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Everything posted by Mursy

  1. The 50 brackets should have helped with some of this, but now competative PVPers are leveling thei alts and so we are seeing a rash of it again. Some of us just play WZ's for the fun of it and the pointless combat others not so much. Finding a happy medium is tough. Kudos to BIOWARE for trying.
  2. Once character transfers are enabled I will be there. If not before.
  3. Maybe just have non-autofacing servers? Yeah, thats the ticket!
  4. LOL and we all know what a horrible thing having a low skill cap is right? "Why those dang noobs will think there are as our l33t selves if it gets too low and we can't have that! It will make our epeen's deflate and then we will trip over ourselves!" You guys have so much ego wrapped up in fighting in game. Is that all you have going for you? Sad if it is. It makes me concerned. How are you going to earn enough to keep my social security fully funded if thats all you do?
  5. <Troll mode on> I love it how some hard core PVPers are whining becasue the mechanics are not more WOW-like rather than adapting their game to fit the battlefield, then calling others carebear! Its so funny, the antics of spoiled kids trying to convince everyone how uber they could be if only the combat system was more hardcore! Well go play a hardcore PVP game and take your whining with you. <Troll mode off> I would like to see real Collision Detection so tanks could really be tanks, and Friendly Fire so using explosive AOE's with your mates in the blast zone would damage everyone there. That would be an interesting world to me. Oh by the way, I suck in PVP and get killed. I am probably twice your age, with bad eyes and lousy reflexes. For me the combat system is just fine. Now rage quit please.
  6. You can stay out of range of those mean old acid/fire pits You can save your cc breaker for when you get pulled in Some of you can be pulled out by a team mate You can sometimes see someone preping for that move and kill/avoid All that takes congnitive skill of a sort Skill is not all about how well you do mouse turns and keypresses
  7. Backpedalling can be an effective way to lure a dpser away from a target as they will think your are a real noob and come after you. As a tank you will take a while to kill one on one if you are not ambushed, whhc gives your mates time to assist. Use your taunts to help knock down the damage the enemy is doing to your mates. Guard. Get a programmable mouse (I just got a Razer Naga and am learning to use it) it will help. Using the mouse to move is key. It takes practice, so go some place where you can without much danger of death and do that. Situational awareness comes with experience. Stay near a healer except when you have to go in and be spoiler. Retractable blade is a good way to put a dot on stealther and they don't like that. Keep learning and hang in there. I started out with a tank build, but I switched to Advanced prototype for PVP and I like it a lot. Mobility adds to your chances of survivability, whihcs means more time doing damge and less in the box waiting to get back in the fight. Use your stims! Stand right on the edge of platforms, fire and acid when you can, facing into it, and grapple the enemy into the mess then stun them. Standing on the edge of a platform can casue leapers to fall after they jump to you. Hilarious! Practice and tune your gear and build as you learn. Good luck!
  8. You can do more damage than flame thrower in the same amonut of time flame thrower takes to channel using other attacks. Just sayin.
  9. Its all well and good to approach an op with the intention of succeeding, but this is a game to be played for the fun of it. The team work skills you learn are useful, but most of the accomplishments are empty and have little bearing on real life. I don't recall any employer asking me what my DPS rating is. Every time I hear the term 'serious raiding guild' or 'serious pvp guild' I laugh. I am here to have some fun, not spend hours tweaking some stat that is meaningless in the real world, I get enough of that at work.
  10. You are not at the top of the food chain, so let those that are do the heavy damage, and you pick off the cripples of join in when its safe for you. Don't stay in one place long for the most part. And when you see the tide of battle moving your way relocate.
  11. Yes, that was the Medic set, which i suppose is for a Merc healer so I will look at another set then. Thanks.
  12. Well, is it? For a powertech? I see it on the Centurion armor is why I am asking. When playing pvp it seems laggy to me. Just wondering if a dose of alacrity might help. Thanks hunters.
  13. 55 near Atlanta Saw the original relase of Sw in '77 with my wife. HAN SHOT FIRST!
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