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Everything posted by corebit

  1. Imperials on many servers right now are farming the Republic base turrets which give like +100 valor. They also spawn immediately upon being killed, so the Imps only need to stay there and AFK kill the turrets. Check out the PVP forums, people are going from Valor Rank 20 to 32 in just under an hour of killing the turrets. The fail of Bioware devs has reached astronomical levels.
  2. I am afraid Bioware won't even acknowledge this issue unless people start quitting in droves because of the awful and non-existent PVP in Ilum. What's going to happen after 1.1 is that people will still trade objectives and kills to get the missions done. Only a complete newbie Republic will show up as free kill to the zerg, and this won't last long. It's amazing that Ilum is a huge failure from the get-go, even with Mythic developers doing the PVP portion of this game. Zero lessons learned from DAOC. Zero lessons learned from Warhammer.
  3. Please tell me your server names so I can check them out, 'cause I have been searching for a PVE server with Republic majority, couldn't find one. PVE servers mind you. Not RP-PVE, that's the only types that I see Republic having a slight edge. And please link the source to your "data that's been released." TORProgress and Taugrim all have Empire having a majority even on PVE servers.
  4. Players in PVE server should not be able to grief/force others into flagging PVP. This is an obvious oversight and Bioware should fix this ASAP.
  5. I will probably switch to GW2 if this nonsense continues. The whole "Empire/Republic" at war advertisements are a joke when they keep implementing same-faction warzones as band-aid and keep ignoring balance problems. At least ArenaNet is smart about it and has only 1 faction in GW2. None of these silly problems that currently plague TOR will be present there. You only choose race and class. You can switch team any time you want and there's RvRvR (Realm vs Realm vs Realm) planned as well. It's baffling that Bioware has so many Mythic developers helping, yet it seems all the time and experience learned from Warhammer Online and DAOC has been wasted.
  6. You can tell Bioware really dropped the ball on faction imbalance when Empire outnumbers Republic EVEN ON PVE servers. I have checked a lot of PVE servers in the hopes of rolling an Empire char on a balanced server, but I couldn't find any. I check the Fleets on both sides and every single PVE server the Empire pop was easily 2 times the Republic pop. Even WoW at least was much more balanced where Alliance were a majority on PVE and Horde on PVP. Therefore implementing cross-realm BGs lowered queue times for everyone overall. It will be a disaster when Bioware tries to do the same with such lopsided populations.
  7. Very good observations. Also Obi Wan Kenobi (both of them), Qui Gon Jinn also spoke with British accent. So this whole Empire = british accent is not canonical and simply made up by Bioware.
  8. Why do you people put Sidious over Vitiate? Power-wise, Vitiate just trumps everyone. He lives for 1400 years, the longest living ever in the whole Star Wars lore, he consumed an entire planet to feed him, and is prepared the consume the entire galaxy to become a god. I haven't seen any other Jedi master or Sith lord in the movies/EU approach that kind of power...
  9. OP just ride on the Biochem bandwagon like everyone else and enjoy its benefits while it lasts. And with absolutely no acknowledgment from Bioware so far, it's going to be a while.
  10. My solution to this whole problem requires NO bracketing and is incredibly simple: Just fix Bolster so that it buffs every other player to the highest-geared player in that Warzone. Let's take a Champion-geared player with 15K health and 400 expertise, who queues into a WZ with a bunch of pre-50s. Under my solution, ALL players in that warzone are buffed to 15K health and 400 expertise. There is still the difference of level and number of abilities, but the new Bolster system can also compensate that. For example give a handicap of 200 extra expertise to level 10 players, 100 extra expertise to level 20 players, and so on. People will argue that it takes the gearing incentive away, but true competitive PVP should be a test of SKILL, not which side has the most 50s.
  11. People thinking that cross-server warzones will improve queues are seriously deluded. It will actually make queues worse for Imps. Basically Imps outnumber Repubs on almost every server out there (except RP-PVE). So what makes the larger pool will somehow correct this? So, Repubs will still get instant queues. While Imps will go from 90% Huttball to 99% Huttball playing with themselves.
