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Everything posted by ExiledOne

  1. Took my 50 op on Belsavis dailies yesterday, just for a test I took on several level 43 strongs, one after the other. My findings are below. 1) stealth, ab, HS: 1505 (Downwards from 3200 if I crit, 2808 if I don't) 2) Backstab: 2394, due to ab buff, down by 1k used to hit for 3000 reliably. 3: Shiv: 1707 (Critical I think) 4) Lacerate: 1500 (non crit), lacerate: 1800 (critical) 5) debiliate: 900 Repeat rotation, realize I am out of end, frantically backstab and shiv, hit stim booster. Gain 30 energy, not enough, hit Adrenaline probe, finish off mob, stop and recuperate. Repeat pattern for the other four same mob types. Among the four my damage was consistent unless I crit, and my crits rarely broke 2k, only once did I see 2500 on a hidden strike. On backstab my criticals in order were, 2394, and 2000 (Same mob types, 1 and 2), did not critical on 3 or 4 and only hit for 1700. With Shiv I only critical hit on that first mob, afterwards I only got 1500 damage on the other three. Lacerate: would sometimes proc additional strike for 700 damage, only happened twice out of the 16 times I used it (twice on each mob). Damage consistent across the board, Crit twice, 1800 on first mob, then 1707 on second. Debilitate never crit for me unfortunately. The having to use Stim Boost and Adrenaline Probe occured EVERY FIGHT, thus my lowered DPS caused me to use skills more and incur energy regen punishment due to how the class is designed. An obvious oversight, or maybe stupidity not to take into consideration they designed this class to kill QUICKLY and gave it punishments for not doing so. (energy regen debuff if below 60 energy, lowers by more the lower you go), no real dodge chance, no real defense mitigation from armor, Skills take an insane energy cost. Stats below on character and skill costs. Level 50 Operative. strength: 62, Presence 240, Aim 118, cunning 1226, Endurance 1012, Willpower 63, Expertise 0. Tech Damage: bonus damag 533.3, Bonus healing 384.1, Accuracy 102.45, Critical chance 32.39$, Critical multiplier 78.34%, Energy regen rate 5.0 (Energy regen mechanic), activation speed 0.91% Skill energy useage list below. Stealth: 0 Acid Blade: 13 energy 2 second cooldown. Hidden strike: 0 energy, 9 second cooldown, only useable in stealth and behind opponent. Backstab: 0 energy , 9 second cooldown, only useable from behind opponent. Shiv: 15 energy, 6 second cooldown,. Laceration: 15 energy, o CD, requires TA Debilitate: 15 enegy, 45 second cooldown. Once in a while I'd throw in eviscerate if I could manage to get the energy. Eviscerate: 0 energy, 45 second cooldown, requires incapacitated opponent. Let's add up energy costs shall we? AB 13, + shiv 15 + Laceration 15 x 2, + debiliate 15. First rotation in combat = 73 energy used, total of 23 remaining (regen mechanic forces me to regen 1 end a second when this low) immediately pop stim boost (ignoring third laceration pop just to stim), I now have 57 energy. Backstab , then shiv: now I have 42 energy, Laceration, I now have 27 energy. Forced to use regular rifle shots to try and finish mob and regen. My fighting time has gone from 30 seconds to a minute as a burst class is designed to do, to almost four minutes and change. Thus what the nerf (fix they call it, hah!) has done to operative PVE. At least they could have lowered energy costs to compensate for the lack of actual damage we do now. It's fustrating to have to ask for help on NORMAL dailies (not heroics) because you can't even fight reliably anymore, and I'm not geared, I just got two tionese equips from my first HM TONIGHT, after my dailies were done. all the pvpers are crowing and mocking a class, but who did you guys want for DPS in the Hard Modes and Operations, I do believe that was a Concealment Operative for their armor debuff and damage right? There went that.
