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Everything posted by Vigilanis

  1. Novas Edantorm - Radiant Server. God I miss that game
  2. Yeah most important thing is Dulfy's unbeatable content and indispensable guides etc, that is all still there so it can look like a blancmange for all I care lol We love you Dulfy whatever colour you are!
  3. Yeah I thought the 'bound' emote was another way of saying 'constipated' it really does look like he is going for gold on the toilet sat there lol. Nice pack, clothes seem a mix of very nice and meh, particularly like the Charcoal Dewback and Forest Assault Tauntaun, they look very nice indeed! No new colour crystal? or have they ran out of colours now? lol
  4. Had an interesting run on Scum and Villainy a few weeks back... Guardian Level 55 mainly 168 / 180 geared decided after a very smooth run it must be said, that the 16 man group was so over-powered that the last boss - Dread Master Styrak, would be so pathetic that he would make an example of his 'uberness' as he put it by doing the last boss naked....yes naked and using only the basic brawling 'punch'....so nothing in any slot at all..... We all pointed out the error of his ways in various levels of incredulity complete with a generous dose of colourful language but he did not abate.... Suffice to say he died....fast.....but it was amusing to see this naked guy trying to punch the crap out of the Kell Dragon. What made it worse is that he then proceeded to blow his top at the healers calling them 'noobs who should be DPS'ers as they are crap at healing' He was so enraged that he left...still naked...and we had to recruit a replacement.....and we finished the 16 man S&V nicely. There are some really bi-polar people out there is all I can say!
  5. I may be going out on a limb here...but I am guessing that the OP doesn't like the Kuat addition?
  6. Couldn't agree more, never seen such a negative forum attached to a game! Great to see this new content, and I thank the devs for adding it!
  7. Just wanted to add my voice here too, I have just resubbed today after a long work related break, looking forward to getting back into it and seeing all the new changes, for better or for worse lol
  8. To be honest I had no end of trouble with freezes etc until I updated Graphics drivers, even cut down on the load screen problems....worth a try?
  9. As for ridiculous posts....what exactly are you saying here?...baffles me, if we had the new green crystal (which no isnt perfect but a dam site closer than the piss green one we had) as an ultra rare drop, people would complain that a better green had been made harder to get..... As for +41 crystals, they are a fact of life and been around for a while so I don't see how it applies to this argument really, when it is centered around the COLOUR. And I am glad that it is readily available, which means anyone who wants a better one can get one for 50-80k on our server, so minimal bending over and taking one for Bioware. Swear to god, these forums are ridiculous, people just come here to spew nonsense regardless of it it even makes sense or not, worst forums of any MMO hands down, totally bizarre place Fell free to go deeper into the twilight zone...I wont be back to see these drug fueled responses....
  10. Regardless of how we get it, it still means that the actual green crystal we want is in-game, even if we do have to pay for it.
  11. Thank you Bioware, with the addition of the new Mint Green Lightsaber crystal in the latest Cartel Packs, we finally have the green crystal we have yearned for.... http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/1781/5n85.jpg Yes we have had to pay for it instead of them fixing the original one but at least we have it....and yes this is a positive post! *gasp* So rare nowadays
  12. All I got from the OP is, he wants his opinion and anyone else who differs in their opinion is a *insert offensive expletive towards person opposing him* As for fanboys, you just basically described someone who, for better or worse SUPPORTS the game, again, someone who differs in opinion to you. Sounds like someone was a kid who got their own way a lot by stamping his feet in the middle of Toys R Us until his parents caved in....*shrugs*....bye bye.
  13. Does seem a ridiculous notion that they would open up the character transfer option and then lock out a regional transfer too. As someone else posted here and as a general point of common sense, the service is going to be ideal for someone moving time zones due to work etc, or indeed out of sheer preference. I cannot fathom why they would prevent this kind of transfer, there are no licensing restrictions or we wouldn't be able to create characters on servers outside our region, i'm in England and I have made a character on a US server before to take a look at population etc. It isn't as if as soon as the EU player base can transfer to the US servers that there will be some balance shifting mass exodus of players over to the US or vice versa, I can imagine there will be quite a few US players who will transfer to the EU servers too, again to do with work etc, there are a large number of serving US Military personnel at various bases around Europe who would no doubt take advantage of this if any of them play, as well as many other economic migrants. Just seems very odd indeed....the reasons I do not expect to be forthcoming from Bioware any time soon, but I am sure I will laugh like hell when I do hear it.....because it is going to be a lame excuse lol.
