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Posts posted by mrdert

  1. I really hope you’re right trixxie, however it seems like they’re neutering us again. I really don’t understand how the term “glass cannon” is so hard to comprehend. High burst/ low survivability, not medium burst and decent sustained if you can stay alive long enough. We’ll see how it plays out.
  2. I wouldn’t call heals anywhere close to OP in 6.0 although a good tank/heal combo is still fairly indestructible. The problem there lies more with average players not knowing how to keep the 2 separated more so than their actual strength.
  3. I’ve saved a few instant replays recently where it’s a question of Dsync or cheating. However they’ve all been on hutball maps so I’ve given up hope until swtor 2 (I really wish this would hapoen).
  4. If you have an nvidia graphics card it comes with software that has an “instant replay” feature. If you enable it it will record anywhere between 5-20 minutes. If you see something fishy, save the video. If you don’t save it, it will overwrite the previous recording time until you ask it to save. I’ve managed to catch some of my better match plays and some funny glitches using it.
  5. Multiple thread in this forum: NeRf “X” cLaSs, RheEEeEE!!!


    Responses from other players: “X” class is fine. “X” feature of the class has been in game since launch.


    Response from angered players: Do YoU eVeN Ranked Bro?!? BIoWaRe NeEdS tO BaLaNce ArOunD RanKeD!!


    Next thread title: RIP ranked. “X” sErVer NeveR HaS RaNKed PoPs. BIoWaRe HatES PvPeRs, RhEEE!!!!!!


    Keep up the good work, folks. It’s all entertaining as hell on a slow day at work.

  6. Those biased sins...

    "nothing changed except tactical swap" "other classes can do 50k damages"


    Like this is the problem, lol. Death Knell gives Deception the damage they needed in 5.0. They can now get defensive utilities + two cloaks tactical because they don't sacrifice damage anymore and are much more resilient = they can now guard, peel, taunt much more efficiently.


    Everything changed and the damage alone is not the problem. The problem is that sins are hard to kill with all the tools they have, and if you don't kill them, they add too much with guard, taunt, and damage.


    Please enlighten us all as to what new defensive abilities deception received in 6.0? I only know of the nerf to damage reduction during force speed. Also claiming deception, the class with the least damage reduction or self heals, is an un killable tank is pretty funny. Yes deception can taunt fairly effectively, but deception throwing guard on a focused ally will result in a melted assassin. Just the same as it’s always been.


    Honestly this sounds like the logic of players who say focus the juggernaut before arena rounds begin.

  7. Those biased sins...

    "nothing changed except tactical swap" "other classes can do 50k damages"


    Like this is the problem, lol. Death Knell gives Deception the damage they needed in 5.0. They can now get defensive utilities + two cloaks tactical because they don't sacrifice damage anymore and are much more resilient = they can now guard, peel, taunt much more efficiently.


    Everything changed and the damage alone is not the problem. The problem is that sins are hard to kill with all the tools they have, and if you don't kill them, they add too much with guard, taunt, and damage.


    Please enlighten us all as to what new defensive abilities deception received in 6.0? I only know of the nerf to damage reduction during force speed. Also claiming deception, the class with the least damage reduction or self heals, is an un killable tank is pretty funny. Yes deception can taunt fairly effectively, but deception throwing guard on a focused ally will result in a melted assassin. Just the same as it’s always been.


    Honestly this sounds like the logic of players who say focus the juggernaut before arena rounds begin.

  8. Lets get the obvious out of the way. Yes I main deception. I've mained deception since pre-launch. Yes, I am here to defend deception, as well as revel in the amount of forum tears deception has caused as of late.


    On Star Forge everyone and their brother is role playing the bounty hunter class since the Mandalorian aired, so the claim of "50% assassins in regs" is inaccurate at best.


    Assassins get those crazy big hits, right? Yeah they do. Seems everyone ignores the fact snipers, operatives, and mercs are all capable of hitting just as big or bigger. I've even seen Juggs hitting for 55k+ in regs. Let's also not forget every class mentioned above has more sustained damage, better defensive cool downs and tools to keep an assassin from successfully stealthing out of combat. Anyone who's played deception for any amount of time should know that stealthing out does not necessarily mean exiting out of combat. That means the argument of assassin burst too big and repeatable go right out the window against any player with a pulse.


