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Everything posted by Lugosi

  1. I agree completely. For some reason I am really good at getting stuck on rocks, even when the group I am with seems to just fly right over them. I used to go out to Alderaan to get the crafting mats for the magenta crystal. Those days are gone, too many sprained ankles, I'm getting too old for this ****.
  2. I play for the pew pew and the UNLIMITED POWER! that my Sorc offers, even if they hit like a wet noodle.
  3. To all of those that are getting the re-organizing data. I had this issues a couple of patches ago on a second PC running Windows Vista. I am not sure what triggers it but it does not seem to be part of the update. Make sure you let it finish, my computer crashed in the middle and would not load the game after restart. I had to re-install, well attempted anyway, I can't even get the installer installed now. Not sure if the problems are related. My next step is re-formatting the HD. I think my MSI is botched.
  4. Ohhh...I didn't realize only two people were sitting in the que at any given moment. Yeah, it would be completely crazy to think that the 2 people willing to take on different roles in your first scenario can't find two DPS. So you are arguing that one server has an abundance of healers and one an abundance of Tanks. Sorry, but I don't believe you until I see some metrics on this. With the amount of people playing on each server the ratios are going to be pretty close to the same.
  5. I've still yet to understand why people think x-server ques will change the ratio of Tank/Healer/DPS.
  6. I already un-locked the Wetland Dewback on a couple characters. Not sure about the other one.
  7. It's come down to semantics at this point. One side is saying he didn't specifically refer to KDY as a bug and just as an issue. Other side is saying it's implied through context.
  8. Some of you are reading way to much into this. Both items were referred to as issues numerous times. The body of the post begins with addressing two main issues then goes on to refer to the first one as a bug and the second one as an issue. They are still being lumped together as issues, and just because he didn't specifically refer to KDY as a bug doesn't mean that it wasn't. Then he finishes with getting us 2xp on those flashpoints. It's clear he is also referring to KDY. *edit Also, when you refer to something as being "the first bug" after you said "these issues" it's pretty clear from the context what they are trying to say. "There are two main issues which plagued the weekend: Let's take them one at a time. The first bug..."
  9. It also drops purple KDY Construction Kits from certain champions that can be used to trade in for items at the reputation vendor. Also: -excellent xp -can be done with a combination of any classes at lvl 15-54, a lvl 15 can group with a 54. -no tank, heal, and dps trinity needed. Here's a guide: http://dulfy.net/2014/02/03/swtor-kuat-drive-yards-tactical-flashpoint-guide/ The major complaint that it was not giving 2xp on trash kills. However, it did work on the bonuses and the turn in and was still extremely fast to level.
  10. I see where you are going with this now. You want to be able to exploit the the lack of collision detection in this game. "Look at me, I can break their channel by running through them and don't have to waste my interrupt. I has 1337 skillz. Off topic: How many of these threads do you need? (list if Dusty threads) "Nerf all melee to equal range." "Stealth classes to powerful" "Agent nerf needed." "Nerf all Melee DPS" "Do something about the all stealth classes." "Do something about sage sorc weekness in pvp." "Unnerf my sage and sorc!!!!!!" "Unnerf my sage and sorc!!!!!!" (yes, two of the identical thread.) "Restore stun back to Project and Shock." "Restore stun back to Project and Shock." ( Oh look , another) "Restore stun back to Project and Shock." (make that 3) "Add stun back to Shock and Project" (really ) "Put stun back on sorcerrers and sages attacks." (Should I keep going?) "I have changed my mind. No Nerfs please." (probably should have just committed to this thread.) "Good bye" (or this one)
  11. lawl... Wonderful idea, lets take out the variety in a game that severely lacks it in the class department.
  12. It's not necessarily that people are defending them. Some of them are just stating how people are over-reacting a bit. I'm impartial myself, people react differently to things. I agree that's it's a major screw up and the worst part is that BW just seemed to throw in the towel. The double xp just started and they say there won't be a fix until the patch which is four days away. It kind of sends the message they are not to concerned about it this weekend and probably won't even work on a fix until Monday. Not the greatest PR. However, I'm not going to let this ruin my weekend and I will level off something like I did on all the other double xp weekends.
  13. Well, they are in a way. If you don't finish DK you can't get your ship and can't even get to Nar Shaada. So you are right if it was worded, no one is forcing to level past level 15.
  14. Have you played TSW? Just because SWTOR has a group finder and TSW doesn't, doesn't mean either community has it better. The TSW skill and class design puts this game to shame IMO. Yes, this is subjective, but so are group finders. *edit Based on some of your other posts I see that you have played TSW. You also mention they don't have housing. Well SWTOR doesn't have appearance tabs.
  15. All you have to do is mouse over the title and you get the first few lines of the body. It's not that annoying, well at least I don't think it is, in my opinion, not based on fact. This is just what I think.
  16. One thing? That's tough. How about completely revamping the stat and skill system to d20 like KOTOR. I know this will never happen, so more realistically I would say appearance tabs or a support class (ex: LOTRO Loremaster, RIFT Archon, DDO Wizard, etc).
  17. Maybe you should have indicated that there was no real point to question and that this was opinion based in your title, oh wait...
  18. They just got GSF, some of the newest content in the forums.
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