  2. Justified you say, well then alright! Nerf guardin/juggernaut crits for sweep at 5k on 5 different targets. Nerf tracer missile spam. While you're at it could you possibly nerf sorc lightning/sage pebble spam? Hey how about making assassins pure melee, take all their SI powers away, you know that lightning on their double sabers gives them armor buffs right? There's no way in hell you'll have your cc breaker up in time you say? Guess what, an operative's cloaking screen has a 2 minute recharge buddy, there's no way in hell an operative will have their "Get out of death free" card up either. What I'm seeing is people whining about being caught 1v1 and screaming a class is killing them when they should be with their teams -anyway-, you stay with at least one teammate and that operative/scoundrel can't do ANYTHING as he'll die to that second team member before he can kill you. TL;DR, stop trying to be John Rambo and learn how warzones work before crying a class is overpowered.
  3. I've seen someone else say this and as a person whose uncle was a fisherman, and who worked with him during the summer... it is not called "Trolling", it is called "Trawling" here: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/trawling
  4. You keep using that word, I don't think it means quite what you think it means. Here let me help. racist [rey-sist] Origin rac·ist   [rey-sist] Show IPA noun 1. a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others. adjective 2. of or like racists or racism: racist policies; racist attitudes. No no my friend, I think you mean Nationalist. But really maybe just a tad bit uncaring, I'm an American and even I think it's BS for our brothers and sisters across The Pond.
  5. I'm with you there, what's say we go destroy Coreilla with a nuke? Nah not even that would quell my rage from being denied game time on the weekend, overnight, after my children and infant son are asleep, you know...because apparently they think "off peak" hours are not the weekend. It's as if they never got done working, got home, got the kids to bed, husband/wife asleep and sat down for an all night play session. You mean to tell me I got stopped from getting to 50, (2 little bar ticks by the way), for eight hours for THAT?! Are you out of your freaking minds?!
  6. *Stares at the patch notes, just stares blankly, blinks every few seconds* *Turns and punches a Bantha in the head so hard it dies* *Instantly goes DS 5*
  7. If you call 5'9" and 120lbs overweight, then I qualify.
  8. Ah parental expertise from someone who isn't a parent, or has done any study of human infants and how they communicate things to their parents. Tip, Infants have different cries, as they cannot speak full sentences and words, thus they cry to bring attention to their parents they are not in an optimal state. Hungry, Scared, Need to be changed, there are many cries, just like there are coos, giggles, and such, human babies are not the only creatures to do this, ALL infant/baby creatures do it.
  9. So you don't call Taking An Oppertunity to be earning your kills? So you ONLY attack people at 100% hp, never anyone say at 60% or 30%? You DIDN'T go after lower levels before hitting 50 bracket? You always start fights you're not sure you can win? Put it this way, at 49, fighting a champion it takes me 3-5 minutes to down him, why you ask? I have to hidden strike, backstab, shiv, and lacerate. Then debilitate and do the rotation again without HS, you know what skills we have outside of those? Frag Grenade, Rifle Shot, Eviscerate, Carbine Burst (requires Tactical Advantage), Corossive Dart, and Sever Tendon, oh and at 48-49 we get Orbital Strike (1 minute cooldown). That is absolutely it, the entire operative class is DEIGNED to be in 10 meter range around those few stabbing abilities, each has it's own CD along with a GCD, three are conditional. Hidden strike requires Stealth to be used, and to be behind opponent. (Cannot stealth if already in combat unless you use cloaking screen and that resets the mob.) Backstab: requires you to be behind opponent and Eviscerate: Requiers incapicated opponent (cannot be used against Elites, Champions, or Other Players). No really, you people want to whine and moan about operatives I invite you to play one from 10 to 50, Do it, see how fast you level, see how "awesome" you are, and then realize that in PVP we're not the all god kings of damage. You know what I see topping the 10-49 boards, Sorcerers and Bounty Hunters, that's it.
  10. How come right after that first fade out I see you fighting two people, one is targeted, and it shows LEVEL 11? Post some 50 bracket pvp now since 1.1 dropped.