  12. Almost everyone on my server dropped the other professions for Biochem, and there's always a huge crowd in front of the Biochem trainer in the Fleet lol. The other profession trainers are feeling very lonely nowadays.
  13. Great suggestions. We already have a very clunky and cumbersome way to build up Focus/Rage, I believe Sundering Strike should lose the cooldown and completely replace Strike/Assault.
  14. What a load of BS. I'm in near full Champion gear on my Guardian and the only way I can approach 5-6K is with Force Sweep, fully stimmed and buffed, and requiring Singularity fully stacked. I can only do that once in a while unlike other classes can just spam Grav Round/Tracer Missile and do more damage in the same time frame. Or just go Scoundrel/Op and 2-shot you. And 6K 50%-70% of someone's health, are you joking?? Sure, if you are fighting lowbies all the time. Anyone who spends at least some time in PVP should have at least 15K.
  15. The only good crafting profession right now is Biochem for PVP/PVE. All others are 100% useless. My server has a huge crowd around the Biochem trainer in the Fleet. There is no one around the other crafting trainers. Just simply jump on the bandwagon.
  16. Hi, Georg. Thanks a lot for your detailed response and I'm very glad that you are buffing the Knight/Warrior classes as I believe they are currently the weakest classes overall in PVP/PVE. With that said, I think that using Force Push to clear the cooldown of Force Leap is a bit counter-intuitive. I mean why do you have to create distance with one ability and then just to close that same distance with another ability? Don't these two abilities just cancel each other out mechanic-wise?? And I tend to save Force Push for many other situations like pushing ball carrier in Huttball into a pit or hazard. Your proposed change would pigeonhole Force Push into being a clear for Force Leap only, and this would limit the other uses of Force Push especially in a very busy warzone when our limited mobility forces us to rely on Force Leap all the time to close distance. I think that Sentinels and Marauders also need mobility/anti kiting tools as well. So I propose that you consider giving "Force Pull" as a general class ability for Knights / Warriors. This way both Guardians/Juggs and Sentinels/Marauders have access to this ability. Or you can put these as a high-level talent point in certain trees, like the talented Force Pull for Shadows in the Kinetic Combat tree, if you are worried that some specs may end up too overpowered with this ability.
  17. Yes, I believe that Bioware/LucasArts will decide on one canon ending, just like Revan is decided to be light-side male Jedi and Bastila returned to the light side as well from KOTOR. For one it is already confirmed that Revan does not die, so either it follows the Republic side storyline or follow that Revan vanished without being killed by the Imp players. I'm going with the Republic side as it makes more sense. Revan is rescued by the Republic elite and will aid in the eventual fall of the Empire. Also, I think the Jedi Knight killing the Emperor will be the canon ending as well, because otherwise you will have lore issues by the time Darth Bane emerges. Killing the Emperor will trigger the beginning of the end of the Empire. The Dark Council will emerge as the top dog, but as with all Sith they will become embroiled in bitter rivalries, throwing the Empire in disarray and without real leadership.
  18. corebit

    I hate hutball

    Zerg faction member complaining about Huttball. This is a new and interesting development.
  19. Is this guy competing with Territo for most fail troll in the PVP forum?
  20. I use the Steel Series Cataclysm MMO mouse to play SWTOR, and I don't have any problems whatsoever. Just make sure that "In-Game Mode" is not selected, because that only works with WOW. And set up Custom Macros to bind your mouse buttons beyond 4 and 5.
  21. SWTOR never cost 300 million dollars to make. Stop spreading that dumb lie or at least post a reputable source from EA/Bioware who said that. Most sources say that it cost close to 80 million: http://www.vg247.com/2011/05/05/analyst-swtor-could-cost-ea-as-much-as-80-million-to-develop/
  22. Knights / Warriors are currently the worst classes at the moment, because you see nobody's complaining about them in PVP. Which is good because there's more possibility to be buffed than nerfed
  23. Play the Republic storyline, where the Revan ending is completely different, and I might say, is the canon ending. Why do I say Republic one is the canon ending? Because Drew Karpishyn still has plans for him.
  24. corebit

    Class Imbalance

    I haven't seen a single post complaining about Guardians/Juggs and Sents/Marauders. Guess they are the most underpowered classes at the moment.
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