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Everything posted by Tahana

  1. I can't remember the exact quest or class.. But I remember that killing a real slimeball was a dark side choice.. Even though killing him ultimately was better for everyone. I slaughtered him the lights name.
  2. The best part about this game has always been the player being able to apply their morals to their characters decisions. I have lightsided Imp and dark sided pub.. I have gray on both.. I have a goodie two shoes sage, and a ruthlessly evil BH that killed off every companion that betrayed him in anyway. They need to continue with this philosophy.
  3. Sorry that excuse doesn't fly anymore.. After the merger there were three instances on SS fleet.. Each with well over 150 players each. Not to mention that starter planets had 5 or more instances. What new content we have received has been beaten over and over multiple times already.. Yes it is summer and there is always a historic summer abandonment of MMO games.. But seriously it is getting bad.
  4. I've got characters that first completed back when it was originally released and still occasionally do them today, and characters that I created last year.. and even a couple of new characters that I created this year.. One of them is even a boosted character. None of them have experienced this issue.. Seriously. Until today I didn't even know it existed.
  5. Why? There are two NA servers and three EUR servers.. I wouldn't ever expect them to offer another server transfer sale.
  6. Not sure I'm viewed as a white knight.. But I'm there with you Dasty.. I have well over 300 of the ziost award things in my bank account and I've spent a ton on the mount available for those tokens. I haven't ever run across this error either..
  7. No it wasn't.. But it was limited to before 5.9 dropped. https://imgur.com/a/BXYGkuA @OP - Have you tried PM'ing Eric or Keith?
  8. Nope.. You get a ship.. The ship droid as a companion and a set of 230 unoptimized gear. No other companions (unless you have CM or event ones), no professions...
  9. Not anything more than the stats.. I is an offhand non-viewable item. I mean you'll never see your character wield it if that is what you're asking.
  10. I agree.. as mine has done the same thing.
  11. You read way to much into my posts when what I posted simply boiled down to.. I didn't even allude to this in my post. Disney can do what it wants, when it wants and how it wants. I will spend my money when I want, on what I want.. However it won't be opening day of a movie, it won't be any of the new memorabilia etc. Also it seems like a LOT of other fans feel the same as I do, due to recent sales figures. Also that seems to be an indication of why they're canceling said independent movies as of this point. If Disney figures out what they're doing wrong, I'm sure I'll change my mind and go back to watching and purchasing one of my favorite franchise movies. Until then.. c'est la vie.
  12. I mostly agree with your assessment. I have seen every Star War movie opening day since episode was first released when I was a kid. I didn't go to opening day of Solo.. Why? Because LTJ was the biggest let down of my life and I don't think it was because of my expectations. The whole thing just seemed out of place and non-congruent character wise to anything previously done. The main character just simply became a Jedi.. With no real effort. To me Rogue One was an amazing film that echoed back to the originals. It didn't feel out of place at all. What I do know is that Star Wars for me is severely damaged as a whole. From this point on I'll probably just wait until others have seen them to decide whether or not I'll purchase them once they are released digitally. Opening night.. probably not ever again.
  13. You with that mount.. me for so many other things during my three year departure.
  14. YES.. This would be one of the biggest QoL improvements to this game.
  15. They had the nVidia thing which nVidia severely messed up.. So SWTOR made it a subscriber reward earlier this year. Those are the only two ways to get it that I know of. What you linked is the corresponding DECO you get when you learn the mount. That can be donated to your guild for 50k credits. But it is just a Deco.
  16. It could be anything.. Heck it could be gold sellers using your link.. I saw the same thing and it is why it was removed from my sig line.
  17. Uh nope.. I heard they were working on the Treek romance first..
  18. But that isn't the case either.. Those guilds that are in the top 6 on the IMGUR photo.. Only one was small yield conquest last week.. This week there are a couple. (admit you're reaching for straws and have no good argument against this other than.. I don't want it that way)
  19. There is no guarantee that a large guild will either.. Did you see my IMGUR post? There were 5 guilds over 1 M points. 2 guilds at over 3 M..
  20. The counter to that is also true.. Players that want smaller planet conquest titles can join smaller guilds. See how that can work? Then everyone can have some fun.
  21. Which is why this thread exists.. To point out the poor design.. @x this is from a couple of weeks back on SS https://imgur.com/a/wXr7uA1
  22. What about players that don't want to be a number in a big guild that would like conquest titles?
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