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Everything posted by DocHoneydew

  1. Yeah, with this class you really need patience. Squishy early on, but once you get into the mid 30s and beyond, then you'll shine.
  2. The jetpack works perfectly ... underwater. You're using it on land so the bootjets take over.
  3. And don't forget the crafted orange gear. Way back there were only chests, leggings and helmets, then later on gloves and boots, and finally belts and wrists. True, these are moslty useless once the CM was introduced but some people still desire those sets. (And wow. 5505. Long timer I guess....)
  4. My Cathar uses a Meditation Chamber as his litterbox. It's nice, private and self-cleaning.
  5. Should be a way that if a player is deemed a credit spammer, then they can be attacked and killed, even on Fleet. Yes, this could be abused ... heavily. But if a GM (only) can toggle the spammer over to 'KILL ME' status, at least we could have some fun.
  6. Oh, you can do that. (And I have.) One just needs patience and/or multiple characters.
  7. If these could be turned in for the orange shells that are also on the vendors, I'd be happy. (That way you have the option of paying the large amount of credits or the item.) The blue non-moddable gear is only (maybe) useful for a very limited time, then junked.
  8. Reading this after I bumped into a Bounty Hunter a few hours ago named "Vermicious-knid" ... rather surreal.
  9. Give us a PVE aspect to GSF (like non-rail space missions) and I'd be more interested. Until then I'll keep playing on the ground.
  10. It's simple: there's a whole crew of Jawas who run out after you finish the FPs to clean up all the mess, in order to make it all pristine again. ...of course those imps and pubs just HAVE to attack again. "Get back to work you utinniing scavengers!"
  11. SCORPIO is very disappointed in you. (Ship droids couldn't care less, however, as they're still fluffing your pillows.)
  12. These were funny once. TWO YEARS AGO.
  13. Had a guy like that in a group. I'd whispered to the others to avoid any tags on mobs. Then I would tag things that I wouldn't CC. Worked like a charm, as the guy went for the tagged ones.
  14. Wow. I'd logged in on my toon with this on and the voice mod was very jarring. Here's hoping for a 'quick' fix...
  15. Simple solution for the Party Jawa 'dilemma': Ask in chat to see if anyone has it, then group with them to finish the achievement. I helped someone out this way (I have the Party Jawa, they didn't.)
  16. It's a 'Stealth Saber' for those sneaky Jedi / SIth....
  17. Actually I know it as "Only Han Shot." Greedo never fired off a shot. Period.
  18. If it means I can avoid Fleet Chat that much more, I'm up for it being in my house, even if I hardly ever use it. With my ship mailbox and GTN, I'm hardly on Fleet as it is.
  19. I've actually lucked out twice and saw her just standing there as I go up the ramp. I killed the three mobs in front as fast as I could in case someone else comes up behind me. I generally go up there anyway, and kill the assistant three times. If Desler herself appears, good, if not I leave.
  20. We know the planet we are on (most of us anyway) as 'Earth.' It's also Terra, Tierra, Jord, Erde, etc. (And referred to as 'Dirt' in a few SF movies.) No surprises taht a planet could have at least two names.
  21. I'm working through my second set of eight classes, the other advanced classes from the first eight. (Currently working on toon #13.) And then I have a bunch of 'extra' characters, a dps sage and a dps sorcerer (others are healers.) I also have an extra Powertech and Commando, because I had a blast with them the first time around. Last two possible slots are empty, juuust in case more classes get added. But, they're not specificly for GSF (which I don't do) or PVP (ditto, for now.) I just have fun playing whatever. I do occasionally sit at character screen and wonder "Who am I playing today?" I am a proud Altaholic.
  22. When Treek starts saying "ma ma ma" I swear I hear a 'Yo Quiero' afterwards. I know it's not there, but still....
  23. What you don't see is the after image of the bloody hands and arms after said wookiee had had enough.
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