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Posts posted by Floplag

  1. First, thanks for the replies.

    So, if im understanding this correctly, if i wanted to do a small platoon of soldiers, or have a variety of Mandalorian guards it wouldnt count against the limit.

    Bar or Casino patrons and other non interactive would not count. missions and such.

    Most of those found in the imperial or republic personnel deco packs would not count.

    Basically unless its interactive, it doesnt count against the 25?

    companions always count?

    Am i about right on this?

  2. What? So in your mind I need to censor myself in order to avoid the mere possibility that I might offend someone? So better to be silent then, because someone out there could find anything to be toxic.


    That is insane. I have no obligation to protect your feelings. If you're offended by something I've said, that's not very important.


    In other words, my ability to speak freely is much more important than you not getting offended. You shouldn't be encouraging people to stifle their own speech just because they might hurt someone's feelings.


    Encouraging people to not purposely upset people is a totally different story, and is obviously fine.


    In all seriousness, this is the kind of debate that makes me worried for the future of free speech. It's maddening.


    No, you need to be intelligent, and honest, enough to know the difference. People get offended to easily, i agree completely with that statement, but that also still not what were talking about and your just pulling stuff out of your rear at this point to defend an indefensible position.

  3. I am none of those things. It's almost as if this is a nuanced topic without black and white answers. Imagine that. If you actually read all of my posts, my positions are quite clear. I've grown weary of repeating them over and over.


    Only it isnt. You are trying deperately to make it gray, but its really rather simple. The real trick to this though is that you dont get to make that decision about what is or isnt toxic for anyone else.

    If its gray, its going to be toxic to some people whether you think it is or not.

    The solution is simple, stay out of the gray.

  4. I don't know what you're talking about. I've already agreed that some things are undeniably toxic. Others are clearly not toxic. But there are still other phrases that some view as toxic and others don't.


    But for one of your examples, "please stop queueing," no, I don't think that's toxic. That's a polite request usually made of someone who is actively ruining games by playing unacceptably poorly repeatedly.




    Again, this is a reasonable take. If you want to say people should be less toxic in ranked, I'm happy to agree with that. I've never said that being toxic is a good thing. My only point is that people shouldn't face suspensions or bans from Bioware for it.


    But overall, I maintain that toxicity in ranked isn't a significant problem. The people posting about it on the forums mostly don't even play ranked.




    What? lol


    OK you are either being evasive, trolling, or ignorant... either way im getting off this ride.

  5. I never said every phrase would be debatable. There are some things that cross the line, as I've said many times. Surely blatant racism, telling people to kill themselves, etc are universally recognized as toxic. Those are clearly not the sort of ambiguous statements that I'm talking about.


    And it's not a deflection. The point is, what you and I consider competitive trash talk will be considered toxic by someone else. And that's why the word "toxic" itself is rather useless.


    We both know the kinds of things were talking about here, and you are splitting hairs as it were and hiding behind the obvious.

    Telling someone they are terrible using more more colorful wording, or that the should be intimate with a family member or themselves, or playing in a burning building, of the usual favorite please never queue again... none of this would rise to the level of toxic to you? really? If none of this does then by all means tell me what you think does?

  6. i have to kind of laugh at the "variable" definition of toxic arguments.

    There isnt a lot of gray area in insulting one lineage, telling them to play in a burning house, or experiment with self exercised physical gratification.

    Im not going to list more specific examples here to risk ban but none of the things i see people saying in streams or from personal experience were particularly variable in intent or meaning.

    Regardless, variable toxicity, is still toxicity, and its still the wrong move.

    Additionally, confusing toxicity with trash talk, is a blatant deflection. Trash talk is competitive, the items listed above are not. This is just a reach to justify it.

  7. We have very different interpretations of those posts though. Many of the people complaining about "toxicity" in ranked queued a handful of times, got globaled, got flamed, then come to the forums to complain. Such people should not be taken seriously. Again, if people are queueing for ranked and stop queueing due to what they perceive as "toxicity," ranked isn't for them.


    So, so many of the people, I'd hazard a guess at 90%+, that complain about ranked "toxicity" on these forums don't even play ranked. As someone that queues ranked almost every day, I'm telling you that there is no "toxicity" problem in ranked. The vast majority of games there is very little said in chat. Sometimes there is mild trash talking. Occasionally there are ******es that insult people. There is no crazy harassment or threats or anything rising to a level of concern.


    Of course it's censorship to ban people from speaking, for their speech...that is the purest form of censorship. Again, Bioware can do it if they want to, but let's not pretend. As for the fire in a crowded theater, that is an exception to free speech, meaning it's not protected speech because it's incitement. But anyway, as I've said before, yes, if you say stupid or offensive things, you can potentially face consequences for it, but that doesn't mean every consequence is appropriate. Should we put people to death for toxicity? Obviously not. We shouldn't ban them either; we should shame them, if anything.




