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Everything posted by Moosimoo

  1. In a sub-50 Huttball yesterday, we were stomping the opposition 5-0, everyone agrees to start farming. Except me. I just don't get the point of farming, we may as well score that final point and move on to the next WZ. Its quicker for the winners, and less painful for the losers.
  2. Operatives have knife as a fall-back in case of melee closing on them. So no, they are not melee (I am agreeing with you). PT's are meant to be close range/melee. We're not melee. We're not ranged. We're both. We work best in melee as one of our main skills for tanking and dps is melee range only. Also for tanking: a melee generates more threat, so its in a PT's interest to be right in there up-close and personal. I said it before: if you want to heal sometimes, or like spamming TM, go Merc. Otherwise go PT. Pyro is way better as PT than as Merc. I also feel PT has more options in PvP with the off-hand choice.
  3. But thats just it. Climbing in an MMO is all about bloody-minded perseverence. It also requires a lot of very accurate timing (or just bashing away until it works).
  4. On my server there are much fewer people quitting Wz's. They would rather just muck about killing or dancing instead of going for objectives. I have no issues with that when it happens (not that often).
  5. Nice work. I used to do a lot of climbing in that other game. Got on top of IF once before it was opened
  6. Hehe I think he means a BH Merc OP: PT is Powertech, which is the other AC.
  7. I think Charge is in the right place: the ST tree.
  8. I know you know this, but its not ideal, as Taunt is there in case some dumb-*** DPS pull aggro BH's often have threat issues especially with AOE, so maybe these findings could be the cause.
  9. No point discussing until we know what is really going to happen.
  10. I have 600 Expertise (I use 500) but I'm not hardcore in any sense of the word. I am only rank 55.
  11. This happens a lot in Ilum. You get pulled into the enemy, stunned, you trinket, then you are insta stunned again. Nothing can be done until you die. Resolve bar is definitely full before trinket is used. This is broken.
  12. I pvp with the shield generator equipped and Ion Gas Cylinder active. You could go a more dps focused route if you prefer.
  13. Are you doing the Ilum daily 2man hc quest for the enhancement mods? Also spend daily commendations on the mods/armour or whatever
  14. It does matter. OP had a question, the correct response was provided. 50/50 shield then go for defense. Tenacity knows his stuff and no-one has disproved him, so for now at least its the de-facto response to such questions.
  15. In all honesty if you don't want an option to heal (self or others) then go PT. You get the option to tank, and the shared tree is much more powerful as a PT. Also speccing into the non-shared dps tree as a PT (Advanced Prototype) will earn you kudo's instead of being criticised as a noob for playing Arsenal.
  16. And in all honesty PT Pyro is WAY better than Merc Pyro. I play both. My Merc is 50 and my PT is 48. Why do I think its different? Resetting RS on PT is quicker as both reset specials are instant. With Merc you need to cancel Unload then stand and cast Power Shot, which is slow and interruptable.
  17. Everyone seems to be top of all charts except me. Am I speshul?
  18. Oh dear another thread from this guy. I won't roll Republic due to the story being too "nice". Stop it already. Please.
  19. Moosimoo

    Fix BM boxes

    Maybe I shoulda read your sig before replying, but hey, feed the troll... You checked the 1.1.5 patch notes at all? If not, do so. Then come back and post a reply.
  20. Couldn't be arsed to read all posts. There are ranked WZ's in 1.2. As near to Arena as I'd care to get. Oh and to the OP: We do NOT demand an answer at all. Don't assume we're all with you on this.
  21. Restores 0 health every 6 seconds. I doubt there's a scale to it, so it wouldn't heal at all.
  22. Moosimoo

    Hutball Hacks??

    This shows its a bug and not an exploit, so if it happens don't go shouting "cheat" at the other team I've not seen it before but I can see how annoying it would be.
  23. Not strictly true. For example IA's start with Blaster Rifles and Snipers can use Sniper Rifles. All force users start with single sabers then get the choice to use other saber types depending on AC. BH's start with Blaster Pistols, and Merc AC get to use 2 of them. The issue with adding another weapon specialisation for PT's is the complication of the loot tables. Sure they could maybe use Assault Cannons but then they would look like Troopers and it would ruin the RP aspect of the game.
  24. Healer here, thanking tanks. I hope to be a tank thanking healers soon
  25. Aye I agree with the OP. I was levelling a tank then realised my guild had plenty. Then 1 quit the guild, the other didn't show for an Ops, so we had no Ops. Time to burst that tank to 50 so we can raid. I prefer tanking anyway, always been one when I could, but there is only need for 1 or 2 regular tanks in end-game Ops. I guess if I don't get to play my tank I could fall back on my Merc.
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