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Everything posted by teambff

  1. it's not the "end of the story", obviously... since we're all discussing it and that's what forums are meant for. it might be the end of the decision but not the story. to give an example, once upon a time a boy played a druid in world of warcraft.. he loved to heal in his druid tree form and it brought him a great enjoyment, then... one day, out of the blue.. the evil blizzard comes crashing down and destroys everything that the boy cared for, in one giant swoop and without mercy or remorse. the story might of ended there from their perspective. but i'll never in my life time spend another dollar on a blizzard product because of that, so the story was hardly over. granted, a huge corporation doesn't care about 1 small person, nevertheless. the story continues. loyal fans are not something one should be in the habit of losing, imo. ps: i'm not comparing this with the disaster of the druid tree form just using it as an example to make a point. this is hardly in the same league as that.
  2. i think you would find if it was an exclusive mount MORE people would be "crying". and much harder. if you read every page of the thread and still came to that conclusion than i don't know what to tell you.
  3. small patch = 200mb. maybe my definition of small is different from other people but that seems more like a medium.
  4. has nothing to do with greed, or the money. if you read through the thread with most of the discussion, you would see that. (well, it might for a few people lol)
  5. "better" is probably not the best word to use. to quote a line from "my so-called life" "we had a time". it's more something that can't be defined in one word or easily explained but there was something special. even at those times i felt it in the air so to speak. self aware of it. it's not a question of "better" it's more a question of something lost. i watch, i observe... i take in.. what's out there today and over the last decade, and i can't find what once was there , it seems gone in this generation, somehow lost.. and something's changed, again "in the air".
  6. i see that, and raise you "river city ransom"
  7. the perfect example of those who agree with it, i think the intended target base was hit. the indulgence of elitism.
  8. if only star trek online had been given proper treatment. sigh. i'd definitely be playing that. star trek/stargate has the most potential to be a great mmo, imo. but so far nothing but failure.
  9. aghh... yeah, i see what you mean. there definitely wasn't anything like goes on today, that's for sure. i'd give just about anything to go back to the 80s/90s and just live in an eternal loop over and over and never leave. after the 90s things never were the same again. for me and my perspective, at least.
  10. lol cmon man, i was in those arcades and i don't think anyone was going to be fighting. back in the 80s/90s is when there were real nerds/geeks, not like all the people these days where it's even cool to profess your geekdom, etc. if you were around the arcades and gaming in the 80s/90s you know what real geeks/nerds are, some of the biggest nerds you will ever encounter, lol and i was right there. it was a special little club where people were forced together because of their geekhood/nerdhood not really because they chose it. imo you can't even be considered a geek/nerd unless you were from the 90s on down. now everyone claims to be a nerd/geek, all these girls are nerds/geeks and profess themselves to be it... pahlease back when real nerds/geeks were around we never had interactions with a real girl and geeky nerd girls were as rare as a unicorn. now, you even have jocks trying to be nerdy... it's like bizarro world. i wouldn't believe the way things are today if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes.
  11. and nowhere does it say they aren't, noone ever said that they were. the powers of deduction. one group of people are getting preferential treatment on a flawed basis, even though the two groups have invested the same amount of time/money/effort.. that's all that needs to be said and it says everything. there's already a plague of elitism infesting the mmo communities, mostly by end game obsessives... validating that, already blight on the mmo community is further flaw. we're all equals. we all pay the same amount each month. even if someone logs in twice a month if he pays his monthly fee he/she is an equal with the rest of us. the elitism must end, at some point.
  12. the old days were great, great indeed. dunno what happened to people. even in the 90s i remember it being a different time completely, looking back it's almost like another world, not just different in it's style but just something more. something was lost along the way. now, it's almost like there's no soul left within humanity. it's a scary time to live in. gaming is at an all time low. i've gamed since the late 80s and this is the worst i've seen and it doesn't look like it's going to get better any time soon.
  13. it's the decline in quality of the mmo community as a whole of recent times. largely in part due to warcraft's 4chan like community and it's ruthless elitism.
  14. if alot of people have a problem with it then it's obviously not a good business move. why do you feel the need to tell us what to feel and think? i find it a bit insulting for my own reasons.
  15. hehe that post was almost a month ago, interesting reading back about how "smuggler is becoming my favorite" cuz back then it was like level 20 and now it's level 46, and now my new jedi knight is probably my new favorite heh.. how times change and move on. always interesting to read something you wrote awhile ago.
  16. i couldn't go back to warcraft even if i wanted to, after 6 years in that game world and all that has changed i could never go back... especially after what they did to my precious druid tree form. if anything i've really developed a rebirth if you will, in my love for single player games... i've considered really going back and catching up on alot of em. mmo's have really been getting to me of late. my first mmo was final fantasy 11 which had probably the best community of any mmo and i got hooked but ever since then i've experienced bad community after bad community and it's left a bad taste in my mouth. also i'm tried of the elitists and exclusive guild nature of mmos. i'm hanging on still but barely.
  17. a good start would be to give my female mirialan jedi guardian her beautiful hair back, not that it wasn't enjoyable to almost have a heart attack logging in to see a bald green girl staring back at me where once my character used to be. that's a good start, indeed.
  18. so, we're not allowed to play the game we pay for how we want to play the game? it's some rule that we have to level up to 50 asap? if they offered 100 dollars to people who raced to level 50 i wouldn't do it, like i said it's not about the money... it's dividing players and somehow rewarding people who raced to 50 at a faster pace as if they're somehow special or more important to those who took a different approach. it's insulting is what it is.
  19. happens ALL the time. in most forum discussions there are people who discuss/express their opinions and then there are people who for some reason that defies logic feel the need to confront/attack/dismiss those people's opinions instead of just discussing and providing their own opinion. never understood it myself but i see it everyday on many different forums.
  20. jason and michael myers would be a sith warrior. jason a juggernaut and michael a marauder. freddy kruegger would be an annoying troll merc tracer spammer just to f with people. ash would be a scoundrel scrapper with his boomstick. chucky would kill blizz, the merc companion.. take his place under the robe and start killing people on the side.
  21. agreed, it makes no sense. the money isn't the issue it's dividing the players... if one gets it all should get it. i've spent countless hours in the game and have a 46/44/31/33/39. i guess because i didn't spent a little extra time on one character i don't make the cut. lol.
  22. as someone who played warcraft from open beta onwards of 6 years i can say that any time there was out of the ordinary extended maintenance or very long downtimes they did indeed credit days on to your account and extend game time. i'm not a huge fan of blizzard but they were more professional in terms of keeping the community informed and handling problems.
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