    As far as CC goes, deception has 3 soft stuns, one knock down, and one hard stun at their disposal (2 of which they have to be stealthed to use). any combination of 2 of those fills white bar and the player can't be CC'd again until it's depleated. unless the player is under geared, another assassin, or the planets have magically aligned thru team buffs and debuffs, the chances of deception stun locking and killing someone from full health is almost 0.


    The rotation for assassin is pretty simple huh? Yeah there's valid a point there, but the rotation is just about the same as it has been since losing access to phase walk, crushing darkness, and force lightening. Only real difference is maul hits harder now.


    The only thing read in all the forum post about assassins that actually has merit is the tactical switching when out of combat, which wasn't even mentioned here. All classes should have to choose 1 tactical at the beginning of a match/round and stick with it till the end.


    In conclusion, as dirty as it makes me feel agreeing with Trixxie, their assessment of this post is pretty spot on.

  9. You’re absolutely correct. However this will fall mostly on deaf ears. I wouldn’t necessarily call any class broken currently, but snipers are indeed strong. So are Ops, mercs, and sorcs.

    I’ve been in matches where snipers, ops, and mercs have landed 70k+ hits. I was also in a void star where, I presume, a madness spec managed to spread out 10,000,000 damage over the course of the match.


    Bottom Line is people are upset because they can no longer just ignore an attacking assassin or op in like they did before 6.0. It’s also easier to get in the forums and cry for nerfs rather than figure out how to beat a glass cannon.

  10. Armor Pen does not affect weapon damage at all, only yellow energy and kinetic. So for deception, Ball Lightning. I have had good success re-rolling for about 10% armor pen when playing with The Awakened Flame. The constant flow of Ball Lightning, less focus on Reaping Strike and the 100% uptime on Awakened Flame makes that Armor Pen noticeable.


    Otherwise if you're using tacticals and a style of play that prefers white or internal damage, avoid Armor Pen.


    I understand how the armor penetration works, I was more curious why hew was opting for alpha strike, a small damage buff at beginning of combat, over armor penetration which should bump up the damage from ball lightning a bit and possibly increase overall dps. Now I’m wondering how much will armor penetration effect the dot from the awakening the flame tactical.

  11. As of late, the only time I’ll leave a match is when I observe other players blatantly disregarding objectives in favor of attempting to number farm. I’ve always liked Hutt ball very much (still don’t understand how after 8 years we don’t have a ranked Hutt ball league) and attempt to play the maps objectively as possible. Noting grinds my gears more than grabbing the ball and running, unsupported, to the enemy’s end zone and getting slaughtered because my team mates are too busy tunneling in our end zone pit.

    I used Hutt ball as the example, but the same is true in all the objective based war zones. Can’t say how many times a node has been lost on Alderran or Yavin4 because of overcommitting or fighting 40 meters away from the node.

    The thing that irks me the most about trying to death match in regs is the fact there are ranked arenas specifically made for solo/ team death matching, but people are scared to have their ego bruised if they don’t do well.


    If my teammates are under geared, or just not very skilled but still trying to play objectively, I’ll stick around for my 8 medals and not put up too much of a fuss.

  12. Hi folks, been playing deception since early access, yada yada yada. I've never claimed to be the best, but I also know I'm not the worst.


    Survivability is fine. We have plenty of tools to escape a 1 sided a** whipping.

    Increase duplicity back to 30%, and give back the second proc on low slash.

    Lower damage from low slash and give back the 3rd recklessness tied to the armor set bonus.

    Deception fixed.

  13. Welcome to all of our new <play>ers, and thanks for your kind words.


    <Play> is first and foremost a social guild with emphasis on objective based PVP play. We feel that communication is very important and team work, rather than heroics, lead us to victory more often than not.


    Now that our numbers and class roles are filling out, we will be making our appearance in ranked soon. We look forward to celebrating our victories and learning from our losses.

  14. Thank you to all those who have inquired, and welcome to all of our new members.


    We are still seeking out well geared lvl 55's to get our ranked team off the ground. All classes are welcome to apply, but our most immediate need is for a carnage marauder and full tank assassin.

    If interested, speak to Allup N'yoas or Dauktor Rockso for more information.

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