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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Floplag

  1. Please change the world drop loot rules to allow some very cool older weapons to be accessible whether boosted or not instead of being tied to real level when completing content.


    I prefer simpler looks, and so many of the skins i like are nearly impossible to obtain anymore as it requires you to be the actual level of the content. Which wouldnt be so irritating if you didnt level out of it before you ever get the drops due to their rarity.


    Ive created many lowbie alts to try to farm some of these and they legit never drop.


    Please just remove the level requirement on the loot tables, there is little point to it anymore.

  2. I posted this as a reply to another topic but wanted to put this in its own in the hopes it gets some visibility


    Across all classes we are seeing some common things where really important skills are now stuck in trees with almost impossible choices to be made between them resulting in us losing VERY important skills, even if some of them aren't rotational.


    I strongly recommend that this be reconsidered.


    Do not take skills away in this manner, please, just dont... trees should not give skills, they should augment them.

    Make them better, add something to them.... for PT for example jet charge and grapples should be baseline, the tree should add tweaks, such as an AoE burst to jet charge or the stun to grapple... not add the skills itself.


    Please dont do this, get creative, leave the skills alone as baseline, use trees to modify them!!


    And this is before the whole taking skills we have now and moving them to lvl 80, another terrible idea. If you cant give us something new, fine, but dont take the skills away, find new ways to augment them.


    Trees should never give skills, period... give us options on how to use them, modifiy them, tweak them, whatever... but tying skills to this, especially pitting important choices against each other which fundamentally change the class, is not how to do it.

  3. AP PT feels mostly the same. Noticed a couple of important changes, such as choosing between 2 gap closers - jet charge or grapple; shield cannon or hydraulic overrides, or elector dart.

    Can't say that I'm all that thrilled for the new system, but, since globally every class losses mobility and cc, it's not all that bad.

    This is across all classes where we are being forced to make really horrific choices and losing some important skillls

    I strongly recommend that this be reconsidered.

    Do not take skills away in this manner, please, just dont... trees should give skills, they should augment them.

    Make them better, add something to them.... jet charge and grapples should be baseline, add tweaks, such as an AoE burst to jet charge or the stun to grapple... not add the skills itself.

    Please dont do this, get creative, give us the skills, use trees to modify them!!

  4. In general, the idea of taking away skills we already have, and moving them to lvl 80, is a horrible idea in my opinion.

    This will be the second time you guys have done this in lieu of new skills.

    Dont do this, please.

    Augment them at lvl 80, give us ways to modify them, almost anything other than taking them away only to give them back 5 lvls later.

    For me skills shouldnt be in the trees, period, just ways to augment them, change them around such as adding more single target or more AoE punch to them as you have done with some.

    If you cant give us new ones that fine, but at least dont take stuf away like a dangled carrot.

  5. That channeled flamethrower looks very cool and getting heals on PY is nice but can we have the ability descriptions in a skill tree? I have no idea what am I supposed to choose xD


    Please, for the love of all thats holy, give this iconic skill back to all specs...

  6. Re: thread title. Do not make weapons part of outfits.


    Instead, make a system *like* Outfit Designer, but for weapons only, so that people can switch the weapon and the outfit independently of each other.


    My characters' weapons are not part of their outfits.


    The point is this, there are to many models inaccessible currently as they arent moddable. I dont expect them to re-work all of them, when simply making them part of the outfit solves the issue simply.

    I dont really care how they do it, i just hope they do.

  7. If you having problems countering mercs dcds, u doing something wrong. Their dcds are pretty easy to counter. The only reason they survive so much is bcos theres always someone attacking em brainlesly. Just stop attacking em when they use their reflect.Stun and/or kit if u have too. Keep in mind you can Apply dots and use aoe on em and they wont reflect nor cure themselves.

    So this the best dcd they have. The other shield is just good, but nothing that special. Same thing,stop attacking when they pop or,if u feel like u can outdmg their defense,just try to burst em pretty fast.

    The kolto overload is pretty good but hás a big CD,so well...

    I personaly think there are classes with way better dcd than merc. Wanna talk about op dcds? Lets talk about skank juggs and concealment ops. They have the most overpowered dcds in this game. And the dmg a operative can do is way higher than the one mercs can.

    So, no,mercs dont need to get nerfed cos they already got nerfed previous patches and now they are very balanced imo.

    Lets focus on the real op classes right now such as pt (a unstopable killinh machine if they have either heals or guard,or both),operatives with their insane burst,survivability and mobility all at once and the immortal skank jugg with insane dps for a tank and..well, if they have half a brain working,they are nearly unkillable.


    This. 100% this.

    The entire point of DCDs is knowing how to counter them, when to attack, when to not, and what to do.

    You want to take some away, great, get ready for heatseeker that hit like a nuke cause without the DCDs we need a large damage buff.

    So as someone else pointed out, be careful what you ask for, or just, learn the game better.

  8. There is a lot of good gear that is basically non existent now due to level scaling and the requirement that a person be the "actual" level, not a scaled level, of the content.

    Aside from new players very few level in this manner anymore.

    Making very rare drops have an additional gated true level requirements seems, pointless, at this stage of the game.

    Ive been looking for a rare world drop and have now gone thru three alts that have level out of range without ever seeing any of them.

    Its time for this to go.

  9. Receiving the mission (that is, completing the final bit of the class story before it) is what locks it in. You don't have to then go to the Fleet and meet the guy.


    There are a few variations:

    * The Imp and Pub stories on Ilum that lead up to the two FPs at the end are closely related, but not exactly the same.

    * The Imp and Pub stories on Makeb are quite different, and a Pubside character who does that story will have a different conversation with Oggy when you get to Odessen in KotFE.

