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Posts posted by mrdert

  1. Sometimes players lose. Some players lose all the time. Those players would rather believe they're losing due to hacking rather than poor playing on their part.


    Iv'e seen a couple hacks. Iv'e even been accused of hacking on a couple occasions. However, the idea that everyone is hacking and that it's "out of control" is rather ridiculous. If you see someone you think is hacking report it and add them to your friends list. If all of a sudden they're not logged in for a while...

  2. Get off the fleet. Head to outlaws den. Head to section x. Head to the black hole. OWPVP is alive and well there. All that's missing is you.
  3. I'm in the outlaws den Mose evenings and have noticed a surge in 50s on the planet; both empire and republic.

    Night before last we fought over the same base for 30 minutes or so.


    Dont sit around waiting for bioware or other playes to tell you when to OWPVP. If people want to take part in these sort of things my suggestion is to get off the fleet, pick a planet and cruise around for a bit. Anyone looking for trouble long enough is bound to find some.

  4. Why dose everyone feel the need to organize OWPVP? I've been hanging out in the den for the past week and there have been some people coming thru. Not as many as I like but enough to keep it interesting.


    Please dont think I'm putting down on your wanting to organize some PVP. I think it's a good thing, but if everyone would just get off the fleets we could have open world pvp everyday.



    Anyways, I'm in for some down and dirty fighting. Hit up Allup N'yoas or Eboc. I'd be interested in doing it with either one and both can be a handfull.

  5. I for one am quite pleases with some of the items I've seen in the cartel shop and in the grab bags. I hope they will consider making the imp and rep banners have a 30m range rather than the 10m it is now.

    I fully plan to keep subscribing and as long as I don't have to " pay to win" F2P is ok with me.


    Now once all this F2P business is taken care of let's get back to work on the OWPVP and some warzones.

  6. Put power/surge enhancements in all your open slots. Put half power/ half crit mods in all their slots. Use the power ear piece and the power/ accuracy implants. Also, splurge on the exotech stims.

    You should come out somewhere around:



    1050-1230 damage

    625 bonus damage

    34% crit buffed

    76.8% surge

    97% accuracy



    925 bonus damage

    33% crit buffed

    76.8% surge

    107% accuracy

  7. I've had more than a few of these incidents in my time here in a galaxy far far away. You evern notice the people doing the most QQ and insulting are the ones who performed the absolute worst in warzones?


    I had one in a huttball doing that very thing. At the end of the match I pointed out he had less than 50k damage, no healing, protection, and under 2000 objective points. His response was " you're truly an idiot who has no idea how the game is played. " when I tried to respond, he had already set me to ignore.

  8. There is a rumore that Ilum will be rivived sometime in early 2013 with an event focused around the battle grounds. the rumor also states that the battle grounds will be redesigned.


    Ofcourse this is just rumor, we'll all have to wait and see. Unfortunately, even if this is true we will run into the same problmes as when Ilum was alive and well. more that 20 players in one area will mess up FPS pretty good. Still though, I'd take a lesser FPS to slaughter people on Ilum again.

  9. Hey look! That guy ran ahead of me in hutt ball. He's trying to clear me a path by stunning/ mezzing the enemies. I should ABSOLUTELY lay down my AOE and make sure they're dead before going any further. Crap! How dare these guys not fall dead instantly in my AOE?! Guess I'm going to have to stun them again...


    THESE GUYS MUST BE HACKING!!!! I stunned them again, but none of them are stunned. CHEATERS!!!!!



    What's that little white bar by all their portraits? THIS TEAM IS FULL OF NOOBS; I QUIT!!!!!!!

  10. Dang it. Ive also done the cloak thing. My binds for force cloak, force shroud, and force speed are all right next to each other. On more than one ocassion I've cloaked and shrouded thru the fire trap rather than shrouded and force ran.
  11. This stuff is comic gold. Keep it coming.


    Sadly, while reading this, I've come to realize I myself am guilty of the continuous cap attempts in void star. However, like a previous poster said, sometimes it actually works.


    Here's another one:


    Hey, our remain has been zerging the first void star door on the west for three minutes; I see a stealthier on my team has respawned and heading tword the other door. Surely he means for me and every other respawned to follow him. They will never notice four of us missing from the other door.

  12. I've noticed this as well. There has also been two occasions where I have been stunned while having force shroud active. Also, melee animation hanging is at its all time worst. This morning it took four trys to low slash a player. Once I did get him low slashed I went around to the back of him for a maul and it never would go. The button reacted and the GCD cycled but the annimation never would play.


    Something is messed up. I don't know what it is, but it's defiantly broken/bugged.

  13. While I agree with the under educated part. Under geared?, everyone starts at recruit you can't put this on guys who know what their doing but can't contribute the same as wh guys. That's just pathetic you can't put this on them. There are a lot of imbeciles at times



    I'm not blaming someone for being under geared. You're right, you can't really blame them. However, why should I try to carry a team when I'm the only full war hero in the match. And that's why I advocate breaking down the cues by expertiese rating.

  14. Imposing penalties for leaving warzones will cause me to quit playing this game plain and simple. I pay my subscription fee like everyone else. I shouldn't have to stay in a warzone with under geared/ under educated players.

    I shouldn't have a debuff when something comes up and instead of afking in the match.


    How about splitting war zones by expertise level and you wouldn't have so many leavers. How about bioware actually post some guides on effective warzone strategy instead of leaving it up to players.


    Really the more I think on it, any sort of debuff or negative impact for leaving a match early is simply developers taking the easy way out rather than addressing the underlying issues causing the problems.

  15. Based on Whaht i've read, the changes look pretty good. One question I have though: will warzone adrenal stack with blackouts damage reduction? If so, I can have just about 90% damage reduction for 15 seconds.


    I'm not very happy about changing the overload to a cone rather than an AOE, but I'll adapt and overcome. Also I still would like to see a clense built into force cloak.


    Overall, I can't wait till it's up on the PTS. I'm eager to see how it will work out

  16. It would be nice If they eliminated the score card except for objectives. Ive seen way too many players so worried about hitting some magic damage number that they'll let someone walk right past them and plant the bomb/ take the node
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