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Everything posted by Ratatooey

  1. I lost two names, but one when I went to login to the character and change it, it logged me in without prompting so now my sith assassin has a name which is complete gibberish
  2. You never saw me complain about the server population we had on Lord Adraas.
  3. I disagree. Waiting in a queue is not a good sign or acceptable. I want another option than Ebon Hawke if this is what it's going to be like
  4. I would say read CJ Cherryhs Pride of Chanur series. She takes a "cat people" and makes them fresh, she gives them depth, The Hani in her book are well developed and multi dimensional - they live in Prides (like Lions) and toss out the males when they reach adolecence. And won't let males in space because they are emotionally unstable (so they think). So when Tully, a human, hides on their ship they won't trust him because he is a male. Then read Downbelow Station or the Foreigner series, and see aliens that are completely new, and entire societies. Also by Cherryh, who is a master at alien species Orson Scott Cards Ender's Game also has a lot of new stuff, and so does Generation Warriors though I can't remember the author. Its a society based on sublight travel where people don't age while travelling but their world around themn does and how a society where everyone ages at different rates works. Repent Harlequin! said the Tick Tock man by Harlan Ellison also goes into a lot of new territory. Surface Tension, can't remember the author, is a short story that goes into a tiny alien species whose big problem is to over come the surface tension of their pond water to see what is in the universe beyond. The Ballad of Lost C'Mell is an excellent short story on a cat people completely different than the stock ones. Or if movies is your preference, watch La Belle et la Bette to see a cat like telling ofd Beauty and the Beast which is completely original, but if you can't stand subtitles Blade Runner still is amazing to see how replicants (cyborgs) work. Especially when you realize Fords character is one also. There are lots of new ways to do old ideas. Star Wars is a new way to go over old themes in itself.
  5. So much of the Jedi is based on on Eastern tradition. Chi is so like The Force it's hard to tell a difference. The term Jedi comes from jidai in Japanese. The Samurai genre is called jidaigecki - Jedis are analogous to Samurai in many ways.
  6. In the original SW trilogy, Luke is not the hero, Vader is, for a couple reasons. All the plot in the movies revolved around Vader actions and choices, and the good guys are only responding to it. In the end, Vader killed the Emperor and was redeemed. We are just trained in this country to see the good guy as being the hero, and so we see it even when its not there. For SWTOR, couple things going on. First, its hard to make an interesting "good" character because drama revolves around conflict, and a goody two shoes just won't be in conflict as often. So it's harder to give them depth and deep story lines. You can do it, Miyazawa makes great stories and often does not have a villain. Just more work Second, they spent way more time, energy, and thought on the empire side than the republic. Give you an example, Black Talon/Esseles. Run both, and run each one taking all the DS option, then the LS options. In Esseles, the story is pretty much the same regardless. In Black Talon, the story is profoundly different. If you play an Imperial Agent, you can end up with 4 or 5 endings and final titles depending on who you kill and who you let live along the way, and the choices they present later on. On the republic, you pretty much end up in the same place reagardless what choices you make. They simply spent more time on the Empire. Even the space station is more detailed. My guess is the Empire was done first and they had more time on it.
  7. I know that some players want completely non-human species, but the vast majority of people prefer aliens that are near-human. I get that; no arguments there. I certainly hope they have other new races soon.
  8. No arguments against the lore of the Cathar, just that cat people have been done so many times from Buck Rogers in the 30s to CJ Cherryah's Chanur saga recently. It's just stale IMO. I would like a sense of adventure in the game, but Cathar are just a stereo type of an alien. There are original races, wish they would use them
  9. Yeah, to me they are adding Thunder cats to the game. Hate to add negativity to an otherwise positive thread, but Cathar are just another boring cat people. It's been done so many times in the past. They have so many interesting choices they could have made - Rhodians, Sulistans (loved Miel), Ithorians, Jawas, Nautilans, Voss, but they went with a race that is pretty much a staple of sci fi pulp stories. Very disappointed. Sorry no rage or anything, but a definate lack of imagination on BW's part
  10. I'm not ready to quit the game or anything, but Cathat? Out of all the cool races in the game we get to play Thunder cats? Cathar are lame; just another cat person race like all the others in sci fi pulp since Amazing Stories. What about Ithorians? Rhodians? Nautilans? Voss?
  11. Have you considered turning off the LS/DS prompts and just responding how the character would in a given siituation? They are configurable in your preferences. The responses will appear without telling you which is LS or DS.