    If you don't like what someone is saying, you have a few options. One is to completely ignore them. Another is to speak out against them. You want to silence such people. In my opinion, the consequences of silencing speech we don't like is far, far worse than whatever problem you think that speech is causing.




    I'm happy to defend and enable people in this circumstance. And I've said before, I don't think perceived "toxicity" is an actual problem. There are some people in the ranked community that are truly vile people that I don't like. But I hope that they remain free to express themselves however they chose. I'm not a hypocrite in that respect. I believe in actual free speech in all circumstances, not just when it's convenient or when you agree with what people are saying.




    That's a rather silly rule. If there were no jerks, online games would get boring fast. And I've never heard a single justification for enhanced censorship in games other than to protect peoples' feelings. That's not a good enough reason to silence people.


    It has nothing to do with protecting peoples feeling, jesus h man come on... being a jerk in any situation generally gets you told to not be a jerk, thats just life, hiding behind censorship to protect being a jerk while complaining about protecting other peoples feeling when they were the wronged is just quality agenda.

    Your taking a silly position here in my opinion and well just have to agree to disagree.

  8. These are two totally separate arguments though. If I understand you correctly, you're saying that people being toxic in ranked is leading to less people playing it, so if the ranked players want it to grow, they should be less "toxic". That's a reasonable opinion, and it might be right, though I don't think it is.


    The original poster and the other poster I replied to think that such ranked "toxicity" should be actively monitored and punished by Bioware. That is a totally different matter, and that is what I'm forcefully arguing against. Just because someone's feelings got hurt does not justify banning people. Again, if you think someone's speech is bad, the best solution is more speech, not censorship. And if banning people whose speech you don't like isn't censorship, I don't know what is.


    Also, and this shouldn't need to be said but let me be clear, I am not one of the toxic people in ranked that OP was referencing. I usually don't say anything in ranked beyond calling a strat. Sometimes if someone is egregiously bad in many ranked games in a row, I'll say something tame like "stop queueing ranked until you learn how to use your dcds in regs" or something like that. Others are for more harsh, but that's up to them. And if that does lead to less people playing ranked, so be it. Censoring such people would be a far greater wrong than a dead ranked queue.


    I guarantee you, its right. Look around at the posts, many people posting that they want to theyd like to but.... toxicity. And those are just the ones that bother to post here.


    It isnt censorship to ban people that violate a terms of service, they do it all the time for various reasons. Its the whole "fire in a crowded theater" argument... you have the right to free speech, but that doesnt make you immune to its consequences.


    More speech achieves nothing... i speak out at someone being toxic it inevitably turns to attacking me as well. Now i dont care at all what people say to me, ive never been shy about voicing my views and i do often defend people in game that are being bullied, but the source of the problem is that toxicity, and speaking against it only begets more of it. You know this, or you should.


    You may not be part of the problem, but by defending them you enable them, thus by extension, you kind of are. At minimum you are not part of the solution. People like you that have a presence here should be helping build, not tear down.


    Dont trip over your social agendas here, this is a game, games have rules, not boing a jerk is the most basic of them.

  9. People play ranked for competitive gameplay. They don't play ranked to particularly coddle you and your emotions.


    You don't have any say over what other people say, nor should Bioware in my opinion. If you don't like what people are saying to you, there is already a built-in tool for that: the ignore list. If they're opposite faction and you just can't handle it, turn off chat. But stop trying to censor people because they offend you. Can't you see how selfish and stupid that is?


    Disclaimer: I don't even play on SS, but I'd be willing to bet anything that the vast majority of stuff said is not "bullying" or "abuse," it's just normal competitive **** talking that you'd see in any online game. Seeing posts like this time after time really makes me sick. Remember, I say all this as a liberal who believes strongly in free speech.


    This is a tragically bad take. It isnt about coddling, nobody has asked to be coddled, they just expect you to not be a douche in a game. There's miles of middle ground in between as options.

    Free speech has consequences, the old fire in a crowded theater argument, in this case your freedom to be an idiot results in killing the game mode. How many posts like this do we need to see before people figure out they ARE the problem.

  10. That sounds ridiculously fun spreading a max of 24 missiles across 8 targets. But fusion missile builds a lot of heat, can we get a heat reduction on fusion missile for this tactical item like 10 less or even 5 less? IO's fusion missile dot spread does this by reducing it to 15 heat.



    As it stand Fusion is just too costly and if its filling a similar role in both specs now the cost should be comparable

  11. In fact since were discussing it, as an official feedback point can we please get some heat reduction on certain skills that are effectively left out of the rotation not usable due to cost being too high?

    Thinks like Fusion missile, missile blast, etc... costing as much as double other skills that we can use?

    Not getting new skills is fine with me, but it would be hugely beneficial to open up some we cant use much today in return?

    Feel free to add more to the list guys that im not thinking off of the top of my head but i think adding more skills as practically usable would be of more benefit than adding new ones.