  11. Once again someone paints a generation in a negative light regardless of the fact their generation was the same, I'm not part of the "want it now" generation but I understand the OP's point. You hit 50, all you have left to do is run Hard Modes and Operations, what is the point of those: GEAR, after you've run it once you know the story, it's BioWare's way of gearing people. But they base it on BAGS, that is the point nearly everyone is missing, some people have gotten all their level 50 gear in 2-3 days, others it's been a month of constantly doing them and no result. The RNG system is the fault here, not the players, you would want to spend more time on a character you invested fifty levels worth if exp on, countless Flashpoint runs and Operation runs, only to find out you get into pvp and some lucky jack *** who got his champ gear in a week due to pure RNG luck destroys you. So you queue again, and then you are destroyed AGAIN. No it's futility like that, you see constantly doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is said to be insanity, and honestly sometimes I think constantly doing the same thing over and over again then turning around and insulting/slighting/belittling anyone who doesn't like to do it as well is mob mentality and stupid. Case in point, every post in here flaming the OP for his VALID opinion about endgame, how he chooses to play a game he pays for is HIS BUSINESS and none of you have any right to tell him otherwise.
  12. and of course this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RAQXg0IdfI
  13. QFT, actually people underestimate Gunslingers. At 25 I was getting 40 kills in warzones as saboteur, nobody paid me any attention and I would AoE the hell out of them. Likewise with Dirty Fighting and Shrapnel Bomb, hmm I may just have incentive to get Bonnie to 50.
  14. We couldn't kill a boss in three hits before, another shining example of someone who doesn't play a class going off what others say a class does. Nevermind that said class has never done that, and in PvP hasn't done it since they put in 1.1. Seriously all these people whining about 5k crits, what armor do you wear, how much is your MAX HP? I have yet to see an operative "3 hit stun kill" anyone who isn't already at 60% or less life.
  15. Typically DB is back up and I can hit that, ab, backstab, shiv, and lacerate, if I'm lucky it'll take them out. And yes I die a lot, because all I see in WZs now are Troopers, Sages, and Guardians. In Huttball it's Bounty Hunters with their grapple, Sorcs with bubble and lightning, and assassins with shields. People really have no idea how vulnerable an operative is versus other classes do they? I get lucky and maybe get in a lone straggler, a weak and wounded gazelle in the herd, but I sure as hell am not taking out the strongest one.
  16. This goes live and I'm going to my guardian, hell I may roll a BH and tracer missile spam. I do have a sage and a sorc but only at 25 and TBH the constant casting times annoy me.
  17. *Raises hand* Sorry, you're wrong! Backstab often fails due to client saying enemy is in one position, server says another, ESPECIALLY on npcs. While we're at it can I mention that Jarring Strike is knocking people on their back, facing AWAY from me, and NOT ON THEIR FACE? Yeah that cuts out 2 seconds to circle around to backstab but, Oh!,Wait!, "You must be behind the enemy to use this", so now I gotta find where their back is, maybe it's to the left, nope, ok the right, and...KD is over. All of this at 75fps. Sorry, they needed to fix this before nerfing Operative into the ground.
  18. You forgot a few things, I'll fix. IF they trinket your first debilitate, flash bang, you now have 8 seconds to kill them, good luck. If they trinket flash bang, pray your cloaking screen is up. If they stun you, escape out, hope debilitate is up and they haven't run. If they kite you, you die. If they root you, hope you can escape, and pray CS is up. If they snare you, pray escape is up, no cs, you die
  19. Awesome, but I can't help but wonder two things: why UI customization took so long, and when do they plan to release it, what do we have to wait another month and just keep hanging on for stuff?