    * The Rishi story does contain a class-specific mission in the middle, although it strictly speaking isn't *necessary* to continue the story.

    But yeah, it's not a wildly compelling set of differences.


    Fair enough and true... worth noting if youve never seen them of course. Thank you for pointing that out.

  10. The other point about companions is that skipped companion stories count as having been done without romances, and Jaesa will be DSJ, and Khem will be Khem.


    If you want a skipped-forward Inquisitor to be not Darth Imperius(1), you must at least complete the base class story up to the mission to go to the Fleet and meet the guy about Ilum.


    (1) It mostly doesn't matter, but people will greet you by the Darth title that Marr gives you, so if you want people to call you "Darth Occlus" or "Darth Nox", play through the class story.


    To be clear, yes, i will complete the base story in its entirety, thatss not what i want to skip. I did however find your Ilum comment interesting though does this somehow lock in the previous?


    But from talking to that guy, up thru KATET/KOTFE its basically the same story for all, and repeating it multiple times doesnt excite me. Ive done it all, many times, on the previous server, and i want to jump from the story that matters to the other story that matters while skipping the redundant parts in between.

  11. Im embarrassed to admit this but i never really cared before as when i did the original stories years ago i did all content on all the toons, but, im replacing some on another server and curiosity got the better of me as i really dont want to redo some parts of the content that never changes.


    Lets say i use a datacron to boost to 70, then go thru the original story in its entirety, including all the companion stories dialogs and such... From there nothing changes kill KOTET/KOTFE so everything from Ilum, Makeb, Oricon, Shadow of Revan...


    As im doing these new toons i decided to go back thru the stories as a reminder and maybe do a few things different buti really dont want to do it one this group of toons im leveling as it never changes other than light or dark.


    So... IF i jump from the end of the base story, straight to KOTET/KOTFE, and jump over all the in between, are all the companion relations and related content intact?


    Would it change anything if i skipped all that? Would the "default choices" it warns us about affect or change any of that and override it for example?


    Thanks in advance.

  12. So, i have this crazy idea that i could be able to dps, tank, and heal, all from one character, if this is correct. So as you read thru this wherever im mistaken, let me know...

    I know we dont know a lot yet, but this occurred to me so i thought id check for clarity.

    So lets say i roll a Merc, i gain access to its there spec options... then, for my next combat style, i chose PT, i gain three more... for a total of 6 spec options in some combination. So i could have a dps loadout, a healer loadout, and a tank loadout, all from one toon.

    Does this sound right?

  13. I guess it may depend on what your looking for. There are guilds on both factions that do heavy PvE conent within the guild, however if your looking for more pug FP's or Operation then Impside has far more players on it from what I've seen on Star Forge.


    The ultimate goal of course is to find a consistent team, but you gotta start somewhere right? No one seems to actually want to help develop players anymore they want ready made so... gotta start somewhere :)

  14. This time around im looking to do a lot more PvE whereas in th past i almost exclusively PvPd. This is really the only MMO that i didnt that but in recent years i found myself doing almost only PvE and this time around i plan to change that and do a lot more ops, FPs and such... so im wondering ,which faction actually has the better or more populated PvE groups?

    Im my experience it seems kind of like Pubs have more PvE where Imps have more PvP... but, since i never really did much PvE in the past i thought id check if my assumption was accurate?


  15. My plan is simple, options. For example my Merc main will pick up PT options so it can dps, heal, or tank at will. Same would be true of something like a guardian that picks up sage heals styles. I suspect this will be the typical for most.


    What will be most intriguing is those odd ball combination.

    For example, a GS/Merc, Op/PT, and the like...

  16. Why should it be only "offside" alignments?


    Let it be explicit player choice rather than an arbitrary alignment thing. (That is, if they do this thing, let it be a thing we choose to do or not do rather than something that just happens because we have the right alignment. This is particularly important if you are playing a Light Sith as "reformer from the inside". It would be a bit frustrating to suddenly find your character popped over to Pubside.)


    Not as such. We will get the *option* of choosing opposite faction abilities, but it isn't, as such, a direct consequence of changes in alignment.


    They do. We will be able to choose, without reference to alignment stuff, any gun class combat style on any gun class character.


    its isnt arbitrary, its based on light/dark alignment. Lets be honest, does a light side sith make literally any sense at all? WE call them Jedi :)


    My understanding of the way it wors for force uses is that you cannot be a light side and use force lightning or other "sith" skills for example. You cant really choose it and not follow up with youre choices, you must unlock it by playing it that way. If thats mistaken then so be it.


    You get to choose any style, true, but its all or nothing. My point in mentioning them there was just for fairness.


    Bottom line these choices for light or dark have little real meaning at this point. If they are recognizing that with combat styles, i would like to see it recognized in other areas, thats all. Let how we play determine our chosen faction, not, as you say, some arbitrary default choice.

  17. For those of us who play light side or republic aligned BH, at some point it would be nice to be able to actually play for the Republic as Genoharadan.

    I feel that light/dark alignment should play a role in the upcoming expansions and actually allow people to forgo traditional class/faction alignments.

    Light side empire should have the option to go Rep, and vice versa.

    Let game play determine factions choices once you reach a certain point.

    Force users are having their skills affected by alignment, it would be nice for tech users to get something similar.

  18. Oh no. I know we don't get to combine skills. However, I can for instance be a Mando that uses a Sniper Rifle (Sniper Combat Style) and Ion Cannon (Commando Combat Style) and switch between the two classes as my mood strikes.


    My Agent can always use a blaster pistol now, like I felt my Agent should always be able to do :)


    Yes it still has its advantages, just not as many as i had hoped :)

    A Commando that doesnt have to carry a house on their back has its appeal, as does a power tech with a proper rifle.

    But it would have been so much more fun to mix and match.

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