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Everything posted by Edyn

  1. Thank you. And you just might have the foresight that predicts BW's next vocabulary redefinition. In addition to "thrilling," "exciting," "meaningful," "complicated" and "soon," we might be able to add "fun" when they use that as an explanation.
  2. Oh, wow - I didn't know this. I take back my comment about someone who seemed out of character. I might need to check out this book...
  3. Don't say that... I don't need this information in my life. I also thought he was more warm and personable... by a long shot. He was adorable and a super nice guy, especially considering he's an Imperial citizen. Alas, Vector just doesn't do it for my Agent. For her, he's more of that gay BFF rather than a love interest. I wish I'd known about Theron's romance before I went through my main Agent's story - I would have friend-zoned Vector and creeped on Theron.
  4. Ah, right on. - thanks. I did, however, get that impression in game when I finished the story line. So, now this kinda leads me to this next question: What does defeating Tyth have to do with the story at this point? I mean, this update led the entire story up to Tyth, so some of us will have deafeated Tyth and some won't when the next story update or Flashpoint is released.
  5. I couldn't get into Vector because I always felt like I was talking to the borg. I don't think I can connect on that level with a "people," just a person. Besides, that whole bugs living in the skin thing... ugh. Apparently, I'll take assassination attempts over genuinely nice guys who happen to be part bug.
  6. Aesthetically speaking, I actually like Iokath. For me, it's a sweet concept with the Dyson Sphere and all; however, the actual game mechanics are pretty annoying. There's unavoidable trash agro everywhere, the dailies and rep rewards don't look interesting, and as OP mentioned, they use A map icon that has indicated one thing for six years and now have it indicating something entirely different. With all the UI changes that have been going on lately, a different icon couldn't be conceived for this? Not to mention all the bugs that came with this, and a major one such as people not getting the returning Companions. In regards to the Companions, I loved their returns, but their roles were absolutely insignificant to the story and they received very little screen time as compared to previous Main Character Companions who've returned. This somewhat surprises me with how loudly BW trumpeted their returns on social media. Quinn's addition to my Alliance was pretty ambiguous as he left the story saying to let him know if he could serve me again, and my character didn't say a thing and just watched him exit the scene. I didn't even know Quinn had joined the Alliance until I glanced at my chat log and then my Companions and Contacts list. I actually liked the overall story, but it had some really nonsensical conversation options and at least one character that came across as being completely out of character. The ending was pretty anti-climactic, as I understood I had to go run the OP to see what happens next. Eh... I'll watch a vid.
  7. This is why I used the work comparison, as dailies by nature, aren't fun - they're an inevitable grind. No matter how fun the quests are the first time you do them, repetition is going to make them tedious. That being said, I have to ask, "Why in the galaxy did BW think it was appropriate to add a cost on top of the inevitable grind?" I swear other MMO developers out there must be laughing their asses off at things like this and CXP. Either the person making these decisions at BW just loves to grind or they just don't have a lot of experience playing MMOs. By the way, I hope you guys are keeping all of your work receipts so you can at least write off your expenses when you do your taxes.
  8. This whole concept is asinine. It makes about as much sense as showing up for work and then paying your employer for the privilege to work there.
  9. I figured it was a choice... up until Pierce brought it up to my character during one of his Vanilla conversations. I forget which step it is, but if you talk to Pierce before the betrayal, all he does it gripe about Quinn. If you talk to him during this step after the betrayal, he harps on Quinn about his betrayal and basically says he's got to die. One of the possible responses to Pierce's request is something along the lines of, "If you ask me to kill Quinn again, I'll kill you instead." So I figured an "announcement" was made to the crew or perhaps one of the crew overheard Quinn and the Warrior talking about it at some point.... even if my character chose the "keep it between ourselves" option. This was later confirmed in KOTFE with Vette when she makes the "shock collar" crack. Personally, I don't mind the disclosure, as I would have probably told the crew the next day and put him on the shortest leash possible (Jaesa watching him 24/7, etc.) until I was satisfied I could trust him again. This point is probably after offing Baras and conquering Corellia for my Warrior. Speaking of the KOTFE shock collar joke, I haven't yet tried this personally, it looks like Vette can say something regarding Pierce if you banged him and didn't romance Quinn during this scene. It's something along the lines of, "did you dream of a certain muscle-bound Lieutenant?" and the Warrior responds with something about how he was good for keeping her warm during those cold nights.
