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Posts posted by Floplag

  1. Nope, he's telling the truth. "Legacy of Promptness"

    There is also a perk to get more points from each gift. (Legacy of Altruism) Which are not actually legacy abilities, it's per character. :rolleyes:


    There's a vendor on fleet where you can buy a "Commander's Compendium" to instantly raise a companion to 50, it's 4,250,000 credits and 3 dark projects. You have to have met conquest to use the vendor. It's a droid named V1C-ORY. in the Strongholds and Crew Skills section.


    That might be an interesting option... thank you for that note. 21ishM for 5 is a bit hefty being relatively poor, but probably worth it. . :)

  2. I dont know if this was added while i was away or not, so ill ask i didnt seem to find it in my searches.

    Is there any way to give multiple gifts to upgrade rep faster at this point?

    Ive been working on alts for the expansion and man oh man this is tedious as hades.

    Please tell me there is some mechanism for this at this point? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top.

  3. I'm not sure what "realistic" means in the context of a cross between a heavy machine gun and a light autocannon.


    But if you look through the Collections interface, you can preview the various types of Assault Cannon, and find some skinny ones:

    * Imperial E-1 Enforcer's

    * Defiant Technographer's

    * Grantek F11-D

    * Breyar's MK-3 (which is also *short*, with a top-mounted magazine like a Bren gun)

    * Resolute Guerilla's (less skinny than the Breyar's, but still short)

    * Ordtech F-7 (very long, but skinny)

    * EL-34 Rotary Plasma Cannon (very long, skinny)

    * SL-34 Rotary Plasma Cannon (looks almost identical to the EL-34)

    * DA-AC1 (bulky in the middle, skinny ends)


    and short ones:

    * Kyber (not skinny at all, Death Star dish in front)

    * Interstellar Regulator's (various types), less bulky than the Kyber

    * Various skinny ones noted above


    The Iokath and GEMINI command crate cannons look a lot like the Interstellar Regulator's series cannons.


    Thank you for the feedback, and i assure you ive gone thru the collections, the GTN, anything i can think of to find something i can stand, and ive failed.

    Its going to vary person to person of course, i simply find most of them far too large for my tastes. There are a couple of exceptions, but then they are ugly as hades :)

    I would prefer to use a rifle, but thats not an option.

    What can i say, im picky, lol

  4. with all possible respect, this game is FAR better in that regard then almost any other MMO.

    Most others are RNG based garbage, at least here you have a backup mechanism in components so that if you dont get the drops you still get the gear without waiting to be blessed by RNGesus.

  5. The First Amendment absolves you from legal consequences for your speech in most circumstances (more than anywhere else in the world in fact). Obviously Bioware can do whatever it wants, but players should face only social consequences for their speech, not punishment from Bioware. I've already pointed out to you why shouting fire in a crowded theater is an exception to free speech. It is considered incitement, because it's designed to cause a panic that could result in people getting physically hurt. There's no analogy to being "toxic" in a video game.




    This is just nonsense. Ranked isn't very "toxic" at all. If you actually played it, you would know that.




    As long as those consequences come from other players and not Bioware, absolutely.




    More nonsense. Some people find anything "toxic." I guarantee that you've said things in game that someone else has considered toxic. You ready to ban yourself?




    I don't even know what you're talking about. What am I hiding behind? lol


    No, it does not absolve you of anything, if it did things such as libel or slander would not exist. WE would not be subject to being fired for calling our boss a jerk. etc, etc, etc...

    The rest is just you being part of the problem, we all know that, its a pity you dont. If you made half as much effort to change it, as you do to defend it, it wouldnt be a problem at all.

  6. There are a handful of attention-seeking players that post a lot of nonsense in pvp chat, I'm happy to agree with that. But pvp chat on fleet is usually totally divorced from what happens in ranked matches themselves. So that doesn't get you anywhere.


    And free expression means...free expression. You don't get to decide how people express themselves. That's the point.


    Since you are insisting on hiding behind rights, lets go there... Free expression means you can say what you wish, it doesnt absolve you of the consequences of those words. As mentioned pages back the fire in a crowded theater argument.


    Your "free expression" is largely the reason ranked is what it is. You wont admit that, you wont take the look in the mirror you should, you just hide behind things like this to try to avoid taking any responsibility for whats going on. That is literally the entire point people are trying to make to you, and you refuse to hear.


    You have the right to be a tard, no question, but you also bear responsibility for what happens when you do so.


    The right you dont have, is to define the term for someone else. Whether or not YOU think its toxic isnt the point, if someone else does, then it is. You dont get to tell them its not, you do not have that right to make that decision for them.


    Continue to hide behind this all you wish, but in doing so you only prove the case against you.

