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Everything posted by Gerandar

  1. Crit rating and crit chance are 2 different things, 27 extra crit rating won't even give 1% more crit chance o.o depending on your level of course.
  2. a homeless person missing an arm could run this game better then the current team, and he would have a hook where his arm used to be so he would be 10 times cooler then the current douchebags that run this sinking ship.
  3. This game stopped feeling star warsie the second my lightsaber pommel did more damage then the *********** blade.
  4. How does the resoulution he is playing at effect the mounts speed? are you high or something?
  5. the fact that you think Stephen Reid was a good CM is hilarious! who remembers his posts telling people to reroll from there dead servers because they had no plan in place at the time to fix the issue? he got what he deserved for the terrible job he and everyone else that got laid off did.
  6. You pointed out an update they did, they never said when they would be updating the vendor they just said they would. I have no issue with the extra coins we get and frankly I am pleased we get them, however we are no entitled to recieve anymore extra benfits from the collectors edition other then what was printed on said box that came with it. People seem to think because we forked over extra cash at the start that we are special and should be given even more then what we got. we are no better then the person who bought the standard copy hell soon enough were gonna be no better then the people who didn't pay a dime for the game itself.
  7. First of all, we(the people who got suckered in to paying extra) got our bells and whistles that came with that package, the statue and the ingame items and so forth, just because we have the collectors edition doesn't mean we should get more shiney things then the normal players, now if they started giving away the malgus statues and such then you can complain and your arguement would hold some ground but as it stands we already "got" what we paid for.
  8. so you have to have a valid sub to get the sub rewards!? those bastards!!! Threads like this show just how slow the human race really can be...
  9. Voice actors cost money, do you really think with F2P coming that they are making enough money to add in such worthless things like more companion converstations? they can barely afford adding one planet and 5 levels of story without boasting about it and saying "we may charge subscribers for it~ lolololz" but thats what we get when reading is just to much for the playerbase.
  10. First of all it shouldn't be called sith corruption its dark side emo make up with red eye contacts. secondly it already looks stupid enough we don't need more.
  11. whats there to tell us? you want to know what items they will have in the cartel store, heres an idea wait till it launches.
  12. until they take it off the rails, nope I won't touch it, if I wanted to play star fox I can just go play star fox.
  13. all this pvp gear for level 50 will be worthless soon enough anyway.
  14. People wasted there time with that poorly made crappy rewards event?
  15. First off all, Flying mounts would require a ton of reworking of the zones secondly, your special Collectors edition items you are asking for wouldn't be pay 2 win as only collectors edition owners would be able to buy it right? get off your high horse we as CE holders got our ****** CE vendor. pay 2 win games tend to fail so enjoy playing with next to no one.
  16. the guns 3000 years in the past have a different sound!? by god..
  17. if they give same sex romances they better let me have sex with T7. robots need love to
  18. Not going to take a stand, this game is sub-par and I was holding my sub in place in hopes content would come, and when it is on its way theres talks of making me pay more for it? when they said content would be coming month after month? and its been how long since we got something worth calling content? **** that noise, if they tell me to give them more money for this joke of a "expansion" I'll just take my money elsewhere
  19. How about they fix this joke of a game be for we worry about getting our jolly's off to some poorly rendered lesbian/gay fan fiction?
  20. if they charge for it i'm not buying it nor will I give them another dime, it is not nearly enough content to be called an expansion. one planet does not = expansion worthy of charging for.
  21. Yes, I played countless beta weekends and did some research be for throwing any money at this game. you should have too.
  22. people who sub to this game when its free to play should get the best gear much easier then a free player, or why would I waste my money if it doesn't give me an upper hand?
  23. You wanted a sandbox MMO? yet you bought a theme MMO....your doing it wrong.
  24. see if they made jedi more like the books/movies/solo games where they are the be all end all of warriors it wouldnt be fair to a smuggler or a trooper or an agent and so forth
  25. Tattooine is not open world at all, and frankly all the "planets" in this game are way to small to be considered planets as it is.
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