  14. Well I have kids, a wife (who also plays) and a full time managerial job in the medical sector which keeps me very busy, and I still have plenty of time to play. Our kids usually go to bed around 7 to 8pm to after that, my time is my own. I have plenty of free time on the weekends but of course there are days where I won't come on at all if we are doing something as a family, driving to the coast for a day out etc, real life comes first, and my family does always! I have played like this since I started in early February this year, and I have 2x fully geared 55's, a 42 a 30 and several lowbies, and my wife has a character line up in a very similar fashion. I think it is how you use your available time, and having a good guild behind you always helps when it comes to using that time to runs Ops etc.
  15. Er actually it is YOUR*....YOU'RE would be an abbreviation of YOU ARE, therefore the sentence would read, 'that is YOU ARE opinion'.....which is of course wrong....If you are going to troll with the grammar police...at least get it right lol.......nothing else to see here...move along
  16. Sounds good and logical, but it will never happen... If you were given it all for free on your other characters without having to work again for it, then you would exhaust what you had to do in the game and may lead to earlier cancellation of subscription....thereby costing EA/Bioware money. Of course if they could offset that concern by charging you a 1000 cartel coin charge to unlock them all, which is a hell of a lot more likely, then it may happen lol.
  17. Maybe it is my dirty mind but I was laughing hard when I read this...... Seriously though back on topic, it is a very tedious questline, I am so glad my main has finished it, got his 'Star Forager' title and is done with it, this is one quest I will NOT be repeating on my alts.... I have had mixed results, some planets I have found the seed on my first attempt, Alderaan being one of them, some I have wandered around for a few hours losing the will to live. Definitely use the buffs that are available as they did seem to help. I have to say that I raged pretty hard a few times when the green marker appears in the targeting circle, so you go that way, then it changes its mind, it just never seemed to make any sense and I got the impression that I was finding them more by chance as opposed to design.... Tedious quest, good riddance!
  18. So many to choose from.... My current pet peave is the 'Torguta bug', where they appear bright pink, and when in conversation they have 'texture missing' printed all over their faces...and no, trying to repair install etc doesn't fix it as Bioware have suggested. The famous 'dead man sliding' bug, where on your screen you are running around fine, but on your party members screens you are a corpse skidding along on its back around the Op. Of course the omni-present 'stuck bug' it happens in waaaay to many locations to be funny anymore. Just my three, could easily be 10, but that is my two-penneth for now anyway lol
  19. It is a cool set, but to me it is one of those iconic pieces of armouring specific to a particular Sith of note, much the same as Vader has unique armour, and (before the Cartel releases) so did Revan, Malak, Nihilus etc. Yes we always need extra cool armouring options, but I think these iconic pieces should be left to their original wearers, and give us the tools and the variations to make our own iconic Sith instead! It does raise one point in this thread I do fully agree with though, A cloak slot would be great.
  20. Well I can only speak for myself personally on this but I HATED the Jedi Consular set I got with the free Tionese comms when you first hit 50 prior to the introduction of the Classic / Basic./ Elite / Ultimate system and the increase to 55. To be honest the set bonus wasn't really that great so I ripped them out and put them into something I actually liked. I'm sure others have their opinions but the set bonuses don't really give you that much of a bonus really, a second or so cooldown here and there, which is probably the most useful, most are things like 'Reduces cost of Disturbance and Telekinetic Throw by 2', or, 'Weaken Mind damage has a 10% chance to increase alacrity by 5% for 15 seconds'... That is my opinion anyway but one matter to be aware of, some people have spent good money ripping armour mods etc from clothes only to find that the particular piece they have paid to remove cannot be used in any other set other than the one it was originally in, thereby preventing you from using it elsewhere.....I know it isn't all of them, but there are these bound mod items out there so be careful.
  21. I am a bit of a title collector myself, Up to now here are my favourites I have earned.....in no particular order: Star Forager Galactic City Savior Republic Ace Lucky / Unlucky Master Darth Imperial Infiltrator There are probably loads more but those spring to mind for the moment
  22. I like the idea of a larger community only from the point of view of the 'Group Finder' feature which is so horrendously slow it is virtually unfit for purpose, a larger population would i'm sure expedite our grouping. Beyond that, it would be an absolute nightmare from a lag point of view, every planet would lag like the fleet does now at peak times and we would probably get about a frame a minute whilst actually on the fleet. So yeah from the point of view of a larger group to select your companions from...great....everything else....no way.
  23. So nice to see people returning, instead of whining and leaving....welcome back! This is after all a great game and one I don't intend to leave for a long time to come!
  24. Excellent thread, thanks for the hard work putting it together, a great reference guide! Must....have....Karragga's Helm......lol
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