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Posts posted by Floplag

  1. The game gives plenty of options without subverting the role selection inherent in picking a tanking spec. Skanks should be obliterated, perhaps by shunting defensive power into gear and away from disciplines.


    Does it?

    How many of certain classes / specs do you stack your operations with? Who do you not take?

    Every nightmare or hard mode or mythic+ in these games always stacks the best possible classes.

    My main is an Arsenal merc, although i play all three specs, if i was in your group tell me you would insist on me being I/O?

    Not to mention flexibility in lesser difficulties... how many time do you see people looking for a dps with guard skank tank type to give the main tank a break in operations but maximize dps?

    Youre scope is very narrow here, the big picture tells is this isnt a bad thing.

  2. So?


    I can count on one hand the number of times a hybrid spec was optimal in high level content and that's being very generous. It's actually one finger, and it was the aoe damage reduction-focused Shield Tech/AP hybrid for NiM Brontes.


    I don't care what you were goofing around with in low level content where the game doesn't care what you do and you can valor box if you want. As soon as group compositions are enforced things should be tuned to force people into the roles required. If they refuse the game should kill them. Any instance where the players get away with breaking roles is a design failure.


    Measuring the game by optimal is going to leave a short list regardless. In any game, the classes/specs allowed for the highest level of content is limited to best in class eliminating most specs whether hybrid or not.


    The one thing classic WoW taught us, is that people like options, not forced cookie cutter builds. But not everything is measured by NiM, or Mythic, or whatever supposed highest level content you want to discuss which is by definition a very narrow scope under the best circumstances.

  3. you're completely right that IO does not get the credit it deserves. Like you have mentioned, its cleave damage is significant. Even it's burst damage is not bad. However, its group tools and utility are non existent (other than net), its survivibility and ability to not be shut down (while better than arsenal) is still bad by other class standards.


    I agree, but just to add to this i find the thing i like least about it is its ability to target swap quickly and effectively, which i find myself doing a lot in regs. It takes too long to ramp up the pressure and having to use high resource skills on multiple target kills the heat too quickly. If they clump youre a god, but then if they are doing that they are being a little dumb to begin with :)

    That having been said i prefer it in PvE by a mile, no questions asked. The only reason i use arsenal in FPs and such is that its still far too much a pain in the *** to swap specs in SWTOR.

  4. cross-guard IS SOO easy. if they focus your team mates - one click to give him guard, if they focus you - one click to remove guard so you could get a guard from your team mate... literally dumbest thing i ever saw while healer overheal both dps easily


    I agree with you, but if you change the mechanic to an on use, high cost decision this is no longer the case is it?

  5. DPS specs should have never received guard in the first place.


    i disagree, its the same to me as them having off heals. Many of us enjoy hybrid play styles. Giving those classes that can tank a utility like this isnt the problem, the problem is that its too easy and has no cost or loss of damage associated with it.

  6. I do not think this should be removed, BUT, it should have a cost, and should not be click and forget. As it is now its pretty mindless.


    On tanks, leave the clik and forget mechanic, but on dps there must be a cost. If you chose to click that button it should be time your not spending DPSing and it should affect your resource usage.


    All relevant skills be it guard, sonic missle, neuro dart or equivalent skills on Juggs or Sins should be active skills, on the GCD, with far shorter duration (as in maybe 8 or 10 seconds at most) that you must chose to forego a DPS skill to use AND should have a relatively high cost.


    If i choose to off heal on my DPS Merc, i sacrifice DPS and burn my resources, it should be the same for guard mechanics. Problem solved.

  7. First and foremost, update the engine.


    But perhaps most importantly, do it right or dont do it at all. What i mean by that is that EA has to get behind the game for once. Put proper support into it, both resource wise and finance wise, and stop shoving it into the background giving us the scraps when they dont have some other garbage $50 for a weekend game to try to dump on us.


    If they cant do those 2 things, im not sure i even see a point. We can go on with a hours worth of content every 2 months indefinitely. There are too many good MMOs out there right now for that to last.

