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Everything posted by Retro-

  1. The one solution I can see is to make all gear stat same so cent/champ/bm gear has the same stats as tion/colum/rakata gear. All the gear has expertise and attritubes for its respective tier. Then you can raid or pvp to your heats content and mix and match the gear you want. If that isn't a good idea to someone then I ask them to be honest with themselves and ask themselves why?
  2. Still having gear for each separate is fair, in a perfect world everyone would be able to have one set of gear that functions in both pvp and pve, however I have never seen that perfect world, so for now...separate gaer and lets be honest aside from bm or t3 gear is it really that hard to get to t2 gear for pve or pvp? I have seen guys get pretty well geared in like 2 weeks or less. So there really isn't much of a gearing issue if any.
  3. and vice versa if you don't want to work to get pve gear, then don't cry when noone wants to take you on HM's I don't honestly see what the issue is. I myself pvp more than pve, Im a casual player and have no issue with getting myself geared up in champ+ gear. I also understand that if I want to raid with my guild I am going to have to start investing time into getting my gear built up for that...not exactly hard to understand to accept for myself.
  4. anyone who is crying because they can't wear there pve gear into pvp should probably not pvp anyways.
  5. How about they get to nerf my juggernaut, when they nerf stuns, knockbacks and crowdcontrol of the lazy troopers and bounty hunters. But then again if they nerf troopers and bounty hunters they would have to play something that required skill to play.
  6. http://www.forcejunkies.com/2012/01/11/graphical-improvement-in-1-2-update-by-stephen-reid/ do your research, probably a lot more.
  7. So the game has a lot of people who actually like it and are still subbing, but the haters continue to cry and try and convince people this game is a failure. Funny how that works
  8. http://www.twitch.tv/towelliee Watch some actual good Illum PvP happening, at least its not EMPIRE farming .
  9. Well maybe your standards are WAY to high enough for it to cloud your actual judgement. Because the game is not as BROKEN as you may think it is. Perhaps you should evaluate what your standards are and be a bit more realistic when trying to play and enjoy a game. The game is playable, it has good graphics, it has content, and a lot of bugs have been taken care of. When you factor in how MMO's always launch with bugs you tend to expect issues like this to occur. This also affects your judgement and should factor into your standards.
  10. The response you gave seemed to imply that you were going back to WoW or something.
  11. Nah my standards are actually pretty high, I am just patient and not as negative. I tend to look at the bigger picture rather than getting frustrated when something doesnt work right away. That comes with patience not really how high your standards are. SWTOR meets my standards but its not like they have nothing to fix or add. The future seems good for this game and with changes that are being implemented I say its a good reason for people to stick around that actually enjoy this game. Yes the bugs are annoying and certain glitchs are frustrating, but it doesnt hinder me from playing the game and advancing my class while playing in an environment I actually enjoy.
  12. Rift is still doing quite well and is on. WAR released early and was unplayable for world PvP, once they merged servers and fixed the lag issue the PvP was fine, but by then it was to late. DCUO never played that and same with STO. Just because the game doesnt have 15 mil subs doesnt mean its not succesful. EQ is still going on and so are smaller sub games, people will play what they want if the game is still being supported. You seem to go where the masses go though and like to play games that are the flavor of the month then quit.
  13. You simply Can't please anyone and I am sure they are retaining just enough people and probably even more. It is obvious as in any online game or product, you are not going to please anyone.
  14. Nice forum sig also, I see you were probably those people complaining about textures in the game. It's funny how so many people raged about that, but in reality how much that would actually slow down your rig, I have a pretty beast rig and I get low frame rates in high populated areas. Must be pretty cool to expect to be playing in first person mode to see all dem HD TEXTUREZ
  15. They paid me nothing, I just took a break after doing dailys to see the forum shenanigans. Flame me more though, I enjoy the debate and I hope more of you come.
  16. thousands upon thousands of people will probably disagree with you. But go ahead doomsayer, keep preaching on the corner while the masses look at you like a moron, and then the cops take you off the streets after you pissed your pants or something.
  17. And I can don't really care what you say. I paid for this game and I am enjoying every minute of it. My guild has progressed through hard mode ops and still pressing forward awaiting the new content. And you know what else guys? They are thousands of other fan boys out there to. Thousands of us that understand this a new MMO and can handle the few bugs out there. People who cry about non responsive UI and other bugs, I have yet to find it gamebreaking because if it was, guilds will not have progressed through nightmare mode. IF you dont wanna play fine, but I do, and thousands of others do. Stop coming to the forums and declaring people to unsub and acting like a bunch of zealots. Go back to where you came from and go wait for GW2 or something, and then when that has bugs and issues go wait for another MMO, and then what that has bugs and issues keep going and going. Youll never find your perfect MMO. It's almost like you guys are parasites that move to each MMO and destroy the communities and then go to another one.
  18. The whiners favorite line.. Calling people who actually like the game, fanboys yup. This can go on all day.
  19. who cares what some stocks say, Is the game still going to be out? Yeah it is. None of this affects my gameplay or view on the game. I see some gamers though play games that are only succesful.
  20. It has been 3-4 weeks my guild has been clearing both normal and hard mode EV, Yet I have still to receive credit for this damn quest. Every week I pick it up and make sure I reset or w.e. I put in several tickets and yet to get any response from this. Some people in my guild get credit and some people don't. Sadly i'm part of the people who don't get credit for this. I just want my damn tokens and the credits that goes with it. Thats 4 weeks worth of rewards im missing out on, and im doing everything correctly. What in gods name is going on?
  21. "Hi everyone, I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary." This kinda sounds like roll backs to me...
  22. I'm a hardcore MMO vet and end game raider in WoW and I'm resubbing. Would you look at that..
  23. the textures might be nice..but the rest of the environments textures look like crap or are a low polygon base, not to mention the lighting. I have a beast computer with GTX 580 oced and on empire fleet i still get fps drops, imagine if they were actually HD textures..my game would be at 5 fps.
  24. oh no guys the sky is falling and the world is about to end guys... This patch is like nothing...omgg guysss
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