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Everything posted by Kazmtyh

  1. No one I know has the issues you are talking about. Not sure where this is coming from. Sounds like a local PC issue to me. To each his own. Bye!
  2. This is one of the easiest MMO's to level to max level solo I have ever played. I don't get how anyone is having issues with it, or think it's hard. My friend got 1 character to 50, one to 41, and several into the 20's in the first 30 days of launch... I got to 50, and 4 up into the 20's... This game is not hard at all. In fact I wish it was more like the original EQ when it comes to the speed you level at.
  3. I love when people toss insults at anyone who doesn't share the same opinions. Any opinion other then yours is either misinformed or wrong. Am I right?
  4. Never judge the player-base by the posts in the forums. The people who are happy with the game are busy playing it. As a rule, people are far more likely to complain in a forum then to visit one to make a complement. If you can show me any MMO that has mostly positive posts in the forums hell will freeze over.
  5. There is nothing more or less 'MMO' in this game then any other. One troll said this in beta and now it's like a talking point with the naysayers... This is as much an MMO as any other on the market. Either you are an MMO, or you are not. The fact I have 500+ members in my guild tell me it's an MMO.
  6. If an Assassin had access to 500-600 force, they would be by far the most over-powered class in the game. You have a base of 500 as a Sorc btw.
  7. Wow. Talk about twisting his words and taking them out of any context at all. This is an MMO, and he did not compare TOR to a FPS.
  8. I see what you did, but it makes no sense. I said: The population of one server is not a representation of the total game population. Not all players are online at the same time. and Players in the US do not make up the total population of the game. What exactly is 'opinion' with any of that? They are all FACT. It's like you didn't read a word I said before you posted your silly response.
  9. 30 US servers? Someone can't count. there are 118 US servers alone. http://www.swtor.com/server-status <----- To give you an idea of size, WoW launched with about 40 servers total.
  10. Your server =/= total player base Concurrent players =/= total player base US players =/= total player base No matter what the naysayers are trying to pass off, they are not bleeding subs.
  11. AC = Class. You are asking to go from a Tank to a Healer at the flip of a switch. Consular is not a class, it's a tutorial or a sub-class at best. Try and level to 50 as a Consular without picking your AC and see how it is. BioWare has said many time they are looking into a way to swap AC's, but it's going to be a one-time low level (< 20) option. That I can agree with, but being a level 50 Assassin and wanting to 'try out' a Sorcerer? No. Roll a Sage if you want to try that class without re-rolling the 'Same' sub-class.
  12. That was a suggestion I made back in December 2010 Beta.
  13. None of the games you listed were anywhere close to TOR in pre-orders or box sales. Apples n' Oranges.
  14. But I want a petition to demand a feature they already are working on! They are fun!
  15. "UI customization – You like choice. We hear you! SWTOR is all about choice. Being able to choose how you interact with an online game is something we feel is very important. We are going to be giving more control over the UI as an ongoing effort. This is a very big priority for us."
  16. At any given time, or in general? There are also far more people who play the game then post in the forums.
  17. Care to give any facts to back it up? Or do you just feel your personal opinion trumps experience?
  18. This game has fewer bug in it then any other MMO I have seen at launch. Did you play WoW in the first three months? SWG in the first two years? DAoC? DDO? EQ2? Vanguard? AoC? Should I go on?... this game has more polish in it and more stability then some games that have been out for years.
  19. There are ZERO multi-threaded MMO's on the market today.
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