  10. I want to start off by saying I really like the direction of the story and hope that this transition back to Empire vs. Republic is a ongoing thing. Technical issues with Daily Missions aside, I think Iokath is a cool planet and I'd like to see it expanded upon. Most importantly, I love that old Companions are being brought back, even if their returns are lackluster and their roles in the story are downplayed as compared to the previous Main Story Companions. That being said, I find there's one glaring issue about how the story is being presented and that issue is how my character interacts with the key players during conversation dialogues. Basically, the conversation choices themselves are just completely nonsensical to me at times. One example is the first Dark/Light choice on whether or not I'm to send further aid to Zakuul. Apparently, my character previously made the decision to send aid to Zakuul. How much? I don’t know – my character must have ordered it when I was afk between 5.1 and 5.2. For all I know, it was a substantial amount and Zakuul is just being wasteful and whiny; however, if I don’t send the next shipment to Zakuul so that a needier planet can receive it, that's a Dark side choice…? My point is, there's no context preceding this choice. Context is everything when it comes to choices, and especially Light and Dark choices in game. If there’s no context, there’s just me hitting a button without any thought just to get to the next screen. I'm too smart for that sort of interaction and I won't pay money for it. A second example was when my character was presented with the option in regards to who I might side with in my pursuit of the Superweapon. If I choose the option of neither and threaten to keep the Superweapon for myself and the Alliance, Lana and Theron immediately undermine me in front of the leaders of the known galaxy, and I'm not allowed to side with either faction in order to secure the Superweapon for the Alliance. So, I had to ask myself, "What kind of Commander or Empress would allow her advisors to call her to out in front of their Galaxy-ruling peers?" Since Lana and Theron were first introduced, I’ve reluctantly accepted the fact that I'm the puppet and they're the ones pulling the strings... But, why did they have to let my galaxy-ruling peers know? My character really doesn't need the entire galaxy knowing that Lana is the real Empress and Theron is the real Commander. I can only wonder why they added that conversation choice in the first place. Those two examples are really just a tip of the iceberg. With so many irrelevant or nonsensical conversation options, I wonder why there are even options at all? I’m at the point where I feel like when I’m presented with a “choice,” it only ends up insulting my intelligence rather than being an opportunity for me to participate in the story. While I understand railroading is necessary for any story arc, I think there’s a happy medium that can be achieved, as I’ve seen in some of the original Class stories.
  11. I thought the KOTET comment was oddly out of character for both Companions - enough for me to go, "uh...:confused:" after seeing it. Vette was always a harmless tease and Quinn actually never needed to be threatened to be motivated other than the one time during the betrayal. I'd just assumed whoever wrote that line never actually ran the full SW story and just for some basic character info from someone at the office who'd ran the SW story one time, three years ago, and didn't remember Vette's personality, but remembered how much he hated Quinn. As far as Quinn's letter good about loving Vette's friendly ribbing, when I read it, it was dripping of dry sarcasm in my head, so it made sense and felt in character to me. As in, "As much as I love her friendly ribbing..." Anyways, that non-romance Iokath letter actually answers a question for me, "What exactly happened with Quinn's posting?" It was pretty unclear to me what actually happened at the end of the story. Was Quinn still serving Acina or the Alliance? Also, was he still bunking with Imperials on or above Iokath or did he move to Odessen. For my SW, it looks like he took the Pierce route and still technically works for the Sith Empire, but has basically been transferred to the Alliance, as there was no mention of him defecting from the Sith Empire to join the Alliance. The comment saying he'll station himself away from Vette indicates that his home is now on Odessen just as it is with Pierce, Vette and Broonmark. Speaking of, I wonder why we can see Alliance Alert Companions around Odessen, but, other than Lana, Theron and T7, none of the other story Companions can be seen?
