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Everything posted by Floplag

  1. Thank you for this, but gosh that stings a little to see it still so far away. Mid-summer can mean many things of course but im assuming were talking mid July at the soonest meaning still 2 months out.
  2. Honestly, its a mixed bag, there are things i dont like, and others im rather fond of. The loadouts and multiple combat styles alone, were worth it to me. The outfitter now including weapons, same. But i did not like the ability prune and some of the choices we were forced into making or how some things were baked in making some classes much more advantageous than others. I dont like that the content at launch was so short, even if it is a year long journey it needed more meat. I guess a lot of that is coming with 7.1 We are in dire need of a balance pass, which i dont think we will get till 7.2. But ive realized over the years that all these games have the same issues in one form or another, WoW never got shadowlands right till recently and they are now talking about the next xpac for example.
  3. Thank you, this is the exact elitism im talking about, right here. The position that you get to decide what applies or what matters... hint, you dont have that authority.
  4. The irony of all this is that if regs players queue ranked and hosed up thier experience their, they would lose thier minds, but its somehow ok to do that to others. No, they arent the same thing, but the result certainly is. The elitism of this general attitude that ranked players can do whatever they please in regs, is so very wrong, and part of the reason you cant grow the ranked community.
  5. Its not a misunderstanding at all. The "damage farmers" are very well aware of the reasons why people dont appreciate what they do, they simply dont care. All these arguments about damage this and damage that are smoke, they mean nothing, its just trying to save fac and justify the behavior when the reality is that they know full well what the issue is. Ive heard far too many of them joke about playing objs or "try hards"... they get it, 100%, the y just dont care at all how they affect other players.
  6. This is not necessarily true. To contribute to a guild you need to get the most out of your class, you cannot do that learning to play with guard heals and someone covering your back. Learn to play solo, then learn to play in a group. Theres a place for both, if fact in my opinion a requirement for both. Like they say you gotta love yourself before you can love anyone else
  7. People keep posing this any while no one would be surprised, i think the truth is very different. I think they basically put it in maintenance mode a few years back, based on the amount of content and effort weve seen in that time.... however, when EA got slapped and lost exclusive rights, i think they pulled thier head out after seeing the game still surviving, and still profitable, even after doing basically nothing for the better part of 2-3 years. It would seem they have put more into it (for example why do an interface update for a maintenance mode game) and do plan to add to it finally moving forward. I could be wrong, but 7.0 was to me not indicative of them shutting it down, it was the opposite in fact.
  8. I dont think any of us would be shocked, however, it would also be one of the most titanic mistakes any gaming company ever made. This game has stayed profitable thru years of passive neglect. If they actually put weight behind it it would be a monster... to abandon it now, when it has a literal pre built audience and no real competition in the star wars space would be a complete and total brain fart. Then again we are talking about EA here so... Edit--- i think this maybe WAS the case at one point, but i think when EA got slapped and lost the exclusives rights and such, it changed.
  9. For me this is a very simply question... Am i having fun? yes Is there something else i would rather be playing? Not currently A+B= Yes its worth it.
  10. No, plus ESO no sub is extremely limited and it basically requires the plus to be a complete game like every other free to play. The free to play is a teaser, if you stick around, sub.
  11. No to both. The game is not now any different than i have observed in leading up to the expansion or for some months prior. WZ pops still pop even as a solo player, FP still pops almost instantly using group finder. The number of fleet instances is not different from any time in recent months/years. People have been saying its dying for years, yet its still here. A lot of people came back for 7.0, then bailed due to not liking it, leaving the same people that were here prior still playing. At best, the difference is negligible in observation.
  12. Honestly im so very tired of this disingenuous answer... you really think thats what people are complaining about? Honestly? No, its not, its the constant run of fullly max geared trinity teams on comms all running fotm specs doing everything possible to ruin the experience for others who arent as fortunate and either still trying to gear up or learn... but you know this, why you even bring up the other i dont get at all.
