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Everything posted by Kazmtyh

  1. What's laughable is people who attack the 'terrible features' of a game they continue to play anyway. Sorry but a Combat Log is about important a feature as the ability to move items around your ship. Sure it would be a nice feature and a lot of people would use it, but it is as far from game breaking as you can get.
  2. A joke, really? the longer we can go without the Theorycraft crowd telling us what the 'best' cookie-cutter builds are for each class the better.
  3. It's in your Codex after you access it once. Gather them all on the fly and problem solved.
  4. Almost everything you said works both sides of the argument. What should or should not be changed is a matter of opinion, and not necessarily what the majority may like. So you could just copy and paste this same thread but title it: "Community Discourse - Haters" and still be correct on most every point.
  5. Normally it will sync up after the first group dialog pick. But to expect two systems to load it at exactly the same time is a bit unrealistic.
  6. If you bought the game you have a 1 month subscription. It's just free.
  7. They had nearly 1,000,000 US Pre-orders. Whatever orifice he pulled the 500k from it's wrong.
  8. The Automotive industry in not even close to an equal comparison. Software development in an MMO is far different. Take WoW as the primary example. They have had continous development for over 10 years now. Every day that goes by they are adding more to the game or working on expansions and bug fixes. Explain how a MMO that started development today come out with as much content and polish as a game that in the end has had 10 more years to work on their game? WoW was the exact same way when it first released. EQ was bigger, was polished, and had more content than WoW when WoW first came out. Why then did WoW pass them up eventually? WoW was successful because of what they did after the game was released, fixing bugs and adding content, not because of what it was at launch. If WoW was the same game 6 months after launch that it was on day one, it would have failed in the first year.
  9. If that was true, every MMO on the market is the exact same. TOR is as much of an MMO as WoW, EQ, AoC, DAoC, War, Rift and any other MMO you can name.
  10. And in a year when TOR has everything people are complaining is not here now, your argument will be dismissed too. It's an MMO, they add to it and change it on the fly, not before release. If they waited another year to release it there would be stuff added to other MMO's in that same time-frame that wouldn't be in TOR and people would complain about that too. No one will ever be able to create a new MMO that has the features, content and polish of an MMO that has had 10+ years of development and release. It will never happen.
  11. No it's not. This stupid idea that new MMO's need to launch with 10+ years of polish and add-ons needs to go away. It's unrealistic and if anyone is waiting to see it, they will be waiting forever. If this belief was true and you can't expect to have a successful MMO without matching what has been in release for years, then WoW might as well be the only MMO on the market. In fact WoW should have failed because it didn't have the polish or features of EQ when it launched... People need to stop arguing this non-point
  12. What if your version of an improvement would be viewed as getting worse by others? Just because you like mayo on a sandwich doesn't mean I want it too. Think about it.
  13. If you don't like a movie do you demand they remake it the way you want it? If I don't like a game, I don't pay for it and I don't play it. You could learn from that.
  14. On the Republic side you are looking at the Scoundrel as a mirror, not the Gunslinger. I'd bet on the servers to gain a bit more balance as the game goes 100% live, but the Empire will still outnumber them by a good amount.
  15. That depends on BioWare. If WoW did not continually repair bugs, add content and expand the game it would have failed in 3-6 months too. BioWare needs to keep up with adding to the game to keep the player base happy and interested. If they do that this game will succeed like no other MMO other than WoW. If they take forever to fix bugs and don't add new content on a regular basis they will slowly fail. It will not fail completely though, it won't be as if they will have no subscribers. If they hang on to just the BioWare or Star Wars fanatics the game may still run for 10+ years. SWG for all its doom and gloom sayers had a solid player base right up till the final days. Failure for TOR would mean going F2P and having a few hundred thousand subscribers. I'd bet on BioWare keeping up with future demand though and this game will be a major success in the long run.
  16. Should have no issues running at High setting with that setup.
  17. lol. You can install the game on as many systems as you want. EA and BioWare own it all. they only worry about the key, and you can't use the key on more than one account. So you're fine.
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