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Everything posted by Aisar

  1. 2nd pvp title on my 29 healer. she's at valor 24 right now. It's something lol
  2. I am going to be paying for at least another month but I honestly have no solid reason to keep my subscription. I can say founder's title or forum access or..I can sit in game all day? lol But there's nothing else out right now that is in my sights so..here I be.
  3. noo not really lol ^^
  4. So I made a jedi consular cuzz i wanted to be a dark jedi. but then i saw the robe bug, and the grass growing 30 feet from me, and realized i did not want to do that anymore. what should i do now?
  5. I would have to disagree with you there.. He may be drawing his power from the dark side but that does not make him Sith by blood or relation. The Sith are The Empire, controlling everything with strings in the background. Jedi are Jedi..now as to why he went rogue and put his faith in the Dark Side, who knows.
  6. Being a celebrity is not all it's cracked up to be is it? No way to do that as far as I know.
  7. My Operative is heal spec so I can't really comment on dps specced operatives. However.. I will say I do feel extremely squishy and get frustrated a lot. People need to help me!! I hope they don't do big nerfs that hurt op healers cuzz man it's tough sometimes.
  8. I reread it. Still don't get it. Glad you are enjoying the game!
  9. This is just plain incorrect. Try informing yourself of what is going on.
  10. Can't wait to get my title! 14.99 well spent
  11. lol pretty much that. people who are too under developed mentally. they are fine though sometimes.
  12. Except TOR is not that kind of game so I doubt it will ever go F2P. Maybe years from now.
  13. Best of luck to you in your adventures!
  14. That is actually kind of reassuring. Although it's probably not true.
  15. Hello again. Still at it I see. Hope you get your fill soon.
  16. They are only rolling back valor for the exploiters. It was an exploit, do you know what an exploit is? It came about from a mistake from the patch, and people took advantage of it. Not sure why people don't understand this. Or they are just trolling/dumb, i don't know lol
  17. lol what a weird post. anyway the problem was fixed as far as I know and the people who were having their fun have been punished. life is good.
  18. I said the same thing before. No one knows how much money was spent on this or that so this question does not even make sense.
  19. I agree. I am really glad to see some of these big issues getting taken care of so quickly.
  20. I don't like it either. I guess we have something in common
  21. Sure you do, and you are. Sorry you did not like the game, I would suggest holding off on buying future MMOs right when they release or pre-ordering them. You will probably be dissapointed.
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