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Posts posted by Floplag

  1. Some intriguing comments and rationalizations im reading, but at the end of the day it all comes down to one thing, choice.

    We all know the rules, we all know how it plays, and we all know (or should know anyway) that dps makes little difference unless it in pursuit of the objectives. I've seen a lot of people with silly high damage on the losing end of people playing the way the map was designed.

    Play how you want, its your dime, but lets not pretend its anything other than our own decision to play outside the lines so to speak.

  2. I think you need to look at the why in this case, more than the what.

    Much of what you say is true, but ask yourself what 90% of those matches have in common, and the problem becomes fairly apparent.

    Im not going to go into the what, truth be told we should all know what it is, and it isnt going to change, but at some point its going to become self fulfilling and people will no longer queue at all.

    honestly, i kinda think thats what many of them are hoping.

  3. There are at least a couple of "semi-new" classes that make sense. Basically, a Republic Bounty Hunter, Imperial Smuggler, Imperial Trooper, and Republic Agent.


    Not really new though, just mirrors, which by the way i am all for.

    I was referring more to something entirely new and unique.

  4. I think this is a silly statement asi would rather them fix issues, upgrade the engine, bump up the story, lets choices choose faction, and other content 100 times more than i would care for a new class....


    That having been said I wonder what thus supposed new class people think we are missing is? Every time someone brings this up i think thru what kinds of characters there are and what skills exist in the films and lore, and where is this gap people think exists?

    What new class would make any plausible sense? This isnt Wow or one of those games where you can say oh hey give us a Bard class or some nonsense. So... what exactly do people feel we are missing cause frankly i dont see it.

  5. The PvE side of me agrees, however, the PvP side of me knows that these game always seem to have imbalanced factions necessitating such steps.


    Even WoW has this problem and offers various bonuses and mercenary options.


    PvP is a team based thing, faction really doesnt matter.

  6. While i would agree normally, in this case, given the current state of things, i cannot.

    Until or unless they do 2 things, #1 some form of actual match making, and #2 allow us to exclude certain maps, its not something i would support.

  7. Guys i know baseball season is upon us but for petes sake people can we deal with the bugs and such before we start aimlessly swinging the nerf bat at everything in sight?

    Literally no one need a nerf right now, nothing.

    Fix the set bonuses stacking, tactical swapping issues. etc.. all that unintended nonsense being exploited by various folks then worry about classes/specs.

  8. I agree. Exploited mechanics should be fixed and you have some good suggestions(I’ll add to OP). I don’t agree that abilities should be disabled on ball pick-up, just make them drop it and reset to mid. Players should have access to their abilities so they can choose to carry or drop i.e. stealth spiking the ball back to mid if you’re gonna die and there’s no one to pass too.


    The notion that Operatives are not outperforming all classes atm is just isn’t true. Anyone playing pvp can tell you that(especially if you play melee). I agree that I don’t want to see them get hammered by the nerf bat, just a small tweak to their roll CD, CC break, or immunity or some combo of the three would bring them back in-line i.e. keep CC break/Immunity make it 1m++ CD or maybe 30-45s CD but remove CC break or immunity.


    For section 1, i would be fine with that as well, good option.


    For section 2, it comes down to WHY they are over performing. Stacked set bonuses, ease of tactical swap, a bunch of things that simply have to be bugs. Those have to get fixed before we can accurately evaluate the status of the class accurately is my point. They are over performing now due to those things, would they be after? i dont know.

  9. There are many classes that can bypass mechanics on various maps, Operatives are far and away NOT unique here.

    Heck i can cheese them on a merc for petes sake. Rolls, leaps, sprints, almost everyone has some way to bypass mechanics, and thats the real issue in that they should not be the case.

    I think those skills should disable with the ball personally or that coming in contact with the obstacle should cause the ball to explode as though youve had it too long.

    The mechanics should mean more than they do.


    Oh and can we please get off the Nerf Ops train here... understand they are not OP, there are a couple bugs that are making it seem OP for those players who must take every possible advantage even though they know they shouldnt be. Its a player problem, not a class problem.

