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Everything posted by SWaotc

  1. I posted about this in the opening week after taking several toons to lvl 20 and realized the total lack of diversity the classes have.
  2. Quite right, an EXTREMELY lame set up. This is why i'm not re-subscribing. I ignore pvp becuase, well its gash to say the least, finding decent people to do FP's with is difficult atleast on my server and the majority of my guild are below lvl 30... Absolutly no direction is given with regards to PVE once you hit 50, tbh i dont know what i'm doing/ment to be doing to make the £8 a month seem well spent. I have various alts, but the lvling is seriously just as boring as the lvl 50 experience...
  3. The bounty hunters voice seems suited to body type 3 toons, it sounds ridiculous on the skinny models imo. When playing through the various stories and hearing the voices of some bosses etc compared to those of your own characters it makes me slightly depressed that i have such a creeping loathing for my own toons while in a convo. The sith warrior seems to have 2 catchphrases, 'I can't wait to start killing' (sounds like a 5yr old playing mw3 in most instances) or 'Anything for a fellow sith' (yeah cause we're one big happy family....) Poor performance from the writers and directors, meesa thinks....
  4. My murderous Zabrak sith lord with an soft posh english accent seems quite lame, theres nothing remotlely bad *** about it... It makes me wonder what they were thinking when making this...
  5. Playing through the game as several different classes you here a ton of different voices used by npcs which is a good thing of course, however the lack of voices options for your own character is very grating phenomina i find in particular the mis matched voice overs (sith warriors posh english accent). In truth i've only found one voice that suits its class - Bounty Hunter. So i wonder from the 'inovative fully voiced' line that bioware has pitched as a defining feature, who here think they have done right/well in regards to class/species voice acting? As i said i enjoyed the Bounter Hunter story, but find i skip many of the sith warrior convo's due to the grating voice acting. I feel this aspect has been neglected, perhaps they should have cut back on the random npc voices and given players a choice of voice at the character creatior...? As it is a very heavy aspect of the game.
  6. To me the story is all there is in this game but i got to lvl 22 juggernaut and deleted the toon when i realized how crap the class is (unable to kill rylon at lvl 22, pumped full of stims etc) and so re-rolled to maruader... re leveling was a pain because there is no difference. My ****** zabrak killer death machine has a posh english accent, how quaint (lol). So fully voiced is biowares attempt at inovation? Perhaps they should have expanded on the voice actors for player classes/species...hmm? I skip conversations simply because i cant bare to listen to my warriors voice....
  7. Alot of the high end gear does look terrible, plus we are set for lvl 50 attack of the clones... it'll be like being lvl 1 again. Another reason i wonder what i'm working towards. There needs to be 2 or 3 different LOOKING sets of high end gear per class.
  8. Thats your problem unfortunatly, and no.
  9. More indifference to your particular point of view and attempt at self-fulfilling sarcasm. Ask mummy for a hug.
  10. Personally i never asked for a perfect game, but one that doesnt make me feel like i'm paying money for an unpleasent experience. The game has good points dont get me wrong, for now however the bad outweighs the good. It should be the other way round with the time and feedback bioware had.
  11. For a game that had how many years development? went through beta and still launched without the basics in decent working order.. Why shouldnt paying customers be upset/annoyed ?
  12. no prob, if thats you. try raking the bins on tatooine, prob find better stuff I've got millions of creds, theres nowt worth buying though...
  13. server has good pop, **** market. Same as quite a few others i've got/had toons on.
  14. A junk dealer, interesting...
  15. Like the title says, something has got to be done about the state of the GTN, i mean in light of the population per server a player driven market needs a boost. Its almost impossible the buy a full suit of armour from the market even over the course of a couple of weeks, and to many higher level players the market is 80-90% unusable JUNK... Remove binding from some items so people can recycle half decent items and bioware should pump a batch items in there every so often. Make the GTN something usable worth while to look at.
  16. If they reduced subs to say £2 a month until they get this game in a decent state then i might consider what you have said...
  17. Keep our options open... for how long? and at £8 a month.... Sorry but theres too much fail atm. I paid £40 for it and got a couple of storylines done (despite the many shades of lame laced through them). So that it i guess, i mean i dont see why i should stick around theres nothing for lvl 50's (not nearly worth £8 a month anyays). If this was truly an innovative game (as advertised) then it could have been interesting, Insted of the stock standard mmo set-up (and badly done/managed set-up). The kotor nostalgia and general SW gloss has managed to hold my interest this far but thats worn thin due to the absymal endgame content. I mean even joining an RP guild/server only made me feel worse about the game that i needed to pretend it was good...
  18. I have to admit this is quite annoying, its very difficult to tell if a power is usable or not once your 3 quarters into the cooldown...
  19. Something for the future perhaps, What is the possibility of level 50 missions being implemented in the future? I'm talking about something similar to the bonus series some planets have, but for level 50 players and on all planets (well faction available). From a BH perspective i have no one to hunt anymore and for those of us who enjoyed the main class story (yes i know its over) it would be good for some form of continuation even if it isnt fully voiced etc. Random bounties popping up now and then would be cool, give the ships holo terminal a workout. Shouldnt be too hard to model them on side missions and the like...? Havent thought about what rewards you could gain but that would be for the devs to think up.
  20. Immature is quite how it feels at times, i think they have tried to inject abit of comedy into DS choices also which makes things worse. Your choices seem to be bored to death LS or ridiculous DS, there are some bits which are done well though.
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