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Everything posted by Rammboo

  1. Not to mention the difference between green 320 and 326 doesn't make a lot of difference. I decided not to bother unless I happen to already be playing old content anyway. Which to be fair I will be as the new story is hidden behind a FP I gave up on due to uber grindy mobs and lazy one shot mechanics.
  2. So as long as you have fun gearing that's the main thing. Fine. I'll have less fun but will be happy you are enjoying yourself. Lucky me. You know you don't have to do the easier content and carry on gearing with the harder stuff you enjoy, right? Not that it matters as I can't get the same gear through what I play anymore. You get nothing but fun now, congratulations.
  3. Yeah I can do it in 320 greens, just takes longer to achieve nothing. I get your point and I wasn't trying to be out of line. I'm just fed up with the solo grind taking three times as long. If I could get the same gear again in the content I play it would be less painful at least. Even if it takes longer.
  4. Because you need to PvP more even if you don't want to or have never done before . Apparently.
  5. You bet I worked for that gear. Wasn't easy. Took months and months. Point is I did it through solo content and didn't have to do it through content I don't want to do. Now it seems I have to. I won't, I don't care about Raiding or PvP. I don't expect to be handed the best gear in the game because I pay a sub. I just want an equal chance to earn it through the content I play. Even if it takes longer, I'm fine with that. Just want an equal chance to progress.
  6. Yet I got max gear on all my solo characters before update. Now I can't. You can list as many games here as you like. I don't play them. I play this one that let me gear fairly before. Now I can't. Why the change?
  7. Yeah, pretty much this. Why should they care what gear a solo player like me has? In the end it makes no difference to how they play as I won't ever be there. Makes a big difference to me as the grind isn't as bad.
  8. A lot of people seem to forget this was supposed to be a story driven MMO.
  9. I don't care about raiders and I'm sure they don't care about me. What gear I have doesn't matter to them. People who run harder content will always run that content. How did a solo player having Bis gear ruin it for a raider? We don't do raids. As far as I know I have never ruined a raid. Pretty sure as I have never done one. They got the gear first cos they run harder stuff. I got it slower because I solo. Fine with that. I just want a fair shot at the same gear. Also I don't play any other MMO because they are all have content hidden behind content I won't play. That's why I am playing this game in the first place. Other than the fact it's the only SW game out there.
  10. Missed the point. I got equal gear from solo content before. Now I can't unless I do content I don't want to do. It didn't affect raiders etc as I didn't do that content. Why should my gear matter to them? It matters to me as a solo player as content now takes twice as long to grind through for next to no reward. Harder content? Not really, just takes twice as long to get through what I want to do daily. So I should be discriminated against because of what content I play?
  11. This 100%. Also If you want to split your player base more than it is this is the way to go.
  12. Yet I got Gold 306 gear before 7.0 dropped. On all my solo toons. I deserved them then, why not now? Doesn't matter to anyone else, Took me longer but I got there. Now I have to play content I have no interest in to get the same result? So as I pay the same sub but don't play the same content as you I should be punished and treated differently? I also have the cosmetic gear I wanted without having to play any of that content.
  13. Yeah, although I got the same gear before without playing content I hate and don't want to play. I pay the same sub as you. Why should what I play effect you? It won't. I'll never play content I hate. Why should I be treated differently because I don't play what you do? Me having maxed out gear in content you don't play doesn't matter to you. I solo / story everything, my gear rating doesn't matter to you. I just want to be treated as an equal even if I do not play what you do.
  14. Reckon this is more accurate to what I said..
  15. Isn't that pretty much what I said? Makeb was the first. Others were added in later content. Oh, just noticed you cut half of what I said out of your post.
  16. To be fair I agree with most of what you just said. I'm just tired of them trying to force me into content I have never played in ten years just to get anywhere, The fact they took out more content than put in and broke the rest just got my back up.
  17. Not so much Bioware but the parent company, well.... Don't get me started..
  18. Except this was sold as a story driven MMO. Story content was supposed to be doable on your own. Gearing too. I don't play pretty much every MMORPG for a reason. None in fact. I play this one because gearing used to be fair. Everyone could play whatever they wanted and still be treated equally. Also don't care about gearing in other games, just the one I play. Yes I know about the previous gear changes, played since beta. Never had to group to get better gear before.
  19. They were supposed to be in vanilla game but never happened. Were added in content after original game. I think Makeb was the first real same sex flirts that actually mattered. Although they didn't really matter in the end.
  20. Why would I complain I can't group? I don't want to. That's the point. I got the same gear through playing solo / story content I wanted to play. If you think that placing the best gear behind stuff I don't enjoy is a good thing then good for you. I don't want to raid and the raiders wouldn't want me there. Gear wasn't stuck behind specific content so why now?
  21. I hit max level gear on all of my characters playing solo pre update. Now I can't unless I play content I don't want to play. Why the hell should people who play that stuff care what gear I have? They already got it quicker. Why should I be treated differently because I don't play Ops ?
  22. Sorry, an 'Expansion' Should add more than it takes away. This hasn't.
  23. Bioware. It's hidden behind content many people don't play. Before everyone could get the same gear regardless of what they played. Now they can't.
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