  8. i personally think skanks are a very intriguing play style, but heres the thing, there must be a trade off.

    If you max out survivability then logically you shouldnt be able to approach the damage of those who max that. But, i have no issue with the play style being competitive, i think it brings and interesting idea to these games and makes you have to think a little more when fighting them for a more prolonged fight.

    Hybrids specss and getting more creative with builds is something ive always liked, it creates new ways to play the game. i dont have any issues with it myself, saver for the fact that they shouldnt be putting out comparable damage to those who dont have thier defenses. It should be a more wear them down type style of play.

  9. emhm... arsenal dmg is perfectly where it should be actually... it is the easiest DpS spec in game, + it is ranged burst spec, so it is supposed to have 1 of the lowest damage in game... actually the way other ranged burst specs set bonuses work (i mean instability like MM, when you are forced to be stationary to deal max possible damage, or reliance on PS for sorc...)i'd say arsenal should have THE LOWEST dps in game... (it also actually has the best survivability of 3 specs)


    This is failed logic. Lets be real, no spec in this game is that hard. But even if it were being easier should make it suck dps wise. This is just merc hate.


    People act like all mercs do is hit three buttons, heres the thing, if thats all your doing your dying in pvp and killing your own dps in PvE. The baseline rotation is only the beginning if your doing it right.


    I play multiple classes and roles, my merc has been my main since day 1 but far from all i play, and the numbers are really different in comparison. I can hit harder with almost literally any other class, including lightning, than i can on my merc. Higher dps, higher max hits, everything. Not to mention the complete lack of needing to even are about resources on a sorc 90% of the time. I play the merc as i enjoy it, not because its the most effective.


    Basically what youre describing IS how its working right now.

  10. Why is it none of you mentioning guard ever mention taunting? Just this morning I out-protected a tank in a 4v4 without using guard once. (Coincidentally, neither did the useless tank)


    Simple, taunt, unlike guard, is a active skill. Which is to say you have to actually press a button and lose that GCD and DPS to use it. This is how i feel guard should be for DPS specs. Or simply remove guard and have Taunt take over that function. Guard is press and forget, taunt is not.

  11. The problem isnt PT, its guard.

    PT is the glass cannon. massive damage with short TTL. The TTL is expanded with guard.

    For me the answer is really simple.... in DPS specs guard should be a short term buff you have to apply manually and re-apply costing GCD... not a click and forget mechanic.

    Tank, classes fine, the way it works is good, but DPS classes it needs to be something they have to think about and has a cost in resources and lost DPS.


    The truth: A player can be objective in a WZ, as well as perform well, sometimes even putting up the best numbers! The best players balance performance with objective gameplay, being capable of doing both simultaneously.


    100% agreed. This is what non-arena regs are, or should be, a mix of both.

    This actually takes more effort, and dare i say skill, to pay attention to the map and have some overall awareness beyond pew pew the guy in front of you.

  13. objective based warzones are waaay to complex to say objective points is all that matters...

    killing, stalling, area denial are key parts to winning...

    what i think is, that all those "objective points is all that matters" crybabies are just too bad at killing so they dont want to be embarrassed by the leaderboard...

    and if people just want to play for the zerg let them do it... should be easy to win by your logic...


    if people take regs that serious that all that matters is winning and not fun...


    play ranked.....


    if you dont like arenas... your problem...


    or cry for 8 man ranked.. but that will never happen until its not cross server.. and i bet they dont have the infrastructure to pull that off


    I think you miss the point. No one is suggesting that objs are ALL that matters, at least no one rational, but the things you mention are 100% part of that discussion. Of course DPS is part of it, its simply not the only part.

    But its telling that you dont mention those who only care about dps and ignore all other concerns and play the usual "bad" card. Both are obviously incorrect positions and are frankly indefensible as anything other than personal choice.

    I am nothing special, im no great player, but play to win, that means playing objs, and i still have no issues taking out more people than can take me out on most of the classes i play so, your logic is projection and flawed.

