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  1. Wasn't QQing, was having a problem, and now it's solved. Thanks for being an *** though.
  2. Thanks!!! Yeah my Shadow is the one that felt like easy mode compared to my Marauder, and I actually used Fess (As a DPS), then Zenith, and last Nadia. I don't know why, but it was just unimaginably easier than my Marauder. I am going to either make a Bounty Hunter, or Smuggler, to me their stories are the most wild card to me, so I really want to know what happens. I've been considering going back to my Marauder, but I am not sure if I want to yet, or not. However I know that I am going to get 2-3 levels out of WZs, or FPs before I start leveling him traditionally again. From the screen shot I saw there was a family tree kind of thing for Legacy, the main thing I am worried about is if my new character will be on the same tree as my Shadow. (I am not worried about the Marauder since he is on a completely different server, and I know he wont' be.) Screen shot I am talking about... http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120127160527/swtor/images/9/95/Legacy_System_promo_diagram.png
  3. So I guess since no one payed attention to my last post... Has there been any info yet on when Legacy is coming out, and if you roll a new character now will you end up losing out on the new things coming out? I am really excited to roll a new toon, and if you want to know why, read my last post.
  4. Well guys I just hit 50, and finished my Class quest. I gotta say it's been a pretty amazing ride, and I take back almost everything I said. Compared to my Marauder it was a night, and day different experience. Like playing a game on the easiest difficulty, and the hardest. The story was amazing, and sucked me in. My class quest was so completely amazing, and fantastic, I am so sad to see it over. To be honest I really want to re roll now to experience all the other class quests. The thing is I am unsure if I should wait for legacy, or not. My legacy is only level five, but I don't want to roll a new character, and then regret it later because legacy brought something amazing to the character creator.
  5. It feels like a completely different dev team took it past the 30 mark. Pre 30 I can say this game is as good as any other bio ware game, and it is excellent, and awesome. However once I hit Alderaan it all just goes to hell, and I have to watch Darth Vader blow it up on loop for 30 minutes to calm down. I feel like since I have so much time left on my account I should just get everything to 30 to at least get my money out of it in terms of entertainment. It really bugs me however to not have one, or more capped characters because it's never ever ever ever been a problem for me before.
  6. Well I just played for a couple hours today playing super leisurely, and it was a lot more chill, and relaxing. I only got two levels, but hey it was a lot more fun than usual. I think I may really just start leveling different classes until I find one that makes me super happy though, I am still not sure if it's worth all that effort though.
  7. It's not even a normal thing in MMOs to me, and I have played my fair share of them. On my Marauder, whenever my character said how easy something was to do on, and after Alderaan. I felt like punching him in the mouth, and deleting him because I was on level with my quests at that point, and I swear I had an easier time beating Dragon Age Origins on Nightmare than finishing some of those planets. That's part of the reason I haven't played on my Marauder in over a month, and he is retired at the early level of 41.
  8. Unnecessary hostility, I am just looking for help to get me hooked onto the game like I want to be. I mean I played WoW at launch for maybe a week, but a year after me, and my friend tried it out together then I really fell in love with it, and like I said played it for the five-six years until I quit when 4.2 launched. I am just trying so hard to like the game, and I am not trying to bash it, that's why I find your post too hostile.
  9. I don't agree with you at all. WoWs leveling like I said is like a classic Arcade game (Contra, Double Dragon etc etc) virtually lacking in any sort of story, but having a lot of fun. I have played Kotor, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age, Dragon Age Awakening, and Dragon Age 2. I love all of these games to the extreme, and still find myself playing them to this day whenever I feel like the current wave of games isn't to my taste. I have played through all of them many many times, and enjoyed every second of it. So to me this doesn't really feel like those games. If anything it's like Vanilla WoW quests, with cut scenes. Don't get me wrong the story is quite amazing, and I care about the characters. It's just the quality of the normal quests, and such things like that, that make me feel like it's really grindy.
  10. Well I can't decide to either level my shadow, or marauder at a slower pace (I am thinking about 2 levels a day), or just start leveling every class until I find one I enjoy so much that I don't mind anything else (by that I mean in terms of gameplay not story, because I think I could deeply enjoy any class story). Well I have yet to play today, and I am thinking of taking a few day break to think about it.
  11. I agreed with your post until the last part. For me leveling is like popping a pimple, once you try to pop it, it just feels like it needs to be popped, and 1 month of play time to pop a pimple is a long time. Though now that I think of it back in old school FFXI, most people wouldn't even be half way to cap in that time... Thing is you had to level two classes, unlock classes, unlock dual class, find groups for all this... Wow I was a lot more patient when I was younger...
  12. Not grinding, just alternatives, and it's not like you need a class quest to tell you to go there. You could just have a NPC, or something in the fleet that gives you a quest to let you know it's there, and to get you started on the alternative. It would make a soloers life a million times easier because they could level there way without having to do the group quests to get a comfortable buffer.
  13. Wow really? I haven't really heard anyone talk about it, and after I finally got level headed from the grind I started to think of things that differ from the MMOs I have played, and this game. So far that has to be the biggest thing. I mean could you imagine a Outland with just Hellfire, Zangamarsh, and Nagrand That would mean you would have to do every single quest, and maybe even a few groups to get to 70 comfortably... That's the way I feel about Swtor right now, but I am still cooling off from my rage.
  14. After thinking about it another thing that bugs me is that unlike WoW, you don't have another zone, or two to go to in case you need a bit more experience, or don't enjoy a certain zone. That to me is like the biggest small thing that I really wish was different, because I think if that was possible I would go back to my Marauder right now, and start leveling him. I miss Quinn, and his side story a lot, he to me is the best companion I have yet to encounter....
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