  10. Game Plan


    (2) +2% Mastery

    (4) When your Adrenaline Rush’s Fired Up / Kolto Overload’s Health Monitor is triggered for the first time, it deals damage back to the enemy who damaged you.


    From a damage perspective it should of course be Concentrated Fire, but in an effort to be less focused it might be relevant?


    I actually think there are a few sets that could have interest, but alas, seem more situational and therefore not likely to get used.

    I hate that one set seems to be top tier for all Merc specs, that should NEVER happen.

  11. That will all balance out in the end because the premades are just as likely to be on the same team as the opposite. If players are forming more premades that also means you're more likely to get premade vs premade matches than premade vs 100% pug.


    Losses counting for nothing will force players (premade or not) to play to win, which IMO would be a great improvement over the current state of Regs, where at least half of the time that premade is more likely to be mindlessly farming numbers and ignoring Voidstar doors, calls for incoming, Huttball runners, ect. Premades these days are as likely to be the reason their team loses as they are to be the reason it wins. It's not like it was before where most grouped players were competitive and cared about wins as much as the numbers that pop on the leaderboard.


    While thats great in theory, it doesnt seem to work out that way.

    I tend to almost always end up against the premades for whatever reason, very rarely do i have them on my side.

    If my getting rewards out of it are tied to my somehow beating those odds more often than not, ill simply skip the content as thats not right if they cant figure out some form of balance.


    Im not going to go into the whole damage farming this over actually playing the map, like everything else it is long past time to fix it. They can play how they want its their dime, but i wont take part in those matches or ill find a quiet corner to relax while they do whatever they are going to do and try not to dump it on someone else.

  12. Premades shouldn't be allowed in regs to begin with.


    No, as much as i once felt the same, that time has passed. You cant tell people they cant play with friends in an MMO.


    What should happen is that it should balance it better. If there is more than one premade in queue put one on each side or whatever, but they arent even doing that.


    At this point it is what it is, its not going to change. If a match is obvious a giant mismatch i simply leave, im not going to make the effort for those who wont respect it and confuse advantage with skill. If more of them were decent about it, id stay, id try harder, but certain groups you just know they are going to do everything possible to be tards about it, those are the ones ive chosen to pass on, i wont feed those egos.

  13. Bioware should really change how warzones work so that if you lose you get absolutely nothing. No valor gain, no experience points, no daily quest progression, no progress toward gear drop, no Conquest points.


    That might encourage more people to actually try to win.


    No that will encourage wall to wall premades, even more so than we already have.

    Stacking the deck isnt skill, and shouldnt be requisite to progression.

    I agree winning should get more, much more in fact, but it cant be all or nothing.

  14. I disagree here. I think the gearing system was brilliant....new and refreshing. Was it perfect, no, I will agree there were flaws but at least they made an effort to get out of the norm.....


    Yawn....blizzard....the garbage, regurgitate, refresh group.....is that what u referring to? Do the same thing over and over expecting different results? Wait? Last I checked that was the definition of insanity.....


    Im sorry but i cannot agree.

    Anything that relies on RNG will not be balanced, some will benefit, others will not. As one that traditionally has a hate hate relationship with RNGesus i can say without contradiction the likelihood i will get anything i actually want from it is slim and to date im at about ilvl 290 and have yet to get one thing i want from the boxes and have had to go the long way.

    not to mention that fact that the time to gear up is highly uneven between PvE and PvP as the rewards pale comparatively.

    Gearing should be relatively linear for all, it shouldnt be based on RNG. If the path to it was better i would agree but in this case i cant.

    I hate to compare it to other games but as much as i hate WoW right now giving us a token to buy the shells we wanted would have been much better than giving us a random shell we may or may not actually want.

  15. Some good advice here, some i would question, but the one thing ill add to it is this, dont be a slave to the so-called "rotation".

    A alot of things we have at our disposal that arent always used a lot, in my view, absolutely have a place in PvP.

    The obvious is obvious, but look at what isnt obvious, and find reason to use it.

    Even as simple as using something to bait an interrupt or to make someone use a skill to get it off the cooldowns list cannot be under stated in PvP.

    Do not be predictable.

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