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Everything posted by Griminal

  1. People are against it because they are unintelligent. Honestly. This is the reason. No one with a brain capable of critical objective thinking would be against dual spec or cross server lfd. I've read pages and pages and pages of posts from people who are against these things and I haven't seen one legitimate complaint come up. I think a lot of what this comes down too is people hating WoW and assuming anything like WoW is instantly terrible.
  2. How is this a bad justification? If they don't have money then they weren't going to buy it anyway. And since the act of pirating is simply making a copy, there is no loss of any property at all. So you are saying sharing is a childish thing? Ok gotcha
  3. I'm not attacking a person I invented. I'm responding to a mentality I see prevalent on this forum. And I'm attacking the point being made that states these people somehow deserve this gear that they worked for, and the person who is stuck having to gear in a newly implemented 50 bracket have to deal with it. These people never had to deal with it so what do they know?
  4. I don't really care if it's last week. It's the simple facts. It's just funny to see these people who think they deserve their gear and they somehow put all this work and time into it. They got a free ride and they're now QQing because they don't get to faceroll level 50s starting to pvp like they faced rolled all the level 10s for their pvp gear.
  5. Do you guys realize this? You got the game the day it came out, or even earlier possibly, hit 50, and had ezmode pvp gear by killing level 10s over and over as a level 50. Effortless medals on top of cheaper PvP gear. Stop acting like you're somehow entitled cause you put in more work than someone who is just starting. New flash buddy. The person who is just starting now is going to have to put in 20x the work you did to get their gear and it takes twice as long. They don't get to faceroll level 10's all day and get ezmode pvp gear.
  6. Why do you equate playing a game the ways its supposed to be played with having to make it a job? Learning how to press a few buttons in the correct order and in certain situation requires nothing more than a little bit of practice. Your argument is horribly flawed and based of something that isn't even kind of true.
  7. What's actually funny is completely making something up and sticking it on a group of people to some how try and justify some feeling you have. Pretty sad stuff
  8. No more like, why am I screwed because I was late to the party? All the 50s who didn't have to pvp in a 50 bracket had the easy road to pvp gear. Not to mention all their gear was cheaper before the nerfs. So they got to own a bunch of noobs who were like 10 while they were 50, and fresh level 50s get to have fun and face a bunch of 50s in full pvp gear who got geared by killing level 10s and buying cheap pvp gear.
  9. The only thing I didn't comment on was people trying to solo him. His argument is dumb. He just said people who are BM don't pvp because they only get 2 bags a day, and on his server people are mostly geared,and the only time people get owned is when they keep trying to kill him. And this is his argument or proof why people saying they are getting shredded by BM's is not true and doesn't add up. His opinion and experience on one of many many many servers lol That's probably the least scientific you could get. On one hand, we have lots of people reporting problems, and then we have this guy trying to shut down thousands of peoples problems with his random opinion and experience on one server lol
  10. What doesn't hold up is the fact that you actually thought you made any argument at all. You completely excluded people who, wait for it, PvP because they LIKE TO PVP HOLY CRAP. What you just told us is people on your server are geared and you pvp only for gear. This is such a terrible argument that is HAS to be a troll. I almost hope I'm getting trolled right now.
  11. Here we have a classic example of "I'm right and everybody else is wrong"
  12. You can copy and still innovate. WoW was the perfect example of this. They copied a lot of game design from EQ, but actually made the game FUN for anyone who wasn't a masochist. They changed a hell of a lot from what EQ did. A lot more than TOR did when copying WoW that's for sure.
  13. QQ on a forum.im shocked
  14. if you actually believe that then I'm not even going to bother further discussion. You simply have no idea what you're talking about.
  15. Like I said. It's funny when people think that all escape abilities are always off cool down.
  16. The reason they have all those abilities is precisely because they are squishy as hell. Maybe some of those need to be changed, I don't know. I'm not going to pretend I develop games for a living like so many of you think you do, but I can only laugh when people say sorcerers aren't squishy or glass cannons. Everyone seems to think that shields, sprint, knock back and stun are always off cool down. It's really silly.
  17. Isn't it really obvious at this point? BW doesn't have a clue what they're doing lol
  18. You just said any decent player can negate this. Now you are saying it's a crucial ability for melee? You don't even know what your argument is lol
  19. Also, you can't predict enemy movement. Enemies can predict your casts as they can SEE your casts. Any smart melee will see you casting something, wait just before it's about to be cast and boom run through you, completely negating the so called easyness of turning with the mouse.
  20. Ok so if it is as simple and brainless as you claim it to be, why is there even an issue with auto facing then? Are you going to try and pretend that someone who is so bad at the game is beating you because of auto facing? Give me a break, again. I hear a lot of whining in this thread and terrible terrible arguments.
  21. Again, decent casters are doing it against terrible melee. If you are playing a melee who isn't absolutely terrible than it's not happening.I can run through your character 5 times by the time you get off a 2 second cast. Give me a break. Which means the only time you're getting a cast off against someone is if they're completely terrible or you happen to get lucky and they dont move just before you get your cast off or you move just perfectly in time. I'm not defending auto facing. Don't get mistaken. I'm simply pointing out the stupidity of your post. I mean if it were as easy as you are claiming it is, why does every single ranged character have multiple abilities to get out of range of a melee?
  22. Give me a break. In WoW if you're a caster facing a melee, you aren't getting a spell with a cast time off that requires facing the target. The only time this will happen is if the melee is completely terrible.Nine times out of ten you can run through a player faster than he can cast.
  23. Get used to it. Before the bracket change all the level 50s had an easy ride to pvp gear. Now that they're all geared, and later people are starting to hit 50, you are now stuck facing entire teams in full pvp gear and getting stomped. On top of losing 9/10 games and the inflated price of pvp gear, you have no chance. If you actually want to enjoy pvp take this advice seriously AFK every single match until you get enough exp gear to actually be able to compete. If you try to compete you will only be frustrated and want to quit the game.
  24. Griminal

    Sorc 600k heals

    I find it funny that you accuse others of QQ when your post meets the very definition of QQ. How cute
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