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Everything posted by Necrotiq

  1. Necrotiq


    For a while i have felt like something is missing in this game, But then it hit me. Its Dueling ofcourse. Not that i am comparing this game to WoW but do you pvpers remember WoW? Sitting around outside Orgrimmar or Stormwind dueling and socializing, Because i sure do. So with that being said, Give us a dueling section on the Fleet Bioware? Thought you guys wanted socializing on this game? And as us PvPers socialize through fighting.. Well you know.
  2. Team queue (Premade) Now some people may say this is bad due to solo players not being able to get top gear. Truth is, If your good enough you should have no problem getting into good groups / guilds and if your not good enough then you dont deserve the gear anyway. Argue about it all you like but just because your not good enough to get the gear means the players who are shouldnt get it either? Thats just childish and spoilt.
  3. One of my guildys hit rank 80 about a week ago and is now heading to 90, Sit down and play the goddamn game. BTW 1/10
  4. Necrotiq

    Getting geared.

    I see a hell of alot of people complaining on the drop rate from BM bags. The fact is it is RNG, ive been BM for a week and not had 1 commendation, Where as my guildy who hit BM on the same day has had 4, But you know what? it doesnt bother me because unlike some people i dont want gear handed to me, I dont really care how long it takes and neither should you. Its not like the gap between Champion and BM is that drastic anyway.
  5. Necrotiq

    Stop it already

    Oh thats not trolling, Trolling is intended to provoke a angry reaction, And i dont think that did? Or if it did, Good.
  6. Necrotiq

    Stop it already

    Oh whats the matter cant you do it? Thought not. Move along.
  7. Necrotiq

    Stop it already

    Then you try getting a point across without sounding like your complaining, Manage that and i'll delete my account, But i already know i wont have to.
  8. Necrotiq

    Stop it already

    Knew that was coming, theres always 1 who thinks hes funny or some sort of wise guy. Im making a point of the morons who do this kind of stuff, and if i have to become one of them to get my point across, So be it.
  9. Necrotiq

    Stop it already

    Am i the only one who thought forums were supposed to be for feedback and discussions? Not people demanding things / changes. Not people complaining. Not people demanding nerfs. And certainly not people who say things along the lines of, "omg im quitting the game is full of bugs and i cant beat better geared people than me" If you cant handle bugs, Then dont play new MMO's at launch. And as for the gear difference? Players will always have better gear than you, simply because they play more.. What do you expect? for millions of players to wait for you to catch up? Pfft.
  10. Good Riddance. Get rid of most of the idiots early on and maybe the game can be a tad more enjoyable. Have fun with Skyrim lul.
  11. This is an MMO (captain obvious) You cant expect to be on par with everyone elses gear all the time. There will always be better geared people than you just down to RNG and such, Just get your head down, do your best and eventually You will be somewhat on par with others
  12. Actualy i rolled empire, because i wanted to, sure the movies were from the republics point of view, But the empire is the most iconic thing in star wars for me, I prefer the empire so i play it. If you have a problem with people liking the empire your not going to be very popular in the game are you? Move along..
  13. So, just to start off, i hate 90% of armour in the game, and heres why. If i recall, in the movies, the Empire / Imperials were the bad *** hooded robe wearing muthafkers, And i loved that, i LOVE wearing hooded robes. Now heres what i hate, the gosh darn republic get all the best looking armour, I see sages and shadows with in my opinion the best looking pvp gear in the game, Whilst my assassin is left with some crappy ragged purple / red thing. So either make some better armour, add a toggle hood on / off display for more or less all light armour or just let us buy pvp specific mods / armouring etc and add them to the gear we like most, Somthing along those lines... (Yes my spelling is probably bad, but its 4 in the morning get over it)
  14. We are not 2 months in, its about 1 month and 1 week, 1 month 2 weeks for pre order peeps
  15. Necrotiq

    Bioware on PvP

    To those of you saying crap like, "Bioware have never said PvP will be a focus for them" Or "bioware will never take PvP seriously" I present to you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUktp9Vmolg Skip to around 50 seconds, or just watch the whole thing.. whatevs.
  16. Strange how i just saw a level 38 Centurion then
  17. Its called Trauma, Reduces healing taken by 30% after a pvp confrontation
  18. Necrotiq

    Good god people

    I played wow for roughly 5 years, the first 2 years were great.. then came all the whinners and Blizz made it to idiot proof, Just face it, If you all keep complaining and asking for nerfs, eventually this game will become to easy, Then you'll all complain about that to
  19. Necrotiq

    Good god people

    This game has been out just over a month and the amount of whinning little ******es i have seen is unreal, I remember when i could just log onto a game and play, now every day im faced with QQ about this and that.. ffs just get on with the goddamn game and wait or quit if it annoys you so bloody much
  20. If you want an MMO that favours PvE then go play WoW
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