on mezz and stuns during 1v1 combat. They help to keep my opponent from damaging me, and also helps to control force regen.


    However, in warzones, one 4 second stun is enough for two people to DPS a target down. All too often I've been faced with the following scenario: I'm at full life and stunned. Luckily, I pop my defense buff before hand to try and ride it out. I'm being focused by two DPS, and my health bar is fading fast. I now have one of four options. I can do nothing and take my death like a man. I can pop my breaker and try to force cloak out of the area. I can pop my breaker and try to fight it out. Lastly I can pray to the gaming gods that a healer or tank see I'm being focused and come to help out.


    More often than not, I try to break and force cloak out. I'd say that method works 65% of the time. The other 35% of the time, I'm immediately stunned again and finished off.


    I fully understand that resolve is working as designed, however, the design is flawed and needs to be reevaluated. I don't personally know what the fix should be, but sincerely hope the Devs come up with something soon.

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