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Everything posted by SWaotc

  1. Crying over this, seriously? Get a job ffs.
  2. So TOR, aka the clone wars as i like to call it. Its a game cloned from others, this cannot be denied as its blatantly clear to see. (cloned from the wrong game some might say). The opposing classes between factions are pretty much outright clones of each other, and how many clones of yourself do you see in game? What would it have taken to add interchangable abillities or weapons? so that you could tailor your character towards something a little bit different from the base class. The classes seem to be overdefined and put into their neat little boxes which you can never deviate from. Cross faction interaction, another missed opportunity. SW storylines are known for the 'fall to the darkside or save the lighside' drama, if this type of gameplay had been implemented insted of the Dark jedi or Good guy sith stupidity that currently exsists it could have opened up the game so much more. Faction cross over storylines for example. There is a complete and utter lack of diversity throughout this game, bioware have been completely lazy in that respect and they had such an opportunity to break the mould. Is it fun to level up in this game, to a degree yes but how boring is this game going to be in a few months once you've done a few of the stories? If bioware had thought a little indepth about what they were doing here we could have been playing a truly inovative game, insted of this repetitive nonsense. Where is the RPG in this restrictive and smothering game?
  3. Huttball leauges! on second thoughts... I would like to see a bunch of missions (soloable and/or heroic mode) across all the planets that tie into your character, e.g Bounty Hunter has more bounties? they dont have to be fully voiced etc. just something to break the bordem. Some form of solo obtainable gear, other than the pathetic daily implants...
  4. Solo players are forced to group with endgame content, so leveling characters becomes a mainstray and why should a solo player accept interruptions to their style of play should they choose it? Bioware has forced me to play online, and attempted to force me into group content post 50, if they tried to force me into group content while leveling i and i feel many others like me simply wouldnt tolerate it.
  5. I'm an all out solo player, and to answer your question i only play this for 2 reasons. 1.)I wanted kotor 3, but have to settle for this. 2.) i'm a SW fan in general, and while my hopes for kotor 3 were dashed this is the newest SW game. As a solo player and having reached 50 i must say i'm surprised that a game such as this (bioware title) has ZERO, yes ZERO post 50 solo content for players such as myself, i mean dailys? for implants etc... total BS. So its left to me to pick the clases i enjoy and level then leave them. I will cancel my sub once i've achieved this. Its biowares obligation to keep me subbing becuase i aint gonna make excuses for them.
  6. None of you, for or against this game actually know *** your talking about, you dont have the facts and figures most of you are just talking **** for the sake of it apparently... The only way we will know if or when this game fails is when there is nobody playing it and bioware turn the lights off. Until then its game on, not that i dont have serious issues with many (seemingly) incompetent decisions made by bioware, and the overall smothering restrictive-ness of the game. I do recognise that the game is running and they have proimised to make it better. (whether they make it worse or not is a matter for the future).
  7. whining *****es, every class has a certain ability/abilities that pisses people off, tough cookies blame bioware because without tracer missile (even with it in some cases) merc arsenal is useless. now cry some more because i know your gonna
  8. SWaotc

    PvPing in SWTOR

    Completly correct, the inquisitor and consular are the scumbag classes in this game for sure, but seriously after seeing so many other things that make this game **** to play you think bioware cares? Its a disgusting state of affairs.
  9. I dont give a **** what anybody else thinks about my leaving a warzone or what bioware might try and do to prevent it, i cant stand huttball yet i'm i'm consistantly forced into games. Not to mention the fact that many teams i've been part of do not play as a team. Getting mobbed by enemy players without any support from your own team mates makes the game point less and so i'm happy to leave them to their failure.
  10. player: EXcuuuse me bioware but where the **** is the endgame? bioware: there is no *********** endgame, the game is over. We bluffed you called it. Sorry was watching the Rock...
  11. No endgame = no mmo, have bioware promoted this as an mmo simply to gain subs for an expanded single player, which we have already paid for?
  12. Implants and mods are all you get, not worth the bother grinding it each day. Unless you like crappy rewards that is.
  13. nice idea, highly doubt it will happen.
  14. Until then, we be the mugs who foot the bill?
  15. tbh, i dont care about the reasons, i just want value for my subscription. I dont feel this has been achieved by bioware.
  16. Well the fact they seem to be too lazy or allowed themselves to be rushed into releasing the game without the legacy system in place was a dampener for starters, Why give them a few months!?!? Most of the things wrong with/missing from this game should have been attended too BEFORE launch and BEFORE they had the cheek to ask for a monthly sub.
  17. It would be easy to implement in the game, therefore bioware says no... or they simply remain silent and ignore your request.
  18. Legacy huh? perhaps you'll get some new eyebrows for your toons or something equally ridiculous...
  19. Nope, but i wish everyone who cancelled would post that fact they have done so, the more exposure of biowares lassitude, the more chance they make a move to do something with this game other than nothing.
  20. Too many problems which i do not believe will be rectifified to satisfactory standard anytime soon, therefore the game is undeserving of my subscription fee. As painfull as it may be, many of the complaint threads on your forums are quite legitimate, iam dissappointed having been a past fan of the knights of the old republic games and other bioware titles. I selected the option which says the game did not meet my expectations, not because they were too high but because many basic features that could easily have been implemented were not (look over the forums for ideas to what they might have been) this led to me having a shallow and in many cases boring experience. I could go on into great length about the reasons i feel as i do with regards to SWTOR, but i'm sure you guys have had ample feedback on the issues at hand. Perhaps in the future you may make some headway into salvaging this product, i sincerly doubt that will happen in the near future. I may return should there be significant improvments to the game, until then i take my leave. Another sub gone.
  21. Yes, lets keep the bordem going. Lets make it mandatory that every 10 lvls you pass you have to go back to the starter planet and re-do it... or some other suck fest you guys can think up...
  22. What the problem is? This should have been implemented from launch because its an individuals choice and nowt to do with other players, it would alleviate the problem of extreme bordem having to replay the noob planets just to switch AC. I would be happy to restart on the noob worlds if it was actually an interesting/involving undertaking but its not, it sucks.
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