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    Retired Soldier
  1. Legacy costs for 1.2 really need to be reduced by your legacy lvl, as said during the guild summit the high costs were to basically nail those who only had one toon, high cash, and low legacy to give them a credit sink. The current system bashes the hell out of those who spent the time to grind those legacy lvls and alts demanding 10-15mil credits even with high legacy. A bit overkill on the money sink following the statement that most players are broke during the guild summit.
  2. Ok random question I if anyone has an answer outside of speculation but I wish Bioware would give out more information on Legacy , at least like what kind of character creation options there is going to be because I personally know about 31pople holding off on playing new characters till Bioware gives a statement due to them not wanting to roll a new character and have some killer race/class/body type to be unlocked and them missing out on their characters or running out of character slots on that server before its announced or released.
  3. ATI Radeon normally holds the benchmark and performance records over NVIDIA by massive amounts they really put in the extra effort to stay top dog but with more system demands. First one of the only issue you could have with ATI is the drivers update a lot more often and it's not automatic update and install like the NVIDIA so you have to do some work on your own. NVIDIA tries to make that aspect more user friendly so you never have to contact them with questions because they lack effort in their customer care department. Second ATI normally generates a lot more heat so make sure you have the proper cooling for the cards you are running to keep them running at high speeds. Last make sure you are running a proper power supply ATI is built more for high end gamers and people who know more about computers so they assume more on the fact that if you are using their cards you have the proper power supply and cooling already to handle them…NVIDIA is more any user friendly/ plug and play , normally generates less heat and less power consumption but operates on a lower lvl as to not over tax themselves on any system plugged into. P.S ATI is also designed to be pushed and over clocked/ record break outside of its base model without cooking up and operate smooth at those lvls in fact its in the user interface to make it more user friendly, NVIDIA if you do the same or try to take it outside of factory spec you will more than likely fry your cards or short your system in the long run.
  4. Well I think multiple items need to be done to sins and soon, first one possible the damage reduction shield sorcs have. Two they are a cloth class and expected to partake in melee, so correction this should be first but they seriously need to evade/reflect a lot more like dare I say 98% of the other games assassins out there. A mega glass cannon atm later in the game, strongs and elites just tare you up if they lay a hit on you even running dark stance you wind up companion dependent in deception tree which is one of the most fun trees. Easiest fix would be a passive skill added in later levels granting evasion or some sort of damage reduction. "Solo survivability passives are needed" in the dps non tank trees or in the commons for assassin not the 5stam bs given atm that's just a really a sad week way to go, this is because no matter how much stam you stack on if you get hit like a brick against a wet paper towel every time by adds or other players it means nothing and wasn't thought out. Hardest fix would be to give assassins leather like a marauder gets leather instead of plate and adjust the armor mods according for the assassins. More frontal burst possibly later in the trees possibly a talent tree add-on to put a point into allowing you to have maul 360deg of your target not just from behind. Key point being in pvp or pve not everything wants to allow you to sit behind it smashing away where a marauder/jugernaut/Sorc/agent etc can stand toe to toe and do continuous high dps no matter where they are standing on you, just feals like your hacking threw a tree limb with a butter knife atm trying to balance your stuns and cool downs in pvp and pve to reposition, less of an i sue with madness on that one but lets not end up like Wow forcing DKs to be unholy for best longevity because face it its what a assassin is atm but a hell of a lot squishier than any other class out there.... I know I have a high lvl sorc and it's like night and day compared to my 50 assassin I can solo silver/golds/and champs on a sorc given time and khem, where as solo a strong I can rock but end up low health on a sin. I have only rolled with the tank trees and Decep for the most part was not as much a fan of the Mad tree to much necro/lock melee wanna be there, less melee instant gratification, more of a annoyance for pvp because any class that can damage reduce or slight heal can brush them off, I roll threw them in tank or decep tree before they deal enough damage to take me down.
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