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Everything posted by KuroshimaiHD

  1. What stopped them from making "good stuff" before it was released? It makes 0 sense.
  2. With the help of detailed death star schematics, rebel backup, lots of planning, and the force. Meanwhile, my Trooper is defeating an elite Imperial squad with the help of ONE companion.
  3. Let's face it, the class stories feature lots of fanfiction-tier mary sue crap. Here are some examples: Frankly, the stories are too heroic. Sure, I want to be an exceptional Jedi/Trooper/whatever, but being able to beat down fullly manned elite squads for Imperials, or being an acolyte that outsmarts the entire Sith order in opening a holocron with lightning, is a bit too far. I'd prefer if we focused on tighter storylines with more depth, for example Consular actually being involved in proper diplomacy with meaningful choices (i.e. your negotiations can fail with a particular planet, and if they do the planet secedes and become a threat later on in the story).
  4. Played since beta on another account, but quit about 2 months ago. Totally disappointed in the way this game turned out.
  5. It's scary that people are actually using "gamers are entitled! they're to blame!" excuse seriously. Bioware and EA aren't doing us some sort of favor by making SWTOR. Businesses work by selling things CONSUMERS want, not what THEY THINK consumers want. If players say they don't like it and want something else, THAT'S FINE. Because it's how business works. I'm not paying a sub fee because Bioware worked "so hard" to make the game.
  6. To be fair I only noticed it for the first time last week, felt like such a moron.
  7. Go to the page, click "view in 3D" at the top right, and there you go.
  8. http://www.torhead.com/item/aWtNHJY/hunters-inheritance-blaster-pistol#. Literally 2 seconds in Google.
  9. The interrupt ability for the Sith Assassin is Jolt, which you got at level 18.
  10. The completely identical fleets are probably one of the worst design choices I have ever seen, and just shows how lazily Bioware have developed this game. Coruscant and Dromund Kaas are iconic, but instead of spending our time there we're imprisoned in a space station. The only reason I can think of why they went with fleets is that the game couldn't cope with tons of players in the capital, in which case they should have spend more time actually FIXING THE ENGINE.
  11. It was a desperate effort to artificially boost population/subscription numbers to show to investors that the game wasn't dead.
  12. The HMS TORtanic started to sink as soon as it laucnhed. F2P is the little bubbles that appear on the surface of the water after the TORtanic has fully sunk.
  13. I wouldn't work at an EA-owned company if you offered me a million dollars.
  14. It's like people have forgot that the COMPANY serves the CUSTOMER and not the other way around.
  15. To be honest the whole game was unstructured. They were riding on the storylines/convo system, which are pretty neat, but they're paired with an MMO system that's based around repetition. Nobody wants to play the same story over and over. Again, the legacy system sounds like a good idea, but the way they implemented it was just stupid. The majority of the perks are just useless money sinks. Why did they even bother coding in the family tree? Just half-baked ideas.
  16. I'd like to know why you bothered stating your age in the first place, seeing as it has no bearing on your post. All you had to do was say "look guys vanilla WoW had this, SWTOR has this etc." Still, there's no point comparing a 7 year old game to a months-old game. Compare it to Rift, then get back to us.
  17. I wish I knew not to pay a 6-month sub. The story when starting the game drew me in, but it wasn't long until I realised how lazily-designed the game is. Too late by then, sadly.
  18. I'm convinced Bioware doesn't actually play anything they develop.
  19. I'm still convinced you're a shill, Sarfux.
  20. I bought 100 shares back when EA stock was in the 10s, I might just do that.
  21. Yet another terrible Q/A. The fact that they're answering BACKSTORY questions just shows how much they're grasping for straws.
  22. I love this excuse, it always comes out as completely desperate. "Subs are dropping? Y-yeah well it's because people have more free time and it's sunny outside! It's totally not because the game is a WoW clone and has barely any content!" Are you going to blame people playing with leaves for low sub numbers in Autumn?
  23. Oh, please. The content is 1 planet and a "galaxy-wide" quest line. Both of them will be completed in 2, maybe 3 days max. Chances are you won't be revisiting Makeb, and HK will most probably be sitting on my ship with the rest of my comps if I need to gear him up to level 50 standard. Even if I wanted to use him, the novelty would be quickly worn away by seeing hordes of identical HKs on the fleet. I don't really know anyone who actually asked for/wanted to play Cathar in the first place, from what I've read people want some more ALIEN looking races like Nautolan. Are you suggesting people should pay a monthly fee to "be patient"? If Bioware actually used the potential of Star Wars to it's advantage then we wouldn't be in this mess. I mean, 1 world event in 7 months?
  24. None of your companions have bonuses to cybertech, so you'll be fine to focus on your droid as your main crafter and give him a ton of gifts. Andronikus has a +2 to underworld trading, so you can give some gifts to him. Xalek has a +2 to scavenging, so you can dump into him when you get him, That's basically it.
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