  14. Honestly, if you think WoW is better at this point in time, im not sure i can take your opinion seriously.

    But wall of text aside, the incentive is fun, for any game, if youre not having it im sure there is some other game you might enjoy more.

  15. Of all the class roles I find healers get the least amount of medals especially when they focus hard on just healing everyone. Sometimes it's necessary to do that, too. I have seen healers top a match in healing output yet finish the match with only 5-6 medals.


    Exactly, they do not get the ones associates with dps or guarding a node as others might. Those are things they would not be doing. Some roles should get more for certain actions. Healers for healing, tanks for guarding, etc... If you do nothing but hral your tail off and put up as much heals and others do damage you shouldnt get half the medals. Its trivial really as most people just re-sort the list to show what matters to them but it might, emphasis on might, encourage people to do the right things if they were awarded for doing so accordingly.

  16. that is exactly what I said in my first paragraph. guard, the ability vs guard, the thing you do at a node.


    Everyone gains medals for guarding nodes, not just "hybrids" (which there isn't a true hybrid in this game, you mean dps specs of tank and/or healing capable classes); further the suggestion will only exacerbate the issue of people refusing to guard if they're playing, say a sentinel. I don't think we need to reward people for brainless zerging. and you really want to talk about who gets the least amount of medals, look at your healers.


    Were saying the same thing, but im trying to point out that medals and such can be earned from 2 things that we refer to as guard.


    The physical guarding of or being in the area of a protected nose. Anyone can do this. And, the guard sill granted to various classes, such as Warriors, Powertechs, Assassins, etc... whereby they can negate a portion of another players damage.


    Healers suffer from the same problem as they generally dont gain fluff damage.


    This is why i suggested that certain specs should get MORE points relative to the abilities related to their spec.

  17. I believe floplag was getting at maras cannot use the ability guard, not that they cannot guard objectives, and therefore they should receive more medals for doing damage than say, my vigi guardian which can also receive medals for doing protection (which fyi to this apparently dense subforum, as a dps spec I primarily get via taunting).


    I disagree on the simple fact that it would lead to what you say - oh I'm a mara, I can only get medals if i go kill things! Leave the tank and healing off specs (or worse the tanks and healers) to guard!


    No, not entirely, any class can "guard" in the literal sense I was referring to the medals/trophies awarded for achieving certain thresholds in the game. Hybrid classes gain more for things other than just damage, healing, using guard talents on other players etc... and of course spending time guarding an objective.

    Straight dps classes can only dps and therefore almost always gain fewer trophies unless they do pure damage farming. 'To my knowledge this isnt taken into account as when i play those classes i always get fewer medals.

    Bottom line those things that actually give currency, frags, renown points, or whatever, should be adjusted to reward that style of play.

  18. Not suggesting they remove the medals from the scoreboard or recording the dps to apply to the medals. Just that they remove those dps, healing and protection columns on the scoreboard at the end.


    I do like the other suggestion of only showing your own dps/hps/protection stats on the scoreboard. It would remove a lot of epeen from matches.

    People would then rank people’s performance on objective points, medals, deaths and kills (kills might be a problem, but they could trial it).


    One thing I would like to see under the current player pvp stats (like the personal ranked window) on winning vs losses is an accumulation of objective points, medals played. They could even add how many matches a player didn’t complete after the match starts.

    It would also be good to split up the wins vs losses on map types. It’s not like this isn’t already tracked in the back ground because some of it is listed in the legacy window. But it’s not complete and it doesn’t split it up for each Alt and it doesn’t count losses either.

    They could really expand on this idea and even split it into how much was in lowbies, Mids and lvl 75.


    This would allow give people more to strive for if they need to epeen to others, but it would be focused


    No, i dont think you can do that, some classes can only dps, why take away their achievements?


    Maras snipers, they cant heal or guard or whatever. If anything i think dps only classes should get more trophies for those things since they cannot pad that with other fluff just as those in healing specs should get more for heals or tanks from guard. it should tailor to those roles if anything.


    Nothing needs to get removed, the game setup isnt the problem, the player mentality is, and no changes to the scoreboard are going to amend that.

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