  12. Very true, and while it would be nice, I don't expect to be on top again. IO is actually in the middle of the pack, ranking around #8 spot, out of 18. Pyro is actually ranked pretty high (3rd I believe), but Mercs are middle and dead last.


    I've been OPs raiding since launch, and have been leading different prog teams for years. All with an Arsenal Merc. But ever since that last nerf, NiM/MM w/ Arsenal is ............ difficult, to say the least.


    I look forward to seeing you in Operations, Floplag! /salute


    Thanks, yeah silly sidenote for whatever reason i never did a lot in SWTOR but its the bulk of what i do in other such games like WoW... no reason why it just sorta worked out that way. Perhaps my enjoyment of PvP in SWTOR IDK.

    Time to change it i think.

  13. I really hope you're right...... but on the surface, it's not promising. Priming Shot w/ alac buffs is on a 15.5s CD. Is adding a burn tick to something that you use every 15s going to make up 2k in missing sustainable dps? It's a stretch.


    That being said, we got a LOT to try out, and I'm very excited for that. A lot of it screams heat issues (Surging Powers additional charge on Power Surge, Power Cycles no CD on 2 casted abilities, etc.), but the sustained 10% crit + faster supercharge building looks interesting, as does a max. 15% tracer crit buff, followed by a no heat stack drop....


    Many things to test!

    Im curious to see how Critical Charge may help that, if im reading it right its more or less a persistent 10% crit buff since it would seem easy enough to keep up most times.

  14. Yeah. I never said roll reflect into energy shield. It's just that the abils combined = about 20 secs, and that seemed the most obvious way you got to that number.


    As a merc, I rarely mezz around reflect. Just death from above plus frag Grenade. By that time I can go back into normal rotational abils without giving him a single heal and continuing to pressure him.


    But I guess that's beside the point. My real reason for raising my eyebrows at your 20 seconds comment is that the only abil a merc has that can realistically force a focus swap is the 6s reflect. Where are those other 14 seconds coming from that you have to just frown while the merc runs through his rotation with impunity?


    Well said Fox, and dead on.

    Thats exactly the issue in my view in that people dont react properly to the use of the skills. As you say someone pops reflect you change up the rotation and skills usage... you dont have to stand there with your dork in hand, just do something different.

    Very few do this so it makes the whole argument somewhat hard to swallow effectively.

  15. Boy I wish we got the long end last time. Our PVE DPS in OPS got nerfed hardcore, along with making heat management an actual issue again. I don't mind the heat end of things, even though it's really a nerf, but when they rebalanced the DPS output of Mercs, specifically Arsenal, they drained too much from the sustainability in long PVE fights.


    Did you know Arsenal is dead last in dps parsing for PVE OPs boss fights? MM/NiM teams will rarely (if ever) even allow an Arsenal merc on their team, the sustainable dps is so low.


    Maybe a Tactical concentrating specifically on % damage increase in Operations only is the answer? I don't know.


    Fair point, but not all specs can be top of the charts, if im not mistaken IO is performing rather well in that regard yes? I think some heat adjustments would help as us much as anything t o allow us to use some supplementary skills rotationally that we really cant today without heat catching up. But then admittedly im not a big raider, something i hope to change in 6.0.

  16. The point is though, merc dcds are still too strong, even if you play against them correctly. No other class has as much anti-focus, which allows mercs an ability to facetank and freecast that no other class has, except fury maras to a somewhat lesser degree.


    I dont agree with that, but the point is most are NOT playing it correctly, so the point is moot and there is no discussion to be had.

  17. Agree to disagree.


    For PVE, there's never a time as an Arsenal Merc that you absolutely need to rocket out 40m. If you NEED more than 20m, you're doing something wrong.


    It's not bad, it's just almost everyone else actually gets an offensive boost in some way, or an ability they've never had. Sure, it can be used, but it feels like we're settling for less here.


    Youre correct on the distance, i just mean that having in the back pocket is never a bad thing when needed.

  18. ..............really? I'm sure this is probably useful in PVP, but completely worthless in PVE/OPs. How about a new offensive ability like some of the other classes, or something to help mitigate the heat we'll be creating with all these new power surge/no CD bonuses?


    Considering Arsenal is in dead last place when it comes to DPS parsing over long PVE OPs boss fights, the new no CD/Power Surge abilities look tasty...... but I'm already dreading the heat nightmare it's going to create. How about something besides 1 Tracer after 5 stacks vents no heat?


    Can't wait to get on PTS and tear into these sets!


    I disagree, easy escape routes and movement is never a bad thing in either case.

  19. As a Merc main since beta thru good and bad, Im actually ok with this.

    We didn't need anything else, you could argue we got a bonus last time in some ways, these should even the playing field, and i for one thing the added mobility would be a godsend with all the leaps and gap closers PvP wise.

    How the cooldowns work will determine the reality of it of course and thats not listed.

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