  12. That's crazy talk. Once I picked up Doc i couild start on a planet and play it to the end without stopping to rest.
  13. I have to say I am really not sure. It's very close. I have a levbel 50 Sab Slinger, and a Level 50 Watchman. the Sab Slinger puts out way more damage than a Gunslinger does - I was a gunslinger first. The Sab Slingers burst DPS is higher. Also have more dots - can have as many as 5 dots running on the mob. Sab slingers fwiw have 2 ways to recharge energy, and are not tied to cover My sent is tougher, can buff the party, and heals the party while fighting. Fastest I did the Ilum Dailies start to finish on my Sab is 17 minutes, 20 minutes on the Sent, But, Ilum plays right into the sabs strength of AOE. In a fight where the enemy is CC'ed Sent winds out. Its very even. Gunslinger, I think Sent wins hands down. Sab slinger not so sure. Honestly, depends on the situation.
  14. Sounds like a tough break, but is working as intended. If you release during a fight you get locked out., and don't get credit or loot. Most other modules you can die and get rezzed in place. But a fall into nothing automatically releases you. Some places you have to be very careful how you position yourself, and this is one. What is also annoying is when you knockback a boss over the side that youi need to kill, and he doesn't die and you can't complete the module
  15. It says while attacked, but it really is while taking damage. I love to watch those bleed dots generate centering for me after the battle ends. I don't worry about the focus as much as I have my rotation and don't like to deviate from it
  16. Let's keep some perspective. With Madden NFL and Need for Speed, EA has some pretty big titles out there. I hope SWTOR does crack the top 5, but out the gate was probably a pipe dream. I am worried too, but D3 is sucking all the oxygen out of the room right now. I read that Xfire now pegs WoW at 1/4 it's player base than when D3 launched. That's 3x the drop we had. Still, wish BW would get off its butt and make some changes quick
  17. What really used to irk me is when people would exit area before a wipe was certain. I know one or two players that would do this. You go in as a team and you stay until the last man standing goes down. We don't release til the last guy drops. We did not tolerate players exiting early. And with the cost for repairs going down, it's really insignificant now. I have a smuggler, and am the squishiest guy on the HM ops team. Repairing is part of doing business. Takes me 20 minutes to run the dailies on Ilum or Black Hole, and it more than covers repairs and stims for the weeks operations
  18. You can also do space missions to get some XP. I second the watchman spec. I did not have any problems with Praven, but was higher level by then. I will say if you are frustrated by the squishiness of a Sent, don't try a smuggler. I have level 50s in both, and I can tell you which has died more by far.
  19. Sorry, but not the case. Armor drops in operations - picked up Advance Patron Armor 25 last night in KP hardmode. Sitting in my smugglers belt now - but the armor drops for all classes
  20. You can buy the reknowned bracers at the legacy vendor on Coruscant (near the Senate. You can also get the exalted bracers there, but they cost more. Full set of moddable armor too
  21. If you are gunslinger, the two piece columni bonus is Illegal Mods, which I almost never user. So I pulled out the mods from a columni chest and put them into an augmented chest.
  22. Actually, the ratios don't shift much in PVP. Burning will drop down to about 32% and Master strike will go up a bit, as will Merciless Slash. But they will be the same order.
  23. I gotta say I agree with A being LS and B being DS. The Jedi would not act out of revenge, and would act to save people, even criminals, from being enslaved by the Empire. The one that never made sense to me is on the Empire side, where it's LS to kill a village by poison quickly and DS to do it slowly. Huh? Aren't both DS? I did like the JK story though. It seems more epic than the others. So far I have played Smuggler, Sorc, IA, and JK to conclusion. IA is the best in my book. There are 4 or 5 different endings and titles you can get depending on your choices and who you killed and who you didn't. But the JK story you were out saving worlds.. All the other stories you are out doing smaller missions. And it seemed tied into the planet quests better. Tried trooper, find it a snoozefest. Mostly because it is so predictable. Smuggler is fun, and has you laughing on occasion
  24. I remember the cowardly BHs staking out a Jedi's house and refusing to flag for PVP so they couldn't be fought. I do remember early SWG, before there were shuttles, before speeders, and any mount, where you could only get somewhere by running. Running across the Dune Sea on Tat to find Jabba's palace. Then BAM! your dead. Oh hey, That's where the sarlacc is.
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