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Everything posted by Ruskaeth

  1. It's clearly not enough. Up it to 1000 or something. K. thanks!
  2. It's going be a blast to get five gloves for the same class in a row regardless of the RNG! It's going to happen to someone and it's going to be frustrating. Unless of course, they are going to have a system in place to recognize what pieces you miss but what are the chances of that happening? Yep. Musco: How about you suggest following system to the developer team: Acquire X-amount of Command Experience with one character and as a result the Legacy would get Legacy Wide "acquire item" option and you could pick the item with whatever character in your Legacy.
  3. This is an interesting point. I have attended countless gearing runs for a new raid team member to max out the performance for nightmares for an example. This combined with class based random drops instead of discipline and we have a situation.
  4. Whooooa! Interesting to see how this turns out! My initial reaction is Then Afterwards Anyway, as a former hard core raider I do not mind at all people can get best gear with whatever grind there is. I would like to have some kind of rewards added to the raids anyway. If not gear, then more decorations or titles or whatever.
  5. Not quite that to be honest. Our raiding guild lost 40-50 people which translates to pretty much everyone. I know the same happened to at least dozen guilds in TRE. Granted that half of those were a lot smaller but some guilds were bigger. I don't really expect you to understand if you have not been part of the "silly fringe group known as the raiding community". People quit for other reasons too so I'd expect your sarcastic number to be overkill on me knowing that much people who quit because of lack of raiding content. Still, a lot of people I really did know left because of the carrot being dangled and the promise mentioned already was not delivered. Now it really is a fringe group on part of NiM raiding for an example. But sure, feel free to be sarcastic about that. That will certainly help! Keep those oneliners coming!
  6. Oh my, what an eloquent way of being an internet troll! *golf clapping* They do not have to do anything that much is clear from the TOS alone. However, it's not that great customer service but who would mind that? I knew people from dozen or so raiding guilds and none of them are left because they felt like they were not treated fairly. All that carrot dangling and BW forgetting to mention they changed their plans. Again, completely legal, TOS and all. Just not great way to treat part of the community be it small part, large part of just a fringe group of undesirables. Customers nevertheless. I am sure as a result your partner stopped paying you the grass cutting fee.
  7. Solution? Solutions? Yes, there are things in need of solutions? I digress... It's almost two years since some Guild Ships went broken (for multitude of reasons) and no fix on that either. It's been like couple of weeks since the last I have seen this bug appear and have effect to a guild that never had it before. Solution? Solutions? It's not like they are responsible if we did not pay real money for something directly. Like a sub or something hilariously old fashioned. Maybe whoever coded whatever quit and the documentation is whatever and wherever as in "lacking"? But hey, we should feel content as long as there are steady announcements about announcements and CM content keeps rolling. We do get a lot of stuff like replay possibility for KOTFE where choices really mattered. That's neat. No, it's certainly not. If there is an actual development cycle and knowledge of their own system they can announce things when those are XY% ready. However, when they forget to tell they can't deliver or have suddenly changed their mind about something. That's called something else altogether. There are issues and they dangle carrots and it can lead to people keeping themselves subbed for false hope. I rephrase but something along the lines: "Never again a year without an operation" - they forgot to mention this had changed. "Something better than megaservers or something.." - they completely forgot they were on it. There are examples but again, I suppose it's the player bases fault for actually trusting the developers.
  8. ...or actual rewards for the grind for Legacy levels? I recall there was a discussion about those too. Not that it matters now with the Cartel Market and all.
  9. The #burn is real. Great find whoever found this and brought it back up. Anyone remember "Something better than..." ?
  10. The very same thing ever since 2014? Well then. That settles it. Well done BioWare! Well done!
  11. Guild Flagships Go Drummer of Spinal Tap! (ships are not accessible via strongholds) Anyone else have had this happen to their guild ship? Or is it just happening to one guild "this week"? I searched and there have been some threads about it but no response from developers on those specific threads. To be honest, I thought this was an old thing and fixed already. Temporary solutions: Decorating the flagship makes it accessible for a short while but it's not a fix. Giving leader to someone else made it visible on strongholds for a short while but not a fix either. I was told ingame that BioWare is aware of this and can not fix it. Maybe it occurs when the leadership bounces around due to subs ending or something like that? Well, that's just well and fancy! If someone from the staff does comment this, before posting refrain from hitting submit if the only thing you have to say is "We are aware of this and we have no ETA."
  12. They should add an achievement to people who grinded levels for Legendary DvL status before 2x exp.
  13. Oh my god! Did he say group content?! This is amazing! Today the popular group content seems to be "money and leveling heroic runs" if fleet general chat can be used as a source to estimate anything. Anyhow, that's really amazing for an MMO to be able to pull that kind of balanced and challenging content on regular schedule. You did not create those heroics for nothing. Good job BioWare. Keep at it! Maybe you will create something as amazing and popular as Kuat Drive Yards was at a point! You know...Something people can challenge themselves with...group content!
  14. Thanks for the info. I do hope they fix it so that I can unlock that armor. I don't mind about the 14 million credits I spent but I would be mildly irritated if I could only use it with that irrelevant LvD character (I got the pieces from DvL before they implemented the pack opener). So far I've pretty much only gotten the generic response. However, I do recall one extremely nice response. I got help from in-game "admin". My character was stuck when the game was new (month or less into it) and admin actually logged in, teleported to me and transferred my character. It was stuck so that it would tremble endlessly, could not use any method of teleport, /stuck or relogging didn't help. That was an awesome thing, fast and helpful but ever since I've only gotten bad experiences. I've sent the exact same content for exact same bug as guildies experienced and gotten the generic response. Further tickets did not help. Many incidents like this and as a result I can't be bothered with sending tickets anymore. For me, there is no customer service related to in-game things. From my perspective, the quality is too random for it to be called "customer service". Perhaps they should rename it "random service".
  15. Hey there, Could someone clarify something to me? If I were to have four pieces of Sith Reclusive set and then acquire missing three pieces from GTN, it should or should not be unlocked in collections once I outfit it? Was my expectation of it unlocking unfounded from some logical point of view? Thanks for answers!
  16. I have always found it surprising BioWare is not capable of keeping their game website updated. Just sad. Very sad. http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates *slow clapping* http://www.swtor.com/holonet/operations *gasps for breath* Great job! I am sure everyone wants to go through news rather than well organized information about operations or story of the game. Oh wait.. UX = SUX.
  17. Has something changed significantly? There already are guides right? Just curious.
  18. Great bonus chapter is not worth of months of subscription. Mild curiosity. Might check it on youtube in a month or never.
  19. I have healed with all classes almost equally. Scoundrels and operatives are amazing but they do require a bit more coordination between healers on nightmare content and situational awareness with their heals. Somehow it feels like it's "easier" to exhaust resources of operative in a tricky sith hit the fan situation. In the end, any combination of healers is suitable for any nightmare content available in this game. Two operatives is the worst to be honest but should be doable still. Overall, I think co-operation of healers is the key regardless of the classes. I loved operative + mercenary healing combination through DF/DP nightmare progression. Operatives can be pre-emptive with their heals when they know damage is coming during encounters.
  20. Only if people knew how to co-op as healers on operations for an example. Operatives can be amazing healers and even more if they have an understanding with their co-healers on operations. Regardless of time from 1.0 to 4.whatever.
  21. Check Dulfy.net and then take a peek at how those look like (Dulfy.net also)
  22. Check the last two cartel packs and buy interesting looking silver items (as cheap as you can find). Fill your cargos. Come back after some months and sell those with profit.
  23. This has gotta be the funniest bug in this game. No offense to whoever is suffering from it.
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