  20. Nah OP you're not doing it wrong, I literally have six side bar buttons free, (3 on left and right) at 43 as an operative. Personally I think there's too many abilities and not enough bars, too much bloat. To all those who say "Well I use ctrl/alt/shift + how many keys here so it's fine", well good for you, unfortunately not everyone is you, not everyone wants to play like you, not everyone enjoys playing like that. Not everyone wants to, or has the resources to, purchase an expensive gaming mouse and/or keyboard, unfortunately for you guys (the Hardcore *metal music plays*), you're a minority, I know it sucks but get used to it. Telling someone "Well you should bind keys to alt/ctrl/shift 1-0/qwerty/other buttons/numberpad" or "get a gaming mouse" is like people telling others "the keyboard controls suck, get a gamepad", it does not alleviate the core problem of skill bloat and not enough hotbars. Also, at least for me at this level, there are too many conditional skills that require pressing another set of keys if something goes wrong ( like lag). I'll give an example, I sneak up and use hidden strike, jarring strike procs but the strong npc does not fall flat on their face, they fall on their back and face away from me. So now I have to circle around and try to hit backstab and get "you must be behind this enemy to use" except that I AM behind it from what I see on my screen, then the 3 second CD expires. (That's keys 1-4 & 5). Now I have to hit 9 (debilitate), circle around and hit 3 (acid blade) then 5 (backstab) then 8 (eviscerate), and all the while I'm still taking damage. I think all these keys would do better if things responded like they should, yes I have /bug reported it, but who knows when they'll get around to fixing it.
  21. Phantasy Star Online did it before DCUO, in fact they released Phantasy Star Universe, which flopped massively before a year was up. When I tried DCUO all I saw was "PSU with DC character skins", lo and behold 11 months later they went F2P "as it was always intended to be", as the lead designer said.
  22. You actually can solo most of the FPs once you out level them. You should be able to solo Essles at around 18-20. Hammer around 24 Athiss around 30-32 Mandolorian could probably be soloed around 36-38 (I ran a 4 man all 38's and it was cake, so maybe you could solo it at 38 alone, haven't tried yet).
  23. Stop, just stop alright? They offer the ability to pvp from level 10 and up. They offer orange gear from 14 and up. They intended for all people to enjoy pvp but gave the maximum level such an advantage that unless eight people dogpile one level 50, it's not going to happen. Your excuse is invalid, they didn't think before they put all those things together without separating the brackets by level ranges so people could enjoy pvp. As a 38 operative I have zero chance against a 50, even an ungeared one, and that's only a twelve level difference, so obviously something must be done, something is being done, they have realize their mistake and are correcting it. Why can't you do the same?
  24. Currently there is no way to unlock, resize, move, or alter frames. No way to stop the canceling or or the locked frames. No combat text in chat, they have chosen to hide all combat rolls/parsing. The crafting boosts are only applied to what your companions do. If Kira has a +5% chance to crit in syntheaving, that is a 5% more chance per item crafted (Individually) that it will be exceptional or better. It's not a boost to the exp, it's a boost to the chance for that companion to make an item with an augment slot, or a moddable version (In the case of purple recipes). Hope this helped answer your questions, if you have any more feel free to send me a pm on the forums
  25. No, no, be fair, compare TOR with WoW + 3 Add ons. Hell I compare TOR with City of Heroes with only TWO expansions and TOR tends to fall to the losing side by comparison. I want the game to continue and grow as the next star wars and mmorpg fan but let's be honest, and blunt. This is 2011 (now 2012) there is absolutely NO excuse for a game to come out with such lack of features and such things as Non moveable/resizeable UI (because the devs think it's perfect as is). No excuse, know who had a resizeable/moveble UI back in 2004, City of Heroes. Know which game doesn't close open windows if something else pops up, Pick one, Any One. No some lack of features that came out in 2004 and are common amongst mmorpgs don't fly, see its BW's first, I get that, but you can't come out with a game that has features of a Console/Single Player Game and expect mmorpg gamers to like it. Also what's up with the music not looping, and only playing at certain points? No see if you're gonna give me all these hours of music then let me listen to it, otherwise I'll shut it off and start winamp. It's little things that cause me to stop and think about the game I'm playing, never big things, always the little and minute details. You know what they say, "The devil is in the details".
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