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Everything posted by Gerandar

  1. because one relic slot is soooo hard to replace. get a proc relic already.
  2. The fact that some are in class quest area's or in places either the Republic can't go or Empire can't go makes it moot.
  3. Yup my servers have all died and I am not rerolling again or waiting another month for transfers. if they fix it befor my sub runs out thats great, but if they dont its still only 5 more days till a much better game comes out anyway
  4. Eh 5 days till I get D3, 5 Days left to play a "MMO" with 5 people in any given zone.
  5. if you want a turn based MMO go play The Realm Online. it sucks but at least it has the excuse its older then any other MMO to date. Also its still P2P
  6. I assume you mean AV not arathi basin....the hero engine has a hard enough time with 16 people.
  7. Opening up gear for people to buy is different then taking gear away form people. people are special.
  8. Such long patch notes~ I can understand why hours of downtime were needed.
  9. Why make us fight a war we already know the outcome of? the Sith lose. read a book.
  10. Its worthless, hooray I can make 2 augmented pieces....to bad the enchaments/hilts they make suck balls the relics are bleh the color crystals are crappy and the other crafting profs can make much more augmented pieces so they are by far better then crappy Artifice.
  11. if you think taking off a relic slot would make an OP in this game hard you are either bad or just slow....
  12. Because a small amount of players want there worthless matrix cubes back, mines been sitting in storage for a month now.
  13. Good luck finding one that doesn't suck the big one. if this game didnt have the star wars licensing it would have flopped from the get go, now that is losing its grip on people and dead servers everywhere pretty much~
  14. Wait...what? seriously? bahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha:rak_02:
  15. Complaining wont fix anything, do the smart thing and unsub. is anyone really surprised with how this is going? I mean Mythic employees are working on this game cmon put 2 and 2 together.
  16. -Fixed Matrix Cubes -Broke something else pretty much what were gonna get.
  17. Someone will get "screwed" out of playing time no matter what. its an american based company why are you surprised they pick times that are better for north america? Why would it have to go off London? and Los Angeles? and Sydney? why not the other timezones in the countries in question? it is not fair to them that way.
  18. For a game that is "all about the story" they sure are not focusing on updating said story or adding to it.
  19. No, those were the best sorcerer players you ran into. 1 player of the class doing very good does not = nerf the entire class, at least it shouldnt.
  20. 1 Sentinel doing great does not equal all Sentinels are overpowered.
  21. The lack of good endgame is what killed it for my guild. and the pvp is bleh at best :\
  22. Yeah from Mythic. are you surprised this game is in its current state?
  23. you expect people who are displeased with the game to spend more money while not expressing there issues with the product they are paying monthly for?
  24. Name me another MMO where a patch took items away from players. then they choose to not fix the problem right away. go ahead tell me witch other mmo did that.
  25. people still use companions at 50? I havent had one out in a good 2 months or more now....
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