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Everything posted by IBJammin

  1. I see zero reason that they can't allow double strike to level with a Consular or throw a bone to a Knight and give them project along the way. I don't think you need to make the classes equivalent at various ranges to satisfy this strong desire for most folks to play a classic Jedi character in this game. You can still balance the classes to fill your need for roles in an MMO while allowing an effective attack at an alternate range yet optimizing a class for another. Why this stance that there's zero compromise to be made? Besides, the whole idea that the trinity needs to be in place for an effective MMO is sort of limiting IMO. Just because that's how it's been done before doesn't mean that it needs to be done still...
  2. I get where there intentions are with it. However, it seems to me that it will take something that was already skewed Empire and make it even more-so. It's already tough getting spawned with folks that outclass you for the most part playing Republic but at least you used to get some credit for taking the time to do it... now it's a time sink with no real reward.
  3. I have no clue why but this had me rolling! I had to laugh silently though 'cause I'm still at work.
  4. There's a dismiss companion option already. Or do you want an invisible damage dealer on your side?
  5. Yeah that sounds like a bug to me. Your AOE shouldn't flag you on a PvE server, that needs to be fixed. I rolled on a PvP server just because the idea of it was intriguing. I've been ganked a few times but never griefed. That's just an asinine style of play if you ask me. The ganks are usually funny as I'll be merrily whacking away at a mob and suddenly there's a character that's spinning around and taking me down. I still haven't gotten used to the idea that it's another player. I'm like... when did these elites suddenly get sooo good!?!? And then I remember to look for Red and by that time it's too late. I don't know about your server but I know if we find opposite faction camping anywhere or griefing other players an announcement on the global chat will usually scare up a sizable posse to take care of such matters. Campers don't like losing.
  6. Can't you just have your other toons mail you what you need?
  7. You know. I noticed they moved a tree on Taris that I really liked. I'm totally ragequitting in a year or two because of it.
  8. Actually I'm running 2 alts right now so that I have one DPS, one tank, and one healer. I'm trying to learn the game from those angles so I can understand what the jobs entail and how they're implemented. I do plan on running through each storyline eventually tough...
  9. Hope you noticed that scaling and unlocking is already being worked on! http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1875266#edit1875266
  10. lol, you know they won't, it's worth $$ just to have something to complain about and bash people over the head with. UI Customization looks pretty sweet and I did like the new Warzone terrain if that is indeed how it will look. Very curious to see what actual ability benefits there will be from the Legacy system.
  11. Out of curiosity. If they have server caps in place... is it a function of actual characters or actually logged in characters?
  12. I had difficulty last night for sure on Ven Zallow. Only 39-40 on Balmorra and only one reply to do a Heroic in 2 hours and that one was for a 4 man team so we just ended up doing bonus missions. Then on Quesh just trying to get a hand with regular content... 11 people total on the planet? Then on the Fleet trying to get 4 for Colicoid even though there was between 80-100 at any given moment. It's much easier at the earlier planets/missions I can usually find groups on Courscant, Taris, and Nar Shaddaa. Part of the reason leveling an Alt became more enjoyable some evenings. I don't know if we need to go Cross Server or anything, but a server-wide LFG Chat channel would be nice. I don't mind looking for a group and socializing to make it happen but it has felt a bit futile at times this week.
  13. Wait... so what changed that you can't run this now? Have you tried clearing the setting .ini file and starting the game again making sure that you've got the new AA feature set to off?
  14. You can do your quests even when they are grey!! It seems they have a net zero XP debuff already IN the Game! Boy they work quickly around here!
  15. I think you'll see an initial drop followed by steady growth. The decrease in numbers will be from the hardcore MMO community that flocks to each new attempt at the genre hoping to rekindle that excitement they first had when playing their first or favorite MMO that has now gone a little stale for them. Once that disillusioned and disappointed (think virtually impossible expectations) group has fluttered away only to return to snipe and gripe periodically I think you'll see a slow and steady growth in the game from a different or new gaming population. I think you'll see folks that have never participated in an MMO start to try the game after they hear about it from friends or in the media. You can say what you want about the implementation of this game on the PvP or EndGame side of the coin but there is PLENTY here to enjoy and it will entice new folks to the genre. It's hard to fathom the power of the instant association that is possible with the Star Wars universe and brand. Immersion has such a leg up when you're discussing this storyline. Gamers know the other MMO's, half the planet already has some Star Wars lore tucked inside their heads. It's just a different beast. It'll be interesting to see how they change and to whom they eventually cater but I don't see this dropping off nearly like anyone is claiming.
  16. Gimme a break. So they don't go and join the most competitive guilds or pretend to be something they're not. But to think that someone who doesn't fully grasp the game or has distractions in their life shouldn't even be playing is ridiculous. There is such a thing out there as Casual gaming. It's fine if you want to play with an elevated standard and want to surround yourself with people that do play that way but honestly PUG's are a mixed bag, you have to go into them expecting as much. If you can't handle sub-optimal playstyles then you may want to avoid putting yourself in a situation that invites frustration. Have you considered helping folks get better rather than dwelling on blame?
  17. Love the cat taking a small nap on your friend! Nice shot!
  18. Play something squishy. I'm overleved as a shadow because... well I have to be to complete quests once I hit say 35+.
  19. This... Keyboard works fine. Can't use the extra buttons on the mouse through setpoint. > No left wheel click, right wheel click, or side buttons get mapped in game. Does the G500 use setpoint or the gaming software?
  20. They obviously thought that the station was theoretically large enough to use personal speeders. The fact that there is a speeder vendor in the station tips that off. I think conceptually speaking what is off is the sense of scale. The main hub of that terminal is supposed to be immense. They weren't able to create it as a single room to scale or we would have a loading screen for each segment of the main hub to which we wished to travel. As it stands we can move around more freely between the Cantina, vendors, trainers, GTN etc... but the scale is off. So for Immersion purposes imagine the station to a scale with your proportion to your personal ship as it approaches or its size compared to the capital ships in and around it and you'll get an idea of how large that space is *conceptually*. It's simply been reduced for more effective gameplay.
  21. The reviews I've read have simply chalked up the resolution to a "style choice". And have moved on to actually comment on Storyline and Gameplay. Those that are making it some sort of travesty or deal-breaker are playing for different reasons that most professional reviewers out there. If they had released ME3 with this sort of graphics engine you can BET that they would jump all over that reality in a heartbeat. As it is, for this sort of genre it really is the non-issue that the reviewers are (not) making it out to be.
  22. I love the array of things which annoy people to the the degree that they do. These boards have been quite informative in that regard.
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