  13. No one is putting regs on a pedestal, just asking for them to not be ruined. Too much to ask i guess... party on.
  14. So you want us to have the literal worst damage in the game and lose the only thing that makes us remotely viable...
  15. True, but i still think thats better than splitting teams. If you queue together you should play together. but lets also be honest that the real advantage most premades have is not skill, but coordination and communication. The skill gpa itself, isnt the issue in most cases, but faster reactions and trinity specs. This idea that the skill gap is that wise, isnt factual in most cases. Are they better individually, perhaps, but when you add in guard and pocket healers does that really matter? Even an average player becomes a god.
  16. To you, they are not the same, to those who do not play ranked, they are, and they matter. I should think thats obvious? What else am i supposed to call good players in premades crashing regs and farming lesser players other than ruining it for those players? Why are those better players that claim to know so much about ranked, not playing ranked. I know you to be a good player, i must admit im surprised to see you defending this.
  17. This is pointless... and its why pvp is in the state its in. The better players have this idea that no one else matters but them. What they want, how they want to play... the rest of us little more than dirt on their shoes to be farmed. Well, when you have no one left to farm, youll know the answer.
  18. Right, so now were getting personal? Guess i struck a nerve. for the record the only times i EVER did that was when i got sick of the nonsense and didnt want to force someone else to get stuck in a bad match. So lol @ constantly. Better doesn't mean taking a beating so people can confuse advantage with skill. Other than that, i dont really care what you think of me, it changes nothing. If you think you have the right to ruin another personas games, then they have the right to ruin yours... end of story.
  19. Whats its tied to or not tied to changes nothing. You dont get to decide what matters in this game or who it matters to. If you want a better PvP community, be better. Ranked players dont get to step all over non ranked simply because they play ranked. It isnt apples and oranges when it comes to attitudes, when you play ranked, you play to win, shows the rest of the community the same courtesy, simple. Im not suggesting they are the same, at all, but you do not have the right to ruin other peoples experience, its that simple.
  20. While technically true, it misses the point. Most players in the game do not care about ranked, for whatever reasons. Whether its a bad experience, or poor results or maybe measuring pixels just ins their thing. They still enjoy PvP though so they play regs, for fun, whihc is what they do care about. How is ruining that fun any different than ruining elo/ratings? Are both not what the players in question care about? My point is simple, its not right for one group to take liberties with wrecking another groups play options, thn complain about people ruining theirs.
  21. I dont fully agree... i think a person should meet certain minimums to queue for certain things otherwise it adversely affect the experience for others. There should always be an option though. If you cant queue for this go for that, as is the case in PvP. Anyone can queue for regs, but you must meet certain criteria for ranked, which personally i think is how it should be. BUT... the point is that the same people who seem to have no issue wrecking the PvP experience for others by defeating the purpose of regs, would lose thier minds if anyone did it to them in ranked. Regs do not exist for better players to act the fool, they exist to learn and for those who do not care about ratings. If its ok for one to ruin the other then why is the opposite also not acceptable?
  22. So if an ungeared regs player jumps in ranked... totally cool, right? I have the right to mess up your game play and how you want to play?
  23. How much damage they can put out is more often than not more dependent on other factors than themselves, in short, its a non justification to not play the map. I have many times had top DPS and played the map, usually equalling a win, over those with top DPS and a loss. Youre right though, they dont care at all, until we venter into ranked and mess up thier ratings, then all hades breaks lose. In short they want o have that cake and eat it too, and im rather tired of it. I think ill start queuing more ranked to say thanks... i suggest maybe thats what a lot of us that dont really car about ranked do, to show our support and maybe let them know how it feels.
  24. Perhaps, but in my view iF there are only 16 in queue and 4 are a premade team, then you should put the 4-6 higher rated players on the other side to balance the advantage. Will it always come out even, no, but its the best we can hope for.
  25. God i wish this was true... but i know too many very good players that seem to take great pride in doing anything but actually playing objectives... Too many have become jaded or just dont care anymore or whatever and dont care at all how they affect others.
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