  7. I really wish I could imagine being ignorant enough to make factual claims about something I know nothing about.


    Even with the truth staring you in the face, you still cling to lies just to make yourself feel better about your obvious lack of success in ranked (which, let's be honest, is the same psychology of everyone complaining about "toxicity" in ranked).


    I wish i could be arrogant enough to make assumptions about what other people know or dont know to suit my own beliefs. :)

  8. Except it's not actually a problem. You would know that if you actually played solo ranked.


    Notice that Foxmob, who actually plays solo ranked, agrees with me on this issue, and Foxmob clearly doesn't like me and disagrees with me on all kinds of other topics.


    Fox didnt agree with you aside from saying its currently not bad, historically it has been for a long time. This is why we are where we are, not the last couple weeks. Again you know this, there is no debate on this. But hide behind the fact that i dont take part of that somehow makes you feel better while ignoring the "why" in that statement.


    tbf, I don't think there's anything wrong with saying, "target this guy. he sucks." but when you turn to a guy and keep telling him he sucks and then carry that into fleet, that's harassment.




    AS usual Fox hits the mark.

    The question becomes where do you draw the line when banter becomes harrasment become toxic.


    Some people do need to get thicker skin, i agree with JMA on that, but i suspect where that line is drawn will be very different for each of us.


    Telling someone they should have done thus and so isnt toxic, as long as it doesnt accompany ancestral insults. But we all know that isnt typical how it works and the sentence usually begins with "**** you noob you should have done thus and so".... which crosses that line.


    He knows this, hes not stupid, he just doesnt want to admit that hes much more comfortable with that line being a lot more liberal than others.

  10. Yes...that's right.


    1. It's not a very big issue.

    2. When people want to pursue non-authoritarian (as you put it) solutions, that's perfectly fine.

    3. When people want to pursue authoritarian solutions, that's not fine.


    You summed it up nicely. Where is the dishonesty?






    See 1...


    You are either oblivious or in denial but to suggest its not a problem IS the problem.

  11. BW cant bring down EA as long as the clones keep buying Madden and FIFA every year, BUT, EA nearly lost the SW contract we all know based on a string or terrible titles so its possible that is what actually saved SWTOR as its the only ones that been consistently profitable for them. It will be interesting to see what, is any. media i put behind onslaught once the release date is officially announced.
  12. Big dilemma for people. Who to believe. On the one hand you have someone who is clearly totally jaded about solo ranked, doesn't play it at all anymore, probably barely played it before, and only gleans vague information from "streams" and "other places". On the other hand you have someone who actually plays solo ranked every day. Seems like a really close call.


    Im not asking anyone to believe me, im voicing my opinion based on past experience and current observation.

    You are trying to convince people that something literally everyone knows exists doesnt.

    Not really much of a dilemma.

  13. Do you actually play solo ranked, or just read about it on the forums? I'm guessing the latter. I play solo ranked virtually every day. It's the least "toxic" pvp of any game I've ever played. It's really not a problem.


    Im guessing you missed the part about people who quit or no longer play being a reference to myself.

    I used to, i no longer do.

    That having been said it isnt hard to see whats going on on streams and other places with the slightest amount of actually listening or reading genchat.

    Denying it exist is classic ostrich syndrome.

  14. This level of ignorance is astounding. It's amazing how many times I have to repeat myself.


    1. If people can't handle what people say in ranked, they shouldn't be playing ranked.

    2. There is very little "toxicity" in ranked in the first place.

    3. I'm very, very rarely "toxic" in ranked myself.

    4. lol at there are good players that would play if it wasn't toxic. That's a paradoxical statement. Not to mention the fact that virtually no one is toxic towards good players (except a certain decent mara who is vile to everyone).




    Yep. Continually baffles me lol


    Well, that makes two of us. Bottom line you are ok with it, have no intention of changing, and still thinks its everyone elses fault ranked is dead... as you say, the ignorance is astounding.

    Oh, and lol @ "very little toxicity"... unless you are an active participant in S&M, this is like saying there is very little water in the ocean.

  15. But the issue is what you consider “lightly flamed” may not be what others consider “lightly flamed” to mean.

    He knows that, and he also knows that were not talking about "light" flaming. GDIAF is pretty clearly not light, and thats on the calmer side.

    Should people be able to handle light flaming... on that i would agree, but we all know thats not what were talking about here and hes just herding cats.

  16. Well said. Anyone else noticing a pattern that nearly all of the people that actually play ranked that have posted in this thread have extremely similar opinions on this matter? Because I have.


    Have you noticed that those who dont play it have been trying to tell you why?

    There are many very good players that should be playing more ranked in this game, that dont, you need to start asking why that is the case, then go find a mirror and you will have your answer.

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