  12. Okay, THIS is why that very first choice seemed hinky for me, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Logic: Send aid to Zakuul. Could be lots and lots and LOTS of aid to Zakuul. Who knows? We weren't present when we made the decision to send aid to Zakuul. Now, deny aid one time: DARK SIDE CHOICE... ... ...Get the **** out of here. More on topic... I'm really sorry you had issues with the update. Luckily, I don't think(...?) I encountered any bugs, but I remember that you, as well as I, have been looking forward to this update for months. To see it implemented so shoddily even after they had an extra week beyond their first release date is disheartening to say the least. I really hope your issues get resolved.
  13. Nor should he be. Also, where's a letter in regards to Pierce for those of us who took five minutes to recruit him? Everyone knows he's not happy Quinn's around, especially since Pierce straight up said he didn't approve of having him around after the betrayal and basically said he should be dead (man after my own husb's heart.)
  14. I just wanted to chime in and say I loved Malavai's letter in this patch and I put it right up there with the KOTFE letter in regards to feels.
  15. I know I can turn each and every one of those garish notifications off by clicking on the X every time they pop up. The thing is, I hate being distracted by them in the first place. Bottom line is, I absolutely do not care about the "DvL war," whatever the **** that is and how it applies to SWTOR story immersion. Please allow us the option to hide everything that has to do with it - I really don't like my SWTOR MMORPG feeling like a FPS capture the flag match. Thanks!
  16. Help me out... what's the point of the currency first place? I mean, why can't we just do the content? Serious question.
  17. I agree wholeheartedly - If someone who's familiar with Quinn wants to simply recruit him rather than kill him or mack on him, they should definitely have that option.
  18. I find it hard sometimes to communicate that I want certain things in a game without coming across as a complete dick. This has been a problem since my big brother and I played Duck Hunt and couldn't figure out why the Nintendo zapper was jacked up and couldn't aim for ****. By nature, I'm a very direct, sarcastic and cynical person... so, every time I communicate feedback in regards to a game I'm actually passionate about, I wonder if whoever makes the decisions in regards to the game/story/characters/concept will even take me seriously. This post somehow found in me that middle ground between die-hard story immersion player and basic game enthusiast that I actually have some hope that the developers will take it to heart.
  19. Yeah, I really don't understand why they truncated his name. In Companions and Contacts, it still says, "Malavai Quinn." When you have him targeted, the UI says, "Quinn - level 70 Malavai Quinn," and when he speaks, the chat box text switches from Quinn to Malavai Quinn for no apparent reason. I can only assume his name is displayed as Quinn because it's a bug, as I see no rhyme or reason to ditch his first name... unless his first name is never used when he returns and he's called Quinn to appease all the other classes who would want to know who "Malavai" is. /shrug
  20. I just gathered Quinn was in a military prison and Acina just reinstated him to active service. This wasn't said, but I kind of guess Lorman imprisoned him in secret/under another name and anyone searching Imperial records would see that Quinn just vanished. This could explain why Lana, Theron or even Imperials like Pierce or Talos weren't able to locate him. Now I wonder... why did Acina reinstate Quinn? Why would the Sith Empress need specifically Captain, now Major Quinn as her personal confidant? Surely there are Admirals and Moffs out there with more experience? You know, officers who don't need to be pulled out of prison and reacquainted with everyday life after serving a five year stint in the slam...? If they made this known, I totally missed it.
  21. My SW wouldn't go in for a kiss there, either - I mean, who actually would? It's totally inappropriate for the situation. I only selected the [Kiss Him] option because there wasn't a basic [Flirt] option that at least lets you acknowledge that you're happy to your husband after all these years before you get down to business. Also, after seeing Quinn and Dorne together, my SW certainly wouldn't have addressed some random Pub just to ask who she is before expressing her happiness towards her husband for the first time in over six years. Who the **** is writing this?
  22. You forgot about fixing the "complicated" token-based item and gearing system by implementing Galactic Command.
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