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Everything posted by DinnerYeti

  1. OK, quick question on Vette's Nar Shadaa find her sister quest.
  2. Dude...I dont know what you smoke when you play wow, but wow looks like crap brah. Even when all the details are set to max...its still a cartoony crap fest. I am not saying the Hero engine is great awesome and superior, I am saying that even with all that tech behind it...wow still looks like crap. TOR looks better. I do agree that hi res textures, ability delay, no night day cycle, and instanced planets suck. Has me worried on the long term viability of this game.
  3. There is that word again....Offend. I dont know about the rest of society but I am sure that nothing some stranger says or does in an MMO is going to 'offend' me. People get 'offended' by the stupidest ****. Getting offended in general is stupid. Sums it up nicely.
  4. LOL, the quote more pertains to the Sith as a whole defying the tradition of the Jedi....way back when they split, and embracing the dark side. that and because Primus sucks.
  5. LOL. Actually I am a decent guy. But expecting people who are playing the 'Evil' faction to be good seems counter productive. The whole story/lore of the empire, and especially the ways of the dark side/sith are to be a dick...in every imaginable way. I am just playing the part of the side I chose. As are many others on the Empire side. As for the BT comment, its faster to farm it in a group. Its not even really about the social points. Even if they arent farming it, it might not be their first character and just want to get through it on their alt. Bottom line. Dont complain about people acting like ***** when they chose to join the dick side. We wont come to the republic side and give you crap for being a goody little two shoes....or whatever.
  6. Ya'll are acting like this is your first launch experience of an MMO.......this game is FAAAAAAAR more stable/playable/bug free than WoW was when it was released. problems raiding? LOL that game invented end game headaches due to "bad coding". Sure, its kind of rocky right now, but give them time to sort it out. It was at least 6 months before WoW started improving....and even then it was a long road. The forums were filled with the same BS as this...and even after each expansion it was more of the same...."geez blizz at least test your code bla bla bla".....its getting old people....STOOFOO
  7. For all the ones who dont know....you fight him again after you burn his *** in the fire in the airlock. He comes back, has a Solid Steel buff on him that makes him immune to interrupts and stuns, and doesnt take a lot of physical damage, but doesnt deal a lot of damage himself. His biggest damage dealing ability is the AoE on the floor. He is very vulnerable to force/elemental based damage. Bring in a Sorcerer buddy and watch him think you are essentially a ***** because he blows him up so fast.
  8. Light side sith = fail. People run BT a lot and dont want to waste time with people busting their cherry on it. It is easily soloable (with a companion) for most classes at like level 12.
  9. I dont get why they took it out....its not like you cant gear up your *** kissing robot that you want to throw out of the airlock every damn time he opens his damn mouth when you walk by...When i found out i couldnt pull quinns dainty nutsack through his throat and shove back up his *** for betraying me, i stopped bringnig him along. If i need a healer now, its the robot.
  10. Ahhh, yeah i was button mashing like a mofo, and must have moved to dismount me...thanks for helping a newb out.
  11. I just got to 50 the other day, and my 2 buddies got it last night. We decided to run Normal mode Kaon under siege. We got to the part where you have to blow up the explosives. At first the DPS got in the cannon and was doing ok in it...but then he died, so I jumped in it....and I couldnt for the life of me figure out how to shoot the damn thing lol. Now at this time, there were a literal asston of mobs so i was in a panic looking for some type of button to hit or something....we ended up getting by it with just me and one normal mob left....but I would really like to know how to fire the damn cannon.....can someone help a noob out?
  12. yeah the Draagh or however you spell his name, fight was soooooo much harder for me (immortal jugg). I died a lot in that fight....i would get him down to around 8% and just be out of tricks. The closest i got was with Jaesa and me just kiting him, but eventually i got withered down to nothing. Not being able to stun, knockdown etc made it tough. I ended up having to get a buddy to help. As for the Baras fight, cake walk with Jaesa. I never liked quinn much, so i rarely used him....and then after what the little ****bag did, i never wanted to use him again. for bioware: Give us the option of tossing companions out of our ship's airlock....especially if we are dark side attuned.
  13. I only brought out quinn maybe three times once I got him. I rolled mostly with Vette until I got Jaesa. And then it was all Jaesa all the time. Quinn always seemed like a twit. Pierce is much cooler of a character, but since I am an Immortal Jugg, i had no real use for him. I use him for dark side quest turn ins now (like I will switch to him before I talk to an NPC to get affection for him, even though I killed the people with Jaesa, if that makes sense) and his character is pretty bad ***. Although i wish he would stop saying "I may need your help here" when i send him to attack a single normal mob lol.
  14. ...But in terms of tools for the job...Yea i think the PT tanks have a few more tricks up their sleeves. Being able to pull mobs as well as charge to mobs is nice. And having the ranged tanking option, although limited to an extent, is also very nice. I dont think they need nerfs...I think Juggs need some buffs.
  15. You might want to make sure he isnt rolling with his Ion Gas Cylinder. it is the same thing as you DPSing in Soresu form. I have tanked on my Jugg since level 10, and have had no problems with holding single target threat. that includes against mercs blowing their buffed Unload wad on a mob I just started attacking, to Powertechs playing Trogdor the Burninator before I even get a shot off. Aside from the Broken heroic quest Insufficient Staff on Alderaan, I have not seen an instance where we need to tank a huge group of mobs. Most of the time all you have to do is CC one, tank the gold/boss and let the DPS burn down the whites and normals. You dont need to tank everyone in every pull.
  16. Cyttorak - Immortal Build Juggernaut. Comic book fans will get the reference.
  17. But to the OP....being the baras errand boy was kind of a lame stretch, but being a complete evil dick to the people i was sent to clean up made up for it. I mean come on....chuckin a ****** against the wall right before you murder her son.....PRICELESS!
  18. I agree on your spoiler....the way i played my warrior is was dark side or ****.... there should have been an conversation option of "....and now, I *******k your soul...."
  19. He is immune to controlling effects. Not sure if this is new or not, but he cannot be slowed, stunned, or knocked down. I am an immortal specced jugg, and cannot stun him or kite him. Very frustrating.
  20. The OP needs to L2Play. This isnt WoW. Threat matters as does CC. While I heard it is easier to tank on other classes, the Juggernaut is a very viable tank. I love my Immortal.
  21. Control your companion. Sometimes they decide to off tank for you...other times they attack what you are attacking. Tell them who you want them to kill before you do your pull.
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