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Everything posted by Aisar

  1. I was saying I would unsub but in the end there is nothing else I want to play right now. The game is new and will get better and I want to get valor 50 on my 30 operative. I am only at rank 27
  2. ahhh you just had to ruin the fun
  3. Not everyone thinks that. I think what you meant to say was, "Why do people who don't really know anything about computers think that a WoW machine can run TOR?" yep, looks about right.
  4. They drop randomly in the world. My Jugg has both moddable belt and bracers. Look in the market every day until you find one up for a decent price. I bought my bracers for 40k yesterday, i think my belt was like 10.
  5. then obviously you don't know the first thing about WoW. They are adding pandas you know..true story. NEXT!
  6. Comparing a C grade MMO to a masterwork and a beloved game for all ages that has been going STRONG for over 7 years is WRONG. blah blah all you want.
  7. lol ok then. do you have 12 years and 10+ MMOs under your belt? Don't think so. regardless, I have made my point. ya'll random people can bash me senselessly all you want.
  8. I don't care about whatever that is. We are talking about mainstream, newsworthy MMOs here. Comparing TOR (a C- at best) To WoW, the king of MMOs. It's ridiculous.
  9. I care! A lot! edit: WoW was and is the best MMO ever made. Don't compare TOR to a game that had 12 million concurrent subscribers at it's peak. It's degrading and not right.
  10. I'll pick both thank you, as I am much older than 15 lol.
  11. I'm not really buying your reasoning. Obviously from the start people were drawn more to imp than republic. personally i will always play mainly imp, no server transfer or faction reroll will change that. You can't change what people want to play. I think you're making a huge deal out of this and looking for any reason you can possibly imagine being logical. Let people play what they want, if you can't stand the imbalance on your server I suggest you seriously think about what YOU can do now or soon to change why you are unhappy.
  12. lol I don't think sometihng like food and something so complex like sexuality can be compared.. not even close.
  13. I think it is because those guys are heterosexual and like the idea of females, but not men.
  14. I was waiting for this one. I just see it as a thanks for staying with the game.
  15. Maybe people really like shooting lightning out of their hands?
  16. np. took me a bit of playing with all the button combinations. Only reason I knew to try right click is because most MMOs have a ridiculous amount of combinations between alt/shift/cntrl every direction and thing. it can get pretty ridiculous if devs run with it.
  17. I bet he's calling his lawyer right about now
  18. No Bioware will not stop credit farmers.
  19. Right side: Jedi-somewhat cool looking Space Nun-could not be any less cool Trooper-Ok Smuggler?-umm no Left side: Jugg-10x more cool looking than the Jedi except his face looks froggy (I play a 49 Jugg, he looks very good) BH-cool..no complaints Sniper-gun is awesome, looks very covert and kind of black ops ish Inquis-creepy mofo, looks like he's a tall 15 year old 'SUPER PERVERT' All in all the gear worn by the people in the left side looks really cool, whereas the right is just awful. There is absolutely nothing on the right side that looks appealing to me in any way.
  20. You alreaddy know the answer to that now don't you? have some meats
  21. This is still going? It's so simple.. If you need it hit the need button. otherwise just greed. so many opinions around here.
  22. It is a small number. It's just now and then someone acts like a child over it and then we get these threads. So fun. Ninja's goal accomplished.
  23. I feel the OP's pain. Been bored for at least a week now. I just find ways to entertain myself. Good luck!
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