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Everything posted by Terimac

  1. sure Here is my specc http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101cZIororuddMRZhr.1 this guy made me specc vengance mabye he will inspire you also
  2. Yo hello. I was just wondering what specc you guys likes the most. On my server most Dps juggs are rage specc, dont know really why I play as vengance and i like it better i dont know if i do more damage or not but i think i have better survivability and mobility. My damage is about 250-300k each warzone . I tried rage specc also but meh i dont like that you have to depend on 1 attack so much, and its pretty easy to miss imo. So what do you guys think about the rage and vengance specc and what do you play as/prefer ?
  3. when i played wow in pretbc and raided mc/bwl and all other endgame instances guess what age is was , 13 I dont remember if i said to everyguild i joined that i was 13 years old , but a good player is a good player no matter age. But true parents and school did limit my playtime abit but i was a sneaky bastard back then so i got through Now iam 20 years old , but i almost wish i was 13 again because i mostly play this game for pvp so iam not eally looking for guilds in this game , and i dont find raiding in swtor so exciting as in wow YET. oh man pretbc good old times.... well wow is beyond crap now ^^ Going to play Swtor until Diablo 3 releases ( dont hate)
  4. rofl forcespeed is useless there , mount is the way to go
  5. *** if this is true it SUCKS. Just because most of you scrubie noob keep whining on how ''hard'' it is to gear up ! Are you crazy ? if this is true i might just quit. It will ruin the whole feeling of pwning newbs with your hard earned gear and knowing they rage hard irl
  6. how can you hate huttball its teh ***** ! Only time i hate it is when iam vs a premade and i play with a bunch of morons:cool:
  7. yes you will get banned and you will get your *** ***** irl
  8. when is 1.2 coming anyway ? Any clues ?
  9. wow had this , you have to move you char every 2 min or something else you get kicked out with 15 min deserter debuff or if you did /afk or left u got debuff aswell it was perfect
  10. i also play a sith warrior , and i like the story but i heard the imperial agent have a awesome story line
  11. waaoh to much work for me , best i can do is sending you a pizza , and for the movie part hmm , live stream watching me pwn in warzones for 2 hours take it or leave it
  12. i always use wasd never unbinded them ever , and of course mouse to turn and i have 123456 to press and and i have binded shift 123456 , r, f , v and shift r f v and the 2 side buttons on my mouse have i binded and shift + the 2 mouse buttons. Thats all binds i have so far and its very smooth , dunno how some people can can f2 f3 and so on , seem so far away. I still click on some spell the one i dont use often / the big cooldown spells. Iam a marauder.
  13. ty for answers , may i romance you guys aswell ? ^^
  14. its no exploit at all And if the enemy team had 2 stealthers camping at your base , that means the enemy team lacks 2 players on the battlefield , yet they was able to take the ball every singel time ? Then you and your team was just bad
  15. you cant expect all levling zones to be full with guys, its 2 moths after release now most people are still gearing up their mains chars
  16. Hello When do i get to marry Jaesa ? Iam lvl 33 and i got her affection to 10k already , do i have to be higher level or ?
  17. haaaaaaaahhahaa ZOMG remove stealth ?? First time ever played mmo ?
  18. haaahahahahahahha omg , we know you love beiber And for the op , hmm what is the difference ? Red and yellow eyes , and slighty changed head shape ? Dunno m8 if you are going dark side the eye color wont matter for long.
  19. dont lie to the guy man Sentinel watchman tree have way more dots , the whole tree is based on dots Both can have big numbers with the rage specc dunno what its called for jedis , but the guardians rage tree is better suited for bigger smash crits.
  20. give the game some time man. Liek 2 months more , you have to see the new warzone
  21. i got myself a 50 jugg (guardian for you) and atm iam lvling a marauder (sentinel) and i think my marauder is going to be better suited for pvp than my jugg , but hey its all about how good you play and your gear But i find marauder abit harder to play than juggernaut. Both are very fun classes so go with whatever you like , dual wielding or 1handed with heavy armor ^^
  22. mabye you should save up some money and upgrade your computer , so you can play the game lagfree ?
  23. Hello. I just wonder which stance is best for Jaesa ? The 15% armor penetration stance or the makes every ability cause a bleed stance ? Iam a marauder if that makes any difference:P
  24. i guess you mean vette does most dmg and quinn is only good for healing I prefer using jaesa gear her up good and she does nice dmg I switch between jaesa and quinn only companions i use.
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