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Posts posted by mrdert

  1. A four man group of <play> ran across a four man group of <war> in the outlaws den last night. Good fight. Sorry we had to kill you guys. Next time we won't let you escape briskid.


    If you like world pvp, reg and ranked warzones, then come <Play> with us.

  2. In light of the upcoming double xp weekends, we have reconsidered our position on only accepting lvl 55s. we will now consider recruits from levels 48-55. All of our current members have lowbie alts to group with and speed the leveling process even further.
  3. Tired of hanging around on the fleet waiting for the WZ pop? Tired of having to find groups to pug ranked WZ?

    Tired of queuing for warzones solo only to get in and find your team is only interested in team death matching ? If so, then come <Play> with us.


    We are a new guild and we're looking for members. Our immediate goal is to find 5- 13 players willing and able to queue for ranked warzones 2-4 nights per week (2-3 hours per night). In addition, we will create world pvp by raiding random republic bases thru out the galaxy as well as organizing/coordinating world pvp events with other guilds.


    All classes are welcome to inquire, but we are currently only accepting lvl 55s. We also ask that members be in at least full partisan gear as we do not condone wz bolster bugging of any sort.


    We currently have a guild bank and a 25 man vent server. Once things get rolling, we will switch to mumble or ts3, depending what the guild prefers.


    If interested, contact Allup N'yoas, or Dauktor Rockso for more info.

  4. I always felt that 'stealth, sab, seathe' is pretty wonk.



    Not sure why it is in that game in that manner. I think it's silly. However, it's been like that forever, and it's never going to change (like speeder bikes causing you to lose Focus target).



    Acceptance here is the only sane path (sadly). What you posted about OP isn't going change.


    Shut your dirty little mouth kettlebell. The stealth, sap, seethe mechanic fits assassins perfectly.

  5. if healers have no tools to be able to survive a focused onslaught .


    NO class should be able to survive a focused onslaught, period. healers do have tools for dealing with attackers, they are called stuns and kiting. right now op healers have better survivability than any tank in game and that's not right.


    However, I'll stop qqing about heals if BIOWARE gets off their butts and balances teams in the pvp group finder. you sure don't see the pve group finder matching 4 healers for a raid, do you.

  6. A lot of people have made some good points here. I figure I'll go ahead and throw in my .02 as well. If you are mauling out of stealth or have black out up I say maul the crap out of them, rather it's proced or not. When you maul you build one charge of induction and you have the chance to proc a maul. If that maul does proc then you just got off two mauls back to back for 75 force, and even if only one of them critted you've still done an average of 10-12k damage right there. You also now have 2 charges of induction and recklessness and the 3 stacks of discharge that comes with recklessness, so there's a good chance your're about to put a hurting on someone. There's also the fact that even if you don't proc a second maul from your first one you can still low slash, at least in deception, and proc a maul that way. So I kindly disagree with anyone who says mauling with out a proc is no good damage wise.


    Force management angle, for the most part, is moot in deception as well. Being able to stealth out and come right back in with double black outs and recklessness off cool down pretty much grants burst and force on demand. it's very rare that I have to resort to spamming saber strike in warzones because I've run out of force. On the occasions it does happen, it's usually because I'm trying to take down a healer solo.

  7. I'm with cycao on this one. Phase walk has tons of uses, but most of the time it's on cool down by the time you're ready to use it. Personally, what I'd like to see is them remove the cool down if it wasn't used within the 2 minute window. Of course the cool down would operate normally if you did use it in the 2 minutes.
  8. As an assassin, allow me to translate the OP's statement.


    I never want my class to lose to any other class. If my class is beat by anyother classes, it is usless and should be buffed. Also, I dont want players more clever than me playing the game. If i dont know all the tools and tricks to play my character effectively, no one else should either.



    Granted I'm just paraphrasing here, but that's what i got out of it.

  9. Not opening with spike is a waste imho :/ opening with spike+maul+maul would do the same damage but prevent people from ccing as soon as you pop out of stealth. I do this usually:







    low slash




    Recklessness usually at the beginning, blackout is situational


    This i do on targets that are being healed. Very few people get to the end of this rotation


    Funny, I always thought spike was stupid to use unless you were in the tank tree where you could use it at any time. I does hardley any damage and loads up the resolve bar.

  10. Here's the opener I like. Some say it claims too muh force, but I disagree due to the 6 seconds of blackout when coming out of stealth.


    From stealh:



    Low slash





    Assassinate if they're close to death. If they're not damn close to it I just cloak, rinse and repeat.

  11. Doubt the OP even did any 55 PvP. Obviously did like 3 games in bolster and got a little excited.


    This. At level 50 deception is absolutely the bees knees. Between the increase to damage and retaining the 30%+ crit chance, I was 1-2 shotting most everyone I touched. I've even saved a ss of a 9k maul at lvl 50.

    However, as you level your crit and surge chances drop dramatically. By level 55 you're not doing that much more damage than you were before 2.0.

  12. The hilarious part is all these boys and girls testifying as to the fact scamper is not op are the same ones who were up in arms at just the possibility of inquisitors having force speed on a 5 sec cool down back in 1.7.


    Ill accept force speed with 25 force cost, just take away the cool down. That will be fair too, right? After all force speed with shroud, deflection, cloak, and adrenals/medpacks are easily countered.

  13. After pvping a bit last night in 55s, I've noticed a trend. The winning team is the one with the most healers, hps far outpaces dps currently. Maybe when everyone is geared and augmented it will be different, or maybe more extreme.

    Feels like 1.2 before the healing nerf again.


    The entire game feels like it's been rolled back to 1.2. The main thing that boils my blood is the fact that BW was told about all of these things when 2.0 was on the PTS. Naked bolster, godlike healers, top tier pvp gear not being as good as pve gear in WZ with bolster. They were told ALL of these things and they did nothing. Nothing at all. They held up the original release of ranked warzones because they "didnt match their expectation of quality", yet they released this with a giant smile knowing full well bolster was going to be messed up.

    Then to add more insult to insult they decided to try and fix this mess by turning everyones pvp gear into pve gear. Most were upset about it yesterday until they realized just use pve gear without mods and you can get better stats that will actuall pvp gear. It's all so sad it's laughable.

    If players really want to show how much they dissapprove of what they've done here in 2.0, unsub. Even if you resub in a few days, let them know you're paying attention and let them know in that comment area that you won't support broken products.

  14. Honestly, BW just can't seem to stop shi tt ing all over custmoers who've payed for and played this game for any length of time. This whole system was dreamed up to satisfy the F2P/casual gamers. For me, this is the last straw. I'm not going to help support a game that keeps punishing me because I worked for a LONG time to aquire my gear.

    Thanks for a whole bunch of nothing.

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