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Everything posted by Griminal

  1. Have you not read a single post in this entire thread? People don't enjoy sitting in general for 2 hours going LF1M TANK, LF1M HEALER. It's also painfully slow to level as a tank or healer compared to dps. People want to PLAY THE GAME. HELLOOOOOO. PLAAAAAAAAY TTTHHHHHHHE GAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMME. Why is this such a hard concept for people to understand? Sitting in general looking for a healer or tank isn't playing the game. It's simply annoying. Also, the penalty for dual spec is the exact same as it is now for respecing. A LARGE FEE. No difference. The only difference between dual spec and what is in place now is convenience. That is it. Nothing else.
  2. Are you actually serious with this argument? The absurdity of people truly amazes me. You are comparing a simple role in a video game to an activity that can cause potential death to many individuals involved? Are you serious? So you're telling me someone who chooses to not go through the pain of leveling as a healer or tank automatically doesn't know how to play a tank or healer? I hope you realize I leveled as a dps and switched roles via respec to tank and I knew what I was doing and completed every flashpoint and many heroics flawlessly. There is literally no good argument against dual spec, just pretentious people with outdated thinking. Right now, in the game, I can change my spec anytime I want to. Dual spec does nothing but makes FILLING ROLES, in a game that is ENTIRELY DESIGNED AROUND FILLING ROLES VIA GROUP PLAY MORE CONVENIENT. I hate to **** on people but I can only come to the assumption that you have to be a complete moron to actually be against dual spec.
  3. It's unreasonable because I shouldn't have to ask anyone for help. Go try and ask a random person in general if they will help you with a quest. Come back and tell me what happens
  4. I'm not asking for your suggestions. I already read the unreasonable suggestions in other threads. I'm simply looking for an answer from Bioware. Fanboys need not respond.
  5. I'm just wondering if Bioware plans on fixing this quest for Bounty Hunters. Specifically the two supreme guards you have to kill to proceed. It's virtually impossible to complete this as a tank, as I don't have enough interrupts on short enough cool down to prevent the two guards from spamming heals on each other. Nor do I have the dps to burn through it. So far I've played the entire game as a tank with mako as a healer and haven't had serious problems. Some things have been tricky, but always doable. I've read some suggestions and they include spending hundreds of thousands of credits on gearing out your dps companion, which is completely ridiculous, considering I haven't had to use anything but Mako the entire game. So my question is simple, are you going to fix this quest Bioware, or at least fund me the hundreds of thousands of credits required to gear my companion ( and pay for my repair bill) or should I just give up and cancel my account as I'm not